
type BettingPool

type BettingChoice

type BetOnChoice

// NewBettingPool creates a new instance of the BettingPool struct with the specified common.ChatServer and title as inputs. It initializes the fields of the struct and returns a pointer
func NewBettingPool(srv common.ChatServer, title string) *BettingPool {}

// Server returns the server associated with the BettingPool.
func (b *BettingPool) Server() common.ChatServer {}

// addMoneyToPool adds the given amount to the betting pool from the user account.
func (b *BettingChoice) addMoneyToPool(fromuser common.UserRecord, amount int) {}

// takeMoneyFromRatz deducts money from Ratz's account to cover bet payouts.
func (b *BettingPool) takeMoneyFromRatz(ratzloses int) {}

// giveMoneyToRatz adds money to ratz's account representing the profit from the bets.
func (b *BettingPool) giveMoneyToRatz(ratzwins int) {}

// Pool returns the current total of money in the pool.
func (b *BettingPool) Pool() int {}

func (b *BettingPool) SetVig(percent float64) {}

func (b *BettingPool) AssignChoice(choice *BettingChoice) {}

// MakeBet has a user place a bet of Nuyen on a betting choice
func (b *BettingPool) MakeBet(u common.UserRecord, amount int, choice *BettingChoice) {}

func (b *BettingPool) GivePayouts() {}

func (b *BettingPool) FetchChoice(name string) (choice *BettingChoice) {}

func (b *BettingPool) SetWinner(choice *BettingChoice) {}