
var currentDeck

type Card

func (c Card) Number() int {}

func (c Card) Suit() string {}

func (c Card) String() (s string) {}

var cardNumbers

var suits

type Deck

// NewDeck New creates a deck of cards to be used
func NewDeck() (deck *Deck) {}

// Shuffle the deck
func (d *Deck) Shuffle() {}

func (d Deck) Left() int {}

// Deal a specified amount of cards
func (d *Deck) Deal(n int) (cards []Card) {}

// LessThan tells if one card's Value is LessThan the other
func (c *Card) LessThan(b *Card) bool {}

// GreaterThan tells if one card's Value is GreaterThan the other
func (c *Card) GreaterThan(b *Card) bool {}

// Facecard returns true for J,Q,K,A, false for all others
func (card *Card) Facecard() (ans bool) {}

// Equal returns true or false based on the Facevalue
func (card *Card) Equal(b *Card) bool {}