
// a set of routines that let you do common 3d math
// operations without any vector, matrix, or quaternion
// classes or templates.
// a vector (or point) is a 'float *' to 3 floating point numbers.
// a matrix is a 'float *' to an array of 16 floating point numbers representing a 4x4 transformation matrix compatible with D3D or OGL
// a quaternion is a 'float *' to 4 floats representing a quaternion x,y,z,w

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4996)

namespace FLOAT_MATH

void fm_inverseRT(const REAL matrix[16],const REAL pos[3],REAL t[3]) // inverse rotate translate the point.

REAL fm_getDeterminant(const REAL matrix[16])

REAL fm_squared(REAL x) { return x*x; };

void fm_decomposeTransform(const REAL local_transform[16],REAL trans[3],REAL rot[4],REAL scale[3])

void fm_getSubMatrix(int32_t ki,int32_t kj,REAL pDst[16],const REAL matrix[16])

void  fm_inverseTransform(const REAL matrix[16],REAL inverse_matrix[16])

void fm_identity(REAL matrix[16]) // set 4x4 matrix to identity.

void  fm_quatToEuler(const REAL quat[4],REAL &ax,REAL &ay,REAL &az)

void fm_eulerToMatrix(REAL ax,REAL ay,REAL az,REAL *matrix) // convert euler (in radians) to a dest 4x4 matrix (translation set to zero)

void fm_getAABB(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *bmin,REAL *bmax)

void  fm_eulerToQuat(const REAL *euler,REAL *quat) // convert euler angles to quaternion.

void fm_eulerToQuat(REAL roll,REAL pitch,REAL yaw,REAL *quat) // convert euler angles to quaternion.

void fm_quatToMatrix(const REAL *quat,REAL *matrix) // convert quaterinion rotation to matrix, zeros out the translation component.

void fm_quatRotate(const REAL *quat,const REAL *v,REAL *r) // rotate a vector directly by a quaternion.

void fm_getTranslation(const REAL *matrix,REAL *t)

void fm_matrixToQuat(const REAL *matrix,REAL *quat) // convert the 3x3 portion of a 4x4 matrix into a quaterion as x,y,z,w

REAL fm_sphereVolume(REAL radius) // return's the volume of a sphere of this radius (4/3 PI * R cubed )

REAL fm_cylinderVolume(REAL radius,REAL h)

REAL fm_capsuleVolume(REAL radius,REAL h)

void  fm_transform(const REAL matrix[16],const REAL v[3],REAL t[3]) // rotate and translate this point

void  fm_rotate(const REAL matrix[16],const REAL v[3],REAL t[3]) // rotate and translate this point

REAL fm_distance(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2)

REAL fm_distanceSquared(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2)

REAL fm_distanceSquaredXZ(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2)

REAL fm_computePlane(const REAL *A,const REAL *B,const REAL *C,REAL *n) // returns D

REAL fm_distToPlane(const REAL *plane,const REAL *p) // computes the distance of this point from the plane.

REAL fm_dot(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2)

void fm_cross(REAL *cross,const REAL *a,const REAL *b)

REAL fm_computeNormalVector(REAL *n,const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2)

bool  fm_computeWindingOrder(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3) // returns true if the triangle is clockwise.

REAL fm_normalize(REAL *n) // normalize this vector

void  fm_matrixMultiply(const REAL *pA,const REAL *pB,REAL *pM)

void  fm_eulerToQuatDX(REAL x,REAL y,REAL z,REAL *quat) // convert euler angles to quaternion using the fucked up DirectX method

// implementation copied from: http://blogs.msdn.com/mikepelton/archive/2004/10/29/249501.aspx
void  fm_eulerToMatrixDX(REAL x,REAL y,REAL z,REAL *matrix) // convert euler angles to quaternion using the fucked up DirectX method.

void  fm_scale(REAL x,REAL y,REAL z,REAL *fscale) // apply scale to the matrix.

void  fm_composeTransform(const REAL *position,const REAL *quat,const REAL *scale,REAL *matrix)

void  fm_setTranslation(const REAL *translation,REAL *matrix)

static REAL enorm0_3d ( REAL x0, REAL y0, REAL z0, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL z1 )



ENORM0_3D computes the Euclidean norm of (P1-P0) in 3D.


18 April 1999


John Burkardt


Input, REAL X0, Y0, Z0, X1, Y1, Z1, the coordinates of the points 
P0 and P1.

Output, REAL ENORM0_3D, the Euclidean norm of (P1-P0).

static REAL triangle_area_3d ( REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL z1, REAL x2,REAL y2, REAL z2, REAL x3, REAL y3, REAL z3 )



						TRIANGLE_AREA_3D computes the area of a triangle in 3D.


