
// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "tokenstream.h"
#include "../math/emath.h"

namespace embree
  /* shorthands for common sets of characters */
  const std::string TokenStream::alpha =;
  const std::string TokenStream::ALPHA =;
  const std::string TokenStream::numbers =;
  const std::string TokenStream::separators =;
  const std::string TokenStream::stringChars =;

  /* creates map for fast categorization of characters */
  static void createCharMap(bool map[256], const std::string& chrs) {}

  /* build full tokenizer that takes list of valid characters and keywords */
  TokenStream::TokenStream(const Ref<Stream<int> >& cin,            //< stream to read from
                                   const std::string& alpha,                //< valid characters for identifiers
                                   const std::string& seps,                 //< characters that act as separators
                                   const std::vector<std::string>& symbols) //< symbols

  bool TokenStream::decDigits(std::string& str_o)

  bool TokenStream::decDigits1(std::string& str_o)

  bool TokenStream::trySymbol(const std::string& symbol)

  bool TokenStream::trySymbols(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc)

  bool TokenStream::tryFloat(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc)

  bool TokenStream::tryInt(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc) {}

  bool TokenStream::tryString(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc)

  bool TokenStream::tryIdentifier(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc)

  void TokenStream::skipSeparators()

  Token TokenStream::next()