
#include "vhacdRaycastMesh.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>

namespace RAYCAST_MESH

/* a = b - c */
#define vector(a,b,c)

#define innerProduct(v,q)

#define crossProduct(a,b,c)

static inline bool rayIntersectsTriangle(const double *p,const double *d,const double *v0,const double *v1,const double *v2,double &t)

static double getPointDistance(const double *p1, const double *p2)

class MyRaycastMesh : public VHACD::RaycastMesh



namespace VHACD

    RaycastMesh * RaycastMesh::createRaycastMesh(uint32_t vcount,		// The number of vertices in the source triangle mesh
        const double *vertices,		// The array of vertex positions in the format x1,y1,z1..x2,y2,z2.. etc.
        uint32_t tcount,		// The number of triangles in the source triangle mesh
        const uint32_t *indices) // The triangle indices in the format of i1,i2,i3 ... i4,i5,i6, ...

    RaycastMesh * RaycastMesh::createRaycastMesh(uint32_t vcount,		// The number of vertices in the source triangle mesh
        const float *vertices,		// The array of vertex positions in the format x1,y1,z1..x2,y2,z2.. etc.
        uint32_t tcount,		// The number of triangles in the source triangle mesh
        const uint32_t *indices) // The triangle indices in the format of i1,i2,i3 ... i4,i5,i6, ...

} // end of VHACD namespace