
type RatzServer

func (r *RatzServer) IncrementCounter() {}

// GetCounter returns the current value of the count-to-infinity counter - REALLY needs to be moved into something else
func (r *RatzServer) GetCounter() int {}

func (r *RatzServer) Personality() personality.PersonalityPack {}

func (r *RatzServer) LastUpkeep() time.Time {}

func (r *RatzServer) PayUpkeep(amount int) {}

func (r *RatzServer) SetStatusForDuration(status string, duration time.Duration) {}

// OpenChannelToUser opens a DM channel from Ratz to the user specified
func (r *RatzServer) OpenChannelToUser(u common.UserRecord) common.Channel {}

func (r *RatzServer) UserID() common.UserId {}

// User returns the UserRecord for Ratz, to treat him as a user on the server like any other
func (r *RatzServer) User() common.UserRecord {}

func (r *RatzServer) Config() config.ModuleConfigurations {}

func (r *RatzServer) ConnectToServer(srv common.ChatServer, nickname string) {}

func (r *RatzServer) ReplyingToRatz(m common.Message) bool {}

func (r *RatzServer) MessageIsForRatz(m common.Message) bool {}

// contentMentionsRatz determines if people are using his name but not @tagging him in content
func (r *RatzServer) contentMentionsRatz(c string) bool {}

func (r *RatzServer) ID() common.UserId {}

func (r *RatzServer) NickName() string {}

func (r *RatzServer) TotalOrders() int {}

func (r *RatzServer) LastChampionShipChallenge() time.Time {}

func (r *RatzServer) LastChampionShipVictory() time.Time {}

func (r *RatzServer) TotalProfit() int {}

func (r *RatzServer) TodaysProfit() int {}

func (r *RatzServer) SetMood(value int) {}

func (r *RatzServer) OrderStatistics() (orders map[string]map[string]int) {}

func (r *RatzServer) RecordBarOrder(svclevel int, order string, price int) {}

func (r *RatzServer) GetLastEventTimestamp(eventname string) (t time.Time, ok bool) {}

func (r *RatzServer) SetLastEventTimestamp(eventname string) {}

func (r *RatzServer) alterRatzMood(amount int) {}

func (r *RatzServer) CurrentMood() (m common.Mood) {}

func (r *RatzServer) ImproveRatzMood(amount int) {}

func (r *RatzServer) DecreaseRatzMood(amount int) {}

func CreateRatzServerInstance(ctx context.Context, serverid string, uid common.UserId) *RatzServer {}