
func Radians(degrees float64) float64 {}

func Degrees(radians float64) float64 {}

func LoadImage(path string) (image.Image, error) {}

func LoadPNG(path string) (image.Image, error) {}

func SavePNG(path string, im image.Image) error {}

func LoadJPG(path string) (image.Image, error) {}

func SaveJPG(path string, im image.Image, quality int) error {}

func imageToRGBA(src image.Image) *image.RGBA {}

func parseHexColor(x string) (r, g, b, a int) {}

func fixp(x, y float64) fixed.Point26_6 {}

func fix(x float64) fixed.Int26_6 {}

func unfix(x fixed.Int26_6) float64 {}

// LoadFontFace is a helper function to load the specified font file with
// the specified point size. Note that the returned `font.Face` objects
// are not thread safe and cannot be used in parallel across goroutines.
// You can usually just use the Context.LoadFontFace function instead of
// this package-level function.
func LoadFontFace(fontBytes []byte, points float64) (font.Face, error) {}