						22 April 1999


						John Burkardt


						Input, REAL X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3, the (X,Y,Z)
						coordinates of the corners of the triangle.

						Output, REAL TRIANGLE_AREA_3D, the area of the triangle.

REAL fm_computeArea(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3)

void  fm_lerp(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,REAL *dest,REAL lerpValue)

bool fm_pointTestXZ(const REAL *p,const REAL *i,const REAL *j)
  bool ret = false;

  if (((( i[2] <= p[2] ) && ( p[2]  < j[2] )) || (( j[2] <= p[2] ) && ( p[2]  < i[2] ))) && ( p[0] < (j[0] - i[0]) * (p[2] - i[2]) / (j[2] - i[2]) + i[0]))
	ret = true;

  return ret;

bool  fm_insideTriangleXZ(const REAL *p,const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3)

bool  fm_insideAABB(const REAL *pos,const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax)

uint32_t fm_clipTestPoint(const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax,const REAL *pos)

uint32_t fm_clipTestPointXZ(const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax,const REAL *pos) // only tests X and Z, not Y

uint32_t fm_clipTestAABB(const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax,const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3,uint32_t &andCode)

bool intersect(const REAL *si,const REAL *ei,const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax,REAL *time)

bool fm_lineTestAABB(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax,REAL &time)

bool fm_lineTestAABBXZ(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax,REAL &time)

void  fm_minmax(const REAL *p,REAL *bmin,REAL *bmax) // accmulate to a min-max value

REAL fm_solveX(const REAL *plane,REAL y,REAL z) // solve for X given this plane equation and the other two components.

REAL fm_solveY(const REAL *plane,REAL x,REAL z) // solve for Y given this plane equation and the other two components.

REAL fm_solveZ(const REAL *plane,REAL x,REAL y) // solve for Y given this plane equation and the other two components.

void  fm_getAABBCenter(const REAL *bmin,const REAL *bmax,REAL *center)

FM_Axis fm_getDominantAxis(const REAL normal[3])

bool fm_lineSphereIntersect(const REAL *center,REAL radius,const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,REAL *intersect)

#define DOT(p1,p2)

bool fm_raySphereIntersect(const REAL *center,REAL radius,const REAL *pos,const REAL *dir,REAL distance,REAL *intersect)

void fm_catmullRom(REAL *out_vector,const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3,const REAL *p4, const REAL s)

bool fm_intersectAABB(const REAL *bmin1,const REAL *bmax1,const REAL *bmin2,const REAL *bmax2)

bool  fm_insideAABB(const REAL *obmin,const REAL *obmax,const REAL *tbmin,const REAL *tbmax) // test if bounding box tbmin/tmbax is fully inside obmin/obmax

// Reference, from Stan Melax in Game Gems I
//  Quaternion q;
//  vector3 c = CrossProduct(v0,v1);
//  REAL   d = DotProduct(v0,v1);
//  REAL   s = (REAL)sqrt((1+d)*2);
//  q.x = c.x / s;
//  q.y = c.y / s;
//  q.z = c.z / s;
//  q.w = s /2.0f;
//  return q;
void fm_rotationArc(const REAL *v0,const REAL *v1,REAL *quat)

REAL fm_distancePointLineSegment(const REAL *Point,const REAL *LineStart,const REAL *LineEnd,REAL *intersection,LineSegmentType &type,REAL epsilon)



template <class Type> class Eigen


bool fm_computeBestFitPlane(uint32_t vcount,
					 const REAL *points,
					 uint32_t vstride,
					 const REAL *weights,
					 uint32_t wstride,
					 REAL *plane,
					REAL *center)

bool fm_colinear(const REAL a1[3],const REAL a2[3],const REAL b1[3],const REAL b2[3],REAL epsilon)  // true if these two line segments are co-linear.

bool fm_colinear(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3,REAL epsilon)

void  fm_initMinMax(const REAL *p,REAL *bmin,REAL *bmax)

IntersectResult fm_intersectLineSegments2d(const REAL *a1,const REAL *a2,const REAL *b1,const REAL *b2,REAL *intersection)

IntersectResult fm_intersectLineSegments2dTime(const REAL *a1,const REAL *a2,const REAL *b1,const REAL *b2,REAL &t1,REAL &t2)

//**** Plane Triangle Intersection

// assumes that the points are on opposite sides of the plane!
bool fm_intersectPointPlane(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,REAL *split,const REAL *plane)

PlaneTriResult fm_getSidePlane(const REAL *p,const REAL *plane,REAL epsilon)



#define MAXPTS

template <class Type> class point

template <class Type> class plane

template <class Type> class polygon


static inline void add(const REAL *p,REAL *dest,uint32_t tstride,uint32_t &pcount)

PlaneTriResult fm_planeTriIntersection(const REAL *_plane,    // the plane equation in Ax+By+Cz+D format
									const REAL *triangle, // the source triangle.
									uint32_t tstride,  // stride in bytes of the input and output *vertices*
									REAL        epsilon,  // the co-planar epsilon value.
									REAL       *front,    // the triangle in front of the
									uint32_t &fcount,  // number of vertices in the 'front' triangle
									REAL       *back,     // the triangle in back of the plane
									uint32_t &bcount) // the number of vertices in the 'back' triangle.

