

const _maxProcsKey

func procLog(msg string, opts ...interface{}

func init() {}

func currentMaxProcs() int {}

type config

func (c *config) log(fmt string, args ...interface{}

type Option

// Logger uses the supplied printf implementation for log output. By default,
// Set doesn't log anything.
func Logger(printf func(string, ...interface{}

// Min sets the minimum GOMAXPROCS value that will be used.
// Any value below 1 is ignored.
func Min(n int) Option {}

type optionFunc

func (of optionFunc) apply(cfg *config) {}

// Set GOMAXPROCS to match the Linux container CPU quota (if any), returning
// any error encountered and an undo function.
// Set is a no-op on non-Linux systems and in Linux environments without a
// configured CPU quota.
func Set(opts ...Option) (func(), error) {}