
type LineCap

const LineCapRound

const LineCapButt

const LineCapSquare

type LineJoin

const LineJoinRound

const LineJoinBevel

type FillRule

const FillRuleWinding

const FillRuleEvenOdd

type Align

const AlignLeft

const AlignCenter

const AlignRight

var defaultFillStyle

var defaultStrokeStyle

type Context

// NewContext creates a new image.RGBA with the specified width and height
// and prepares a context for rendering onto that image.
func NewContext(width, height int) *Context {}

// NewContextForImage copies the specified image into a new image.RGBA
// and prepares a context for rendering onto that image.
func NewContextForImage(im image.Image) *Context {}

// NewContextForRGBA prepares a context for rendering onto the specified image.
// No copy is made.
func NewContextForRGBA(im *image.RGBA) *Context {}

// GetCurrentPoint will return the current point and if there is a current point.
// The point will have been transformed by the context's transformation matrix.
func (dc *Context) GetCurrentPoint() (Point, bool) {}

// Image returns the image that has been drawn by this context.
func (dc *Context) Image() image.Image {}

// Width returns the width of the image in pixels.
func (dc *Context) Width() int {}

// Height returns the height of the image in pixels.
func (dc *Context) Height() int {}

// SavePNG encodes the image as a PNG and writes it to disk.
func (dc *Context) SavePNG(path string) error {}

// EncodePNG encodes the image as a PNG and writes it to the provided io.Writer.
func (dc *Context) EncodePNG(w io.Writer) error {}

// SetDash sets the current dash pattern to use. Call with zero arguments to
// disable dashes. The values specify the lengths of each dash, with
// alternating on and off lengths.
func (dc *Context) SetDash(dashes ...float64) {}

// SetDashOffset sets the initial offset into the dash pattern to use when
// stroking dashed paths.
func (dc *Context) SetDashOffset(offset float64) {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineWidth(lineWidth float64) {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineCap(lineCap LineCap) {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineCapRound() {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineCapButt() {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineCapSquare() {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineJoin(lineJoin LineJoin) {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineJoinRound() {}

func (dc *Context) SetLineJoinBevel() {}

func (dc *Context) SetFillRule(fillRule FillRule) {}

func (dc *Context) SetFillRuleWinding() {}

func (dc *Context) SetFillRuleEvenOdd() {}

func (dc *Context) setFillAndStrokeColor(c color.Color) {}

// SetFillStyle sets current fill style
func (dc *Context) SetFillStyle(pattern Pattern) {}

// SetStrokeStyle sets current stroke style
func (dc *Context) SetStrokeStyle(pattern Pattern) {}

// SetColor sets the current color(for both fill and stroke).
func (dc *Context) SetColor(c color.Color) {}

// SetHexColor sets the current color using a hex string. The leading pound
// sign (#) is optional. Both 3- and 6-digit variations are supported. 8 digits
// may be provided to set the alpha value as well.
func (dc *Context) SetHexColor(x string) {}

// SetRGBA255 sets the current color. r, g, b, a values should be between 0 and
// 255, inclusive.
func (dc *Context) SetRGBA255(r, g, b, a int) {}

// SetRGB255 sets the current color. r, g, b values should be between 0 and 255,
// inclusive. Alpha will be set to 255 (fully opaque).
func (dc *Context) SetRGB255(r, g, b int) {}

// SetRGBA sets the current color. r, g, b, a values should be between 0 and 1,
// inclusive.
func (dc *Context) SetRGBA(r, g, b, a float64) {}

// SetRGB sets the current color. r, g, b values should be between 0 and 1,
// inclusive. Alpha will be set to 1 (fully opaque).
func (dc *Context) SetRGB(r, g, b float64) {}

// MoveTo starts a new subpath within the current path starting at the
// specified point.
func (dc *Context) MoveTo(x, y float64) {}

// LineTo adds a line segment to the current path starting at the current
// point. If there is no current point, it is equivalent to MoveTo(x, y)
func (dc *Context) LineTo(x, y float64) {}

// QuadraticTo adds a quadratic bezier curve to the current path starting at
// the current point. If there is no current point, it first performs
// MoveTo(x1, y1)
func (dc *Context) QuadraticTo(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) {}

// CubicTo adds a cubic bezier curve to the current path starting at the
// current point. If there is no current point, it first performs
// MoveTo(x1, y1). Because freetype/raster does not support cubic beziers,
// this is emulated with many small line segments.
func (dc *Context) CubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float64) {}

// ClosePath adds a line segment from the current point to the beginning
// of the current subpath. If there is no current point, this is a no-op.
func (dc *Context) ClosePath() {}

// ClearPath clears the current path. There is no current point after this
// operation.
func (dc *Context) ClearPath() {}

// NewSubPath starts a new subpath within the current path. There is no current
// point after this operation.
func (dc *Context) NewSubPath() {}

func (dc *Context) capper() raster.Capper {}

func (dc *Context) joiner() raster.Joiner {}

func (dc *Context) stroke(painter raster.Painter) {}

func (dc *Context) fill(painter raster.Painter) {}

// StrokePreserve strokes the current path with the current color, line width,
// line cap, line join and dash settings. The path is preserved after this
// operation.
func (dc *Context) StrokePreserve() {}

// Stroke strokes the current path with the current color, line width,
// line cap, line join and dash settings. The path is cleared after this
// operation.
func (dc *Context) Stroke() {}

// FillPreserve fills the current path with the current color. Open subpaths
// are implicity closed. The path is preserved after this operation.
func (dc *Context) FillPreserve() {}