// computes the OBB for this set of points relative to this transform matrix.
void computeOBB(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *sides,REAL *matrix)

void fm_computeBestFitOBB(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *sides,REAL *matrix,bool bruteForce)

void fm_computeBestFitOBB(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *sides,REAL *pos,REAL *quat,bool bruteForce)

void fm_computeBestFitABB(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *sides,REAL *pos)

void fm_planeToMatrix(const REAL *plane,REAL *matrix) // convert a plane equation to a 4x4 rotation matrix

void fm_planeToQuat(const REAL *plane,REAL *quat,REAL *pos) // convert a plane equation to a quaternion and translation

void fm_eulerMatrix(REAL ax,REAL ay,REAL az,REAL *matrix) // convert euler (in radians) to a dest 4x4 matrix (translation set to zero)

//**** Vertex Welding



namespace VERTEX_INDEX

class KdTreeNode;


enum Axes

class KdTreeFindNode

class KdTreeInterface

class KdTreeNode


class KdTreeNodeBundle 


class KdTree : public KdTreeInterface

}; // end of namespace VERTEX_INDEX

class MyVertexIndex : public fm_VertexIndex

fm_VertexIndex * fm_createVertexIndex(double granularity,bool snapToGrid) // create an indexed vertex system for doubles

fm_VertexIndex * fm_createVertexIndex(float granularity,bool snapToGrid)  // create an indexed vertext system for floats

void          fm_releaseVertexIndex(fm_VertexIndex *vindex)


REAL fm_computeBestFitAABB(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *bmin,REAL *bmax) // returns the diagonal distance

/* a = b - c */
#define vector(a,b,c)

#define innerProduct(v,q)

#define crossProduct(a,b,c)

bool fm_lineIntersectsTriangle(const REAL *rayStart,const REAL *rayEnd,const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3,REAL *sect)

bool fm_rayIntersectsTriangle(const REAL *p,const REAL *d,const REAL *v0,const REAL *v1,const REAL *v2,REAL &t)

inline REAL det(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3)

REAL  fm_computeMeshVolume(const REAL *vertices,uint32_t tcount,const uint32_t *indices)

const REAL * fm_getPoint(const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,uint32_t index)

bool fm_insideTriangle(REAL Ax, REAL Ay,
					  REAL Bx, REAL By,
					  REAL Cx, REAL Cy,
					  REAL Px, REAL Py)


REAL fm_areaPolygon2d(uint32_t pcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride)

bool  fm_pointInsidePolygon2d(uint32_t pcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,const REAL *point,uint32_t xindex,uint32_t yindex)

uint32_t fm_consolidatePolygon(uint32_t pcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *_dest,REAL epsilon) // collapses co-linear edges.



template <class T> class Rect3d


void splitRect(uint32_t axis,
						   const Rect3d<REAL> &source,
							 Rect3d<REAL> &b1,
							 Rect3d<REAL> &b2,
							 const REAL *midpoint)

bool fm_computeSplitPlane(uint32_t vcount,
						  const REAL *vertices,
						  uint32_t /* tcount */,
						  const uint32_t * /* indices */,
						  REAL *plane)

#pragma warning(disable:4100)

void fm_nearestPointInTriangle(const REAL * /*nearestPoint*/,const REAL * /*p1*/,const REAL * /*p2*/,const REAL * /*p3*/,REAL * /*nearest*/)

static REAL Partial(const REAL *a,const REAL *p) 

REAL  fm_areaTriangle(const REAL *p0,const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2)

void fm_subtract(const REAL *A,const REAL *B,REAL *diff) // compute A-B and store the result in 'diff'

void  fm_multiplyTransform(const REAL *pA,const REAL *pB,REAL *pM)

void fm_multiply(REAL *A,REAL scaler)

void fm_add(const REAL *A,const REAL *B,REAL *sum)

void fm_copy3(const REAL *source,REAL *dest)

uint32_t  fm_copyUniqueVertices(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *input_vertices,REAL *output_vertices,uint32_t tcount,const uint32_t *input_indices,uint32_t *output_indices)

bool    fm_isMeshCoplanar(uint32_t tcount,const uint32_t *indices,const REAL *vertices,bool doubleSided) // returns true if this collection of indexed triangles are co-planar!

