
#ifndef _THORVG_H_
#define _THORVG_H_

#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <list>

#ifdef TVG_API
    #undef TVG_API

#ifndef TVG_STATIC
    #ifdef _WIN32
        #if TVG_BUILD
            #define TVG_API
            #define TVG_API
    #elif (defined(__SUNPRO_C)  || defined(__SUNPRO_CC))
        #define TVG_API
        #if (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
            #define TVG_API
            #define TVG_API
    #define TVG_API


#ifdef _WIN32
    #define TVG_DEPRECATED
#elif __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)
    #define TVG_DEPRECATED
    #define TVG_DEPRECATED




namespace tvg

class RenderMethod;
class Animation;

 * @defgroup ThorVG ThorVG
 * @brief ThorVG classes and enumerations providing C++ APIs.


 * @brief Enumeration specifying the result from the APIs.
 * All ThorVG APIs could potentially return one of the values in the list.
 * Please note that some APIs may additionally specify the reasons that trigger their return values.
enum class Result

 * @brief Enumeration specifying the values of the path commands accepted by TVG.
 * Not to be confused with the path commands from the svg path element (like M, L, Q, H and many others).
 * TVG interprets all of them and translates to the ones from the PathCommand values.
enum class PathCommand

 * @brief Enumeration determining the ending type of a stroke in the open sub-paths.
enum class StrokeCap

 * @brief Enumeration determining the style used at the corners of joined stroked path segments.
enum class StrokeJoin

 * @brief Enumeration specifying how to fill the area outside the gradient bounds.
enum class FillSpread

 * @brief Enumeration specifying the algorithm used to establish which parts of the shape are treated as the inside of the shape.
enum class FillRule

 * @brief Enumeration indicating the method used in the composition of two objects - the target and the source.
 * Notation: S(Source), T(Target), SA(Source Alpha), TA(Target Alpha)
 * @see Paint::composite()
enum class CompositeMethod

 * @brief Enumeration indicates the method used for blending paint. Please refer to the respective formulas for each method.
 * Notation: S(source paint as the top layer), D(destination as the bottom layer), Sa(source paint alpha), Da(destination alpha)
 * @see Paint::blend()
 * @note Experimental API
enum class BlendMethod : uint8_t

 * @brief Enumeration specifying the engine type used for the graphics backend. For multiple backends bitwise operation is allowed.
enum class CanvasEngine

 * @brief A data structure representing a point in two-dimensional space.
struct Point

 * @brief A data structure representing a three-dimensional matrix.
 * The elements e11, e12, e21 and e22 represent the rotation matrix, including the scaling factor.
 * The elements e13 and e23 determine the translation of the object along the x and y-axis, respectively.
 * The elements e31 and e32 are set to 0, e33 is set to 1.
struct Matrix

 * @class Paint
 * @brief An abstract class for managing graphical elements.
 * A graphical element in TVG is any object composed into a Canvas.
 * Paint represents such a graphical object and its behaviors such as duplication, transformation and composition.
 * TVG recommends the user to regard a paint as a set of volatile commands. They can prepare a Paint and then request a Canvas to run them.
class TVG_API Paint

 * @class Fill
 * @brief An abstract class representing the gradient fill of the Shape object.
 * It contains the information about the gradient colors and their arrangement
 * inside the gradient bounds. The gradients bounds are defined in the LinearGradient
 * or RadialGradient class, depending on the type of the gradient to be used.
 * It specifies the gradient behavior in case the area defined by the gradient bounds
 * is smaller than the area to be filled.
class TVG_API Fill

 * @class Canvas
 * @brief An abstract class for drawing graphical elements.
 * A canvas is an entity responsible for drawing the target. It sets up the drawing engine and the buffer, which can be drawn on the screen. It also manages given Paint objects.
 * @note A Canvas behavior depends on the raster engine though the final content of the buffer is expected to be identical.
 * @warning The Paint objects belonging to one Canvas can't be shared among multiple Canvases.
class TVG_API Canvas

 * @class LinearGradient
 * @brief A class representing the linear gradient fill of the Shape object.
 * Besides the APIs inherited from the Fill class, it enables setting and getting the linear gradient bounds.
 * The behavior outside the gradient bounds depends on the value specified in the spread API.
class TVG_API LinearGradient final : public Fill

