
type interactiveCommand

func (u interactiveCommand) Launch() LaunchType {}

func (u interactiveCommand) Name() string {}

func (u interactiveCommand) Description() string {}

func (u interactiveCommand) Handler() CommandHandler {}

func (u interactiveCommand) Inputs() []CommandInput {}

func (u interactiveCommand) DelayResponse() bool {}

// NewUserContextCommand produces a command that is available via User Context Menu
func NewUserContextCommand(name string, handler CommandHandler) Command {}

// NewUserContextCommand produces a command that is available via User Context Menu, and returns a Model Form
func NewUserContextFormCommand(name string, handler CommandHandler) Command {}

type FormCommand

func (u FormCommand) Launch() LaunchType {}

func (u FormCommand) Name() string {}

func (u FormCommand) Description() string {}

func (u FormCommand) Handler() CommandHandler {}

func (u FormCommand) Inputs() []CommandInput {}

func (u FormCommand) DelayResponse() bool {}