
var currentRoundOffer

var currentRoundOfferedBy

var currentRoundResponse

var lastRoundBy

var lastRoundTimestamp

var lastroundMu

const barTabPoor

const barTabRich

const richBuyerWallet

const timeTillRoundServed

const roundCostPerDrink

var beerMugThumbnail

type barOrderResponse

// BuyAround is the main entry point for buying a round of drinks
func BuyAround(m common.Message) bool {}

func offerToBuyAround(m common.Message) bool {}

func startRoundServiceCountDown(srv common.ChatServer) {}

// serveRound hits when the round is ready to be served
func serveRound(b *barOrderResponse) {}

// MonitorRoundSignups intercepts react events to see if they correspond to a round of drinks
func MonitorRoundSignups(r common.MessageReaction) {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) constructRoundResponse() {}

// constructCostResponse generates the cost response for the round of drinks
func (b *barOrderResponse) constructCostResponse(cost int) {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) howBusyIsTheBar() {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) whatRepDoesBuyerHave() {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) whatFinanceDoesBuyerHave() {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) howLargeIsThisRound() {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) pickClosingRemark() {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) costPerDrink() int {}

func (b *barOrderResponse) String() string {}