 * @class RadialGradient
 * @brief A class representing the radial gradient fill of the Shape object.
class TVG_API RadialGradient final : public Fill

 * @class Shape
 * @brief A class representing two-dimensional figures and their properties.
 * A shape has three major properties: shape outline, stroking, filling. The outline in the Shape is retained as the path.
 * Path can be composed by accumulating primitive commands such as moveTo(), lineTo(), cubicTo(), or complete shape interfaces such as appendRect(), appendCircle(), etc.
 * Path can consists of sub-paths. One sub-path is determined by a close command.
 * The stroke of Shape is an optional property in case the Shape needs to be represented with/without the outline borders.
 * It's efficient since the shape path and the stroking path can be shared with each other. It's also convenient when controlling both in one context.
class TVG_API Shape final : public Paint

 * @class Picture
 * @brief A class representing an image read in one of the supported formats: raw, svg, png, jpg, lottie(json) and etc.
 * Besides the methods inherited from the Paint, it provides methods to load & draw images on the canvas.
 * @note Supported formats are depended on the available TVG loaders.
 * @note See Animation class if the picture data is animatable.
class TVG_API Picture final : public Paint

 * @class Scene
 * @brief A class to composite children paints.
 * As the traditional graphics rendering method, TVG also enables scene-graph mechanism.
 * This feature supports an array function for managing the multiple paints as one group paint.
 * As a group, the scene can be transformed, made translucent and composited with other target paints,
 * its children will be affected by the scene world.
class TVG_API Scene final : public Paint

 * @class Text
 * @brief A class to represent text objects in a graphical context, allowing for rendering and manipulation of unicode text.
 * @note Experimental API
class TVG_API Text final : public Paint

 * @class SwCanvas
 * @brief A class for the rendering graphical elements with a software raster engine.
class TVG_API SwCanvas final : public Canvas

 * @class GlCanvas
 * @brief A class for the rendering graphic elements with a GL raster engine.
 * @warning Please do not use it. This class is not fully supported yet.
 * @since 0.14
class TVG_API GlCanvas final : public Canvas

 * @class WgCanvas
 * @brief A class for the rendering graphic elements with a WebGPU raster engine.
 * @warning Please do not use it. This class is not fully supported yet.
 * @note Experimental API
class TVG_API WgCanvas final : public Canvas

 * @class Initializer
 * @brief A class that enables initialization and termination of the TVG engines.
class TVG_API Initializer final

 * @class Animation
 * @brief The Animation class enables manipulation of animatable images.
 * This class supports the display and control of animation frames.
 * @since 0.13

class TVG_API Animation

 * @class Saver
 * @brief A class for exporting a paint object into a specified file, from which to recover the paint data later.
 * ThorVG provides a feature for exporting & importing paint data. The Saver role is to export the paint data to a file.
 * It's useful when you need to save the composed scene or image from a paint object and recreate it later.
 * The file format is decided by the extension name(i.e. "*.tvg") while the supported formats depend on the TVG packaging environment.
 * If it doesn't support the file format, the save() method returns the @c Result::NonSuppport result.
 * Once you export a paint to the file successfully, you can recreate it using the Picture class.
 * @see Picture::load()
 * @since 0.5
class TVG_API Saver final

 * @class Accessor
 * @brief The Accessor is a utility class to debug the Scene structure by traversing the scene-tree.
 * The Accessor helps you search specific nodes to read the property information, figure out the structure of the scene tree and its size.
 * @warning We strongly warn you not to change the paints of a scene unless you really know the design-structure.
 * @since 0.10
class TVG_API Accessor final

 * @brief The cast() function is a utility function used to cast a 'Paint' to type 'T'.
 * @since 0.11
template<typename T = tvg::Paint>
std::unique_ptr<T> cast(Paint* paint)

 * @brief The cast() function is a utility function used to cast a 'Fill' to type 'T'.
 * @since 0.11
template<typename T = tvg::Fill>
std::unique_ptr<T> cast(Fill* fill)

/** @}*/

} //namespace

#endif //_THORVG_H_