bool fm_samePlane(const REAL p1[4],const REAL p2[4],REAL normalEpsilon,REAL dEpsilon,bool doubleSided)

void  fm_initMinMax(REAL bmin[3],REAL bmax[3])

void fm_inflateMinMax(REAL bmin[3], REAL bmax[3], REAL ratio)




class Myfm_Tesselate : public fm_Tesselate

fm_Tesselate * fm_createTesselate(void)

void           fm_releaseTesselate(fm_Tesselate *t)




//! Integer representation of a floating-point value.
#define IR(x)

*	A method to compute a ray-AABB intersection.
*	Original code by Andrew Woo, from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
*	Optimized code by Pierre Terdiman, 2000 (~20-30% faster on my Celeron 500)
*	Epsilon value added by Klaus Hartmann. (discarding it saves a few cycles only)
*	Hence this version is faster as well as more robust than the original one.
*	Should work provided:
*	1) the integer representation of 0.0f is 0x00000000
*	2) the sign bit of the float is the most significant one
*	Report bugs: [email protected]
*	\param		aabb		[in] the axis-aligned bounding box
*	\param		origin		[in] ray origin
*	\param		dir			[in] ray direction
*	\param		coord		[out] impact coordinates
*	\return		true if ray intersects AABB
bool fm_intersectRayAABB(const float MinB[3],const float MaxB[3],const float origin[3],const float dir[3],float coord[3])

bool fm_intersectLineSegmentAABB(const float bmin[3],const float bmax[3],const float p1[3],const float p2[3],float intersect[3])


#ifndef OBB_TO_AABB

#define OBB_TO_AABB

#pragma warning(disable:4100)

void    fm_OBBtoAABB(const float /*obmin*/[3],const float /*obmax*/[3],const float /*matrix*/[16],float /*abmin*/[3],float /*abmax*/[3])

const REAL * computePos(uint32_t index,const REAL *vertices,uint32_t vstride)

void computeNormal(uint32_t index,REAL *normals,uint32_t nstride,const REAL *normal)

void fm_computeMeanNormals(uint32_t vcount,       // the number of vertices
						   const REAL *vertices,     // the base address of the vertex position data.
						   uint32_t vstride,      // the stride between position data.
						   REAL *normals,            // the base address  of the destination for mean vector normals
						   uint32_t nstride,      // the stride between normals
						   uint32_t tcount,       // the number of triangles
						   const uint32_t *indices)     // the triangle indices



static inline void Set(REAL *n,REAL x,REAL y,REAL z)
	n[0] = x;
	n[1] = y;
	n[2] = z;

static inline void Copy(REAL *dest,const REAL *source)

REAL  fm_computeBestFitSphere(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL *center)

void fm_computeBestFitCapsule(uint32_t vcount,const REAL *points,uint32_t pstride,REAL &radius,REAL &height,REAL matrix[16],bool bruteForce)

//************* Triangulation




class TVec


class CTriangulator

///     Default constructor

///     Default destructor

///     Triangulates the contour
void CTriangulator::triangulate(TU32Vector &indices)

///     Processes the triangulation
void CTriangulator::_process(TU32Vector &indices)

///     Returns the area of the contour
double CTriangulator::_area()

bool CTriangulator::_snip(int32_t u, int32_t v, int32_t w, int32_t n, int32_t *V)

///     Tests if a point is inside the given triangle
bool CTriangulator::_insideTriangle(const TVec& A, const TVec& B, const TVec& C,const TVec& P)

class Triangulate : public fm_Triangulate

fm_Triangulate * fm_createTriangulate(void)

void             fm_releaseTriangulate(fm_Triangulate *t)


bool validDistance(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,REAL epsilon)

bool fm_isValidTriangle(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2,const REAL *p3,REAL epsilon)

void  fm_multiplyQuat(const REAL *left,const REAL *right,REAL *quat)

bool  fm_computeCentroid(uint32_t vcount,     // number of input data points
						 const REAL *points,     // starting address of points array.
						 REAL *center)


bool  fm_computeCentroid(uint32_t vcount,     // number of input data points
	const REAL *points,     // starting address of points array.
	uint32_t triCount,
	const uint32_t *indices,
	REAL *center)


template <class Type> class Vec3

void fm_transformAABB(const REAL bmin[3],const REAL bmax[3],const REAL matrix[16],REAL tbmin[3],REAL tbmax[3])

REAL  fm_normalizeQuat(REAL n[4]) // normalize this quat

}; // end of namespace