
var lastTimeRatzCommented

const commentaryCheckInterval

const commentaryMaxFrequency

type ServerActivityCommentary

func DidRatzMakeTheLastMessage() bool {}

func ActivityLevelTracker(srv common.ChatServer) {}

// compare rate bucket sizes to comment on level of commentary
func commentOnConversationFrequency(srv common.ChatServer) bool {}

var currentlifelessthreshold

var lastLifeless

// Ratz will comment on the bar going quiet
func barIsLifeless(srv common.ChatServer) bool {}

// only one person talking in the last 30 minutes?
func onePersonTryingToConverse(srv common.ChatServer, thebar *dynamochannels.Channel) bool {}

// The orders are coming in but the conversation is not ...
func LotsofDrinkAndLittleTalk(srv common.ChatServer, thebar *dynamochannels.Channel) bool {}