
 * pshints.c
 *   Adobe's code for handling CFF hints (body).
 * Copyright 2007-2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
 * This software, and all works of authorship, whether in source or
 * object code form as indicated by the copyright notice(s) included
 * herein (collectively, the "Work") is made available, and may only be
 * used, modified, and distributed under the FreeType Project License,
 * LICENSE.TXT.  Additionally, subject to the terms and conditions of the
 * FreeType Project License, each contributor to the Work hereby grants
 * to any individual or legal entity exercising permissions granted by
 * the FreeType Project License and this section (hereafter, "You" or
 * "Your") a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,
 * royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent
 * license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and
 * otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those
 * patent claims licensable by such contributor that are necessarily
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 * contribution(s) with the Work to which such contribution(s) was
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#include "psft.h"
#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>

#include "psglue.h"
#include "psfont.h"
#include "pshints.h"
#include "psintrp.h"

   * The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit
   * parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
   * messages during execution.


  /* Compute angular momentum for winding order detection.  It is called */
  /* for all lines and curves, but not necessarily in element order.     */
  static CF2_Int
  cf2_getWindingMomentum( CF2_Fixed  x1,
                          CF2_Fixed  y1,
                          CF2_Fixed  x2,
                          CF2_Fixed  y2 )

   * Construct from a StemHint; this is used as a parameter to
   * `cf2_blues_capture'.
   * `hintOrigin' is the character space displacement of a seac accent.
   * Adjust stem hint for darkening here.
  static void
  cf2_hint_init( CF2_Hint            hint,
                 const CF2_ArrStack  stemHintArray,
                 size_t              indexStemHint,
                 const CF2_Font      font,
                 CF2_Fixed           hintOrigin,
                 CF2_Fixed           scale,
                 FT_Bool             bottom )

  /* initialize an invalid hint map element */
  static void
  cf2_hint_initZero( CF2_Hint  hint )

  cf2_hint_isValid( const CF2_Hint  hint )

  static FT_Bool
  cf2_hint_isPair( const CF2_Hint  hint )

  static FT_Bool
  cf2_hint_isPairTop( const CF2_Hint  hint )

  cf2_hint_isTop( const CF2_Hint  hint )

  cf2_hint_isBottom( const CF2_Hint  hint )

  static FT_Bool
  cf2_hint_isLocked( const CF2_Hint  hint )

  static FT_Bool
  cf2_hint_isSynthetic( const CF2_Hint  hint )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_hint_lock( CF2_Hint  hint )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_hintmap_init( CF2_HintMap   hintmap,
                    CF2_Font      font,
                    CF2_HintMap   initialMap,
                    CF2_ArrStack  hintMoves,
                    CF2_Fixed     scale )

  static FT_Bool
  cf2_hintmap_isValid( const CF2_HintMap  hintmap )

  static void
  cf2_hintmap_dump( CF2_HintMap  hintmap )

  /* transform character space coordinate to device space using hint map */
  static CF2_Fixed
  cf2_hintmap_map( CF2_HintMap  hintmap,
                   CF2_Fixed    csCoord )

   * This hinting policy moves a hint pair in device space so that one of
   * its two edges is on a device pixel boundary (its fractional part is
   * zero).  `cf2_hintmap_insertHint' guarantees no overlap in CS
   * space.  Ensure here that there is no overlap in DS.
   * In the first pass, edges are adjusted relative to adjacent hints.
   * Those that are below have already been adjusted.  Those that are
   * above have not yet been adjusted.  If a hint above blocks an
   * adjustment to an optimal position, we will try again in a second
   * pass.  The second pass is top-down.

  static void
  cf2_hintmap_adjustHints( CF2_HintMap  hintmap )

  /* insert hint edges into map, sorted by csCoord */
  static void
  cf2_hintmap_insertHint( CF2_HintMap  hintmap,
                          CF2_Hint     bottomHintEdge,
                          CF2_Hint     topHintEdge )