// Fill fills the current path with the current color. Open subpaths
// are implicity closed. The path is cleared after this operation.
func (dc *Context) Fill() {}

// ClipPreserve updates the clipping region by intersecting the current
// clipping region with the current path as it would be filled by dc.Fill().
// The path is preserved after this operation.
func (dc *Context) ClipPreserve() {}

// SetMask allows you to directly set the *image.Alpha to be used as a clipping
// mask. It must be the same size as the context, else an error is returned
// and the mask is unchanged.
func (dc *Context) SetMask(mask *image.Alpha) error {}

// AsMask returns an *image.Alpha representing the alpha channel of this
// context. This can be useful for advanced clipping operations where you first
// render the mask geometry and then use it as a mask.
func (dc *Context) AsMask() *image.Alpha {}

// InvertMask inverts the alpha values in the current clipping mask such that
// a fully transparent region becomes fully opaque and vice versa.
func (dc *Context) InvertMask() {}

// Clip updates the clipping region by intersecting the current
// clipping region with the current path as it would be filled by dc.Fill().
// The path is cleared after this operation.
func (dc *Context) Clip() {}

// ResetClip clears the clipping region.
func (dc *Context) ResetClip() {}

// Clear fills the entire image with the current color.
func (dc *Context) Clear() {}

// SetPixel sets the color of the specified pixel using the current color.
func (dc *Context) SetPixel(x, y int) {}

// DrawPoint is like DrawCircle but ensures that a circle of the specified
// size is drawn regardless of the current transformation matrix. The position
// is still transformed, but not the shape of the point.
func (dc *Context) DrawPoint(x, y, r float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, r float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawEllipticalArc(x, y, rx, ry, angle1, angle2 float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawEllipse(x, y, rx, ry float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawArc(x, y, r, angle1, angle2 float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawCircle(x, y, r float64) {}

func (dc *Context) DrawRegularPolygon(n int, x, y, r, rotation float64) {}

// DrawImage draws the specified image at the specified point.
func (dc *Context) DrawImage(im image.Image, x, y int) {}

// DrawImageAnchored draws the specified image at the specified anchor point.
// The anchor point is x - w * ax, y - h * ay, where w, h is the size of the
// image. Use ax=0.5, ay=0.5 to center the image at the specified point.
func (dc *Context) DrawImageAnchored(im image.Image, x, y int, ax, ay float64) {}

func (dc *Context) SetFontFace(fontFace font.Face) {}

func (dc *Context) LoadFontFace(fontbytes []byte, points float64) error {}

func (dc *Context) FontHeight() float64 {}

func (dc *Context) drawString(im *image.RGBA, s string, x, y float64) {}

// DrawString draws the specified text at the specified point.
func (dc *Context) DrawString(s string, x, y float64) {}

// DrawStringAnchored draws the specified text at the specified anchor point.
// The anchor point is x - w * ax, y - h * ay, where w, h is the size of the
// text. Use ax=0.5, ay=0.5 to center the text at the specified point.
func (dc *Context) DrawStringAnchored(s string, x, y, ax, ay float64) {}

// DrawStringWrapped word-wraps the specified string to the given max width
// and then draws it at the specified anchor point using the given line
// spacing and text alignment.
func (dc *Context) DrawStringWrapped(s string, x, y, ax, ay, width, lineSpacing float64, align Align) (height float64) {}

func (dc *Context) MeasureMultilineString(s string, lineSpacing float64) (width, height float64) {}

// MeasureString returns the rendered width and height of the specified text
// given the current font face.
func (dc *Context) MeasureString(s string) (w, h float64) {}

// WordWrap wraps the specified string to the given max width and current
// font face.
func (dc *Context) WordWrap(s string, w float64) []string {}

// Identity resets the current transformation matrix to the identity matrix.
// This results in no translating, scaling, rotating, or shearing.
func (dc *Context) Identity() {}

// Translate updates the current matrix with a translation.
func (dc *Context) Translate(x, y float64) {}

// Scale updates the current matrix with a scaling factor.
// Scaling occurs about the origin.
func (dc *Context) Scale(x, y float64) {}

// ScaleAbout updates the current matrix with a scaling factor.
// Scaling occurs about the specified point.
func (dc *Context) ScaleAbout(sx, sy, x, y float64) {}

// Rotate updates the current matrix with a clockwise rotation.
// Rotation occurs about the origin. Angle is specified in radians.
func (dc *Context) Rotate(angle float64) {}

// RotateAbout updates the current matrix with a clockwise rotation.
// Rotation occurs about the specified point. Angle is specified in radians.
func (dc *Context) RotateAbout(angle, x, y float64) {}

// Shear updates the current matrix with a shearing angle.
// Shearing occurs about the origin.
func (dc *Context) Shear(x, y float64) {}

// ShearAbout updates the current matrix with a shearing angle.
// Shearing occurs about the specified point.
func (dc *Context) ShearAbout(sx, sy, x, y float64) {}

// TransformPoint multiplies the specified point by the current matrix,
// returning a transformed position.
func (dc *Context) TransformPoint(x, y float64) (tx, ty float64) {}

// InvertY flips the Y axis so that Y grows from bottom to top and Y=0 is at
// the bottom of the image.
func (dc *Context) InvertY() {}

// Push saves the current state of the context for later retrieval. These
// can be nested.
func (dc *Context) Push() {}

// Pop restores the last saved context state from the stack.
func (dc *Context) Pop() {}