
// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include "../common/ray.h"
#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"

  This file implements the intersection of a ray with a round linear
  curve segment. We define the geometry of such a round linear curve
  segment from point p0 with radius r0 to point p1 with radius r1
  using the cone that touches spheres p0/r0 and p1/r1 tangentially
  plus the sphere p1/r1. We denote the tangentially touching cone from
  p0/r0 to p1/r1 with cone(p0,r0,p1,r1) and the cone plus the ending
  sphere with cone_sphere(p0,r0,p1,r1).

  For multiple connected round linear curve segments this construction
  yield a proper shape when viewed from the outside. Using the
  following CSG we can also handle the interior in most common cases:

     round_linear_curve(pl,rl,p0,r0,p1,r1,pr,rr) =
       cone_sphere(p0,r0,p1,r1) - cone(pl,rl,p0,r0) - cone(p1,r1,pr,rr)

  Thus by subtracting the neighboring cone geometries, we cut away
  parts of the center cone_sphere surface which lie inside the
  combined curve. This approach works as long as geometry of the
  current cone_sphere penetrates into direct neighbor segments only,
  and not into segments further away.
  To construct a cone that touches two spheres at p0 and p1 with r0
  and r1, one has to increase the cone radius at r0 and r1 to obtain
  larger radii w0 and w1, such that the infinite cone properly touches
  the spheres.  From the paper "Ray Tracing Generalized Tube
  Primitives: Method and Applications"
  one can derive the following equations for these increased

     sr = 1.0f / sqrt(1-sqr(dr)/sqr(p1-p0))
     w0 = sr*r0
     w1 = sr*r1

  Further, we want the cone to start where it touches the sphere at p0
  and to end where it touches sphere at p1.  Therefore, we need to
  construct clipping locations y0 and y1 for the start and end of the
  cone. These start and end clipping location of the cone can get
  calculated as:

     Y0 =               - r0 * (r1-r0) / length(p1-p0)
     Y1 = length(p1-p0) - r1 * (r1-r0) / length(p1-p0)

  Where the cone starts a distance Y0 and ends a distance Y1 away of
  point p0 along the cone center. The distance between Y1-Y0 can get
  calculated as:

    dY = length(p1-p0) - (r1-r0)^2 / length(p1-p0)

  In the code below, Y will always be scaled by length(p1-p0) to
  obtain y and you will find the terms r0*(r1-r0) and


namespace embree
  namespace isa
    template<int M>
      struct RoundLineIntersectorHitM
    namespace __roundline_internal
      template<int M>
        struct ConeGeometry
      template<int M>
        struct ConeGeometryIntersector : public ConeGeometry<M>
      template<int M, typename Epilog, typename ray_tfar_func>
        static __forceinline bool intersectConeSphere(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
                                                      const Vec3vf<M>& ray_org_in, const Vec3vf<M>& ray_dir, 
                                                      const vfloat<M>& ray_tnear, const ray_tfar_func& ray_tfar,
                                                      const Vec4vf<M>& v0, const Vec4vf<M>& v1,
                                                      const Vec4vf<M>& vL, const Vec4vf<M>& vR,
                                                      const Epilog& epilog)
    } // end namespace __roundline_internal
    template<int M>
      struct RoundLinearCurveIntersector1
    template<int M, int K>
      struct RoundLinearCurveIntersectorK