
type bonusType

type bonusName

const LuckyStrike

const BoughtDrinkBonus

const BoughtSpecialBonus

const BoughtWeapon

const BoughtRound

const ReceivedCheer

const wonMission

const betOnePercentRep

const bonusPerDayOfReign

const penaltyForRecentChallenge

const penaltyForRecentChallenged

const victoryCyberWareBaseBoost

const challengerDefeatRepLoss

const offlineReputationDecay

const mentionFighterBaseBoost

const PenaltyPuked

const PenaltyOffline

const tabDeviationBegins

const tooManyRecentDrinksBegins

const tooManyRecentFoodsBegins

const PointsPerTabDeviation

const bonusRecentDrinks

const penaltyTooManyRecentDrinks

const bonusRecentFood

const penaltyTooManyRecentFoods

const bonusRecentSpecial

const bonusRecentMissionWin

const penaltyRecentMissionLoss

const bonusProfitDifferential

var Bonuses

var incomingchampBonuses

var incomingchallengerBonuses

// bonus is potentially available to the most active of the two fighters in the last 24 hours
func (f *BarFight) activityBonuses() (recipient common.UserId) {}

func RegisterFighterBonus(id string, bonus bonusName) {}

func RegisterFighterPenalty(id string, penalty bonusName) {}