
type EmbedBuilder

func NewEmbedBuilder() *EmbedBuilder {}

func (b *EmbedBuilder) Build() common.MessageEmbed {}

// WithAuthor sets an author to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithAuthor(name, url, iconUrl string) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithColor sets a color to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithColor(color int) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithDescription adds a description to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithDescription(description string) *EmbedBuilder {}

// AddField adds a field to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) AddField(name, value string, inline bool) *EmbedBuilder {}

// AddInlineField adds an inline field to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) AddInlineField(name, value string) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithFooter sets a footer to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithFooter(text, iconUrl string) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithImage sets an image to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithImage(url string, width, height int) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithThumbnail sets a thumbnail to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithThumbnail(url string, width, height int) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithTimestamp sets a timestamp to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithTimestamp(timestamp time.Time) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithTitle sets a title to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithTitle(title string) *EmbedBuilder {}

// AsType sets the type to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) AsType(typ discordgo.EmbedType) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithURL sets the URL to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithURL(url string) *EmbedBuilder {}

// WithVideo sets a video to the embed.
func (b *EmbedBuilder) WithVideo(url string, width, height int) *EmbedBuilder {}