   * Build a map from hints and mask.
   * This function may recur one level if `hintmap->initialHintMap' is not yet
   * valid.
   * If `initialMap' is true, simply build initial map.
   * Synthetic hints are used in two ways.  A hint at zero is inserted, if
   * needed, in the initial hint map, to prevent translations from
   * propagating across the origin.  If synthetic em box hints are enabled
   * for ideographic dictionaries, then they are inserted in all hint
   * maps, including the initial one.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_hintmap_build( CF2_HintMap   hintmap,
                     CF2_ArrStack  hStemHintArray,
                     CF2_ArrStack  vStemHintArray,
                     CF2_HintMask  hintMask,
                     CF2_Fixed     hintOrigin,
                     FT_Bool       initialMap )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_glyphpath_init( CF2_GlyphPath         glyphpath,
                      CF2_Font              font,
                      CF2_OutlineCallbacks  callbacks,
                      CF2_Fixed             scaleY,
                      /* CF2_Fixed  hShift, */
                      CF2_ArrStack          hStemHintArray,
                      CF2_ArrStack          vStemHintArray,
                      CF2_HintMask          hintMask,
                      CF2_Fixed             hintOriginY,
                      const CF2_Blues       blues,
                      const FT_Vector*      fractionalTranslation )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_glyphpath_finalize( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath )

   * Hint point in y-direction and apply outerTransform.
   * Input `current' hint map (which is actually delayed by one element).
   * Input x,y point in Character Space.
   * Output x,y point in Device Space, including translation.
  static void
  cf2_glyphpath_hintPoint( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath,
                           CF2_HintMap    hintmap,
                           FT_Vector*     ppt,
                           CF2_Fixed      x,
                           CF2_Fixed      y )

   * From two line segments, (u1,u2) and (v1,v2), compute a point of
   * intersection on the corresponding lines.
   * Return false if no intersection is found, or if the intersection is
   * too far away from the ends of the line segments, u2 and v1.
  static FT_Bool
  cf2_glyphpath_computeIntersection( CF2_GlyphPath     glyphpath,
                                     const FT_Vector*  u1,
                                     const FT_Vector*  u2,
                                     const FT_Vector*  v1,
                                     const FT_Vector*  v2,
                                     FT_Vector*        intersection )

   * Push the cached element (glyphpath->prevElem*) to the outline
   * consumer.  When a darkening offset is used, the end point of the
   * cached element may be adjusted to an intersection point or we may
   * synthesize a connecting line to the current element.  If we are
   * closing a subpath, we may also generate a connecting line to the start
   * point.
   * This is where Character Space (CS) is converted to Device Space (DS)
   * using a hint map.  This calculation must use a HintMap that was valid
   * at the time the element was saved.  For the first point in a subpath,
   * that is a saved HintMap.  For most elements, it just means the caller
   * has delayed building a HintMap from the current HintMask.
   * Transform each point with outerTransform and call the outline
   * callbacks.  This is a general 3x3 transform:
   *   x' = a*x + c*y + tx, y' = b*x + d*y + ty
   * but it uses 4 elements from CF2_Font and the translation part
   * from CF2_GlyphPath.
  static void
  cf2_glyphpath_pushPrevElem( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath,
                              CF2_HintMap    hintmap,
                              FT_Vector*     nextP0,
                              FT_Vector      nextP1,
                              FT_Bool        close )

  /* push a MoveTo element based on current point and offset of current */
  /* element                                                            */
  static void
  cf2_glyphpath_pushMove( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath,
                          FT_Vector      start )

   * All coordinates are in character space.
   * On input, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) give line segment.
   * On output, (x, y) give offset vector.
   * We use a piecewise approximation to trig functions.
   * TODO: Offset true perpendicular and proper length
   *       supply the y-translation for hinting here, too,
   *       that adds yOffset unconditionally to *y.
  static void
  cf2_glyphpath_computeOffset( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath,
                               CF2_Fixed      x1,
                               CF2_Fixed      y1,
                               CF2_Fixed      x2,
                               CF2_Fixed      y2,
                               CF2_Fixed*     x,
                               CF2_Fixed*     y )

   * The functions cf2_glyphpath_{moveTo,lineTo,curveTo,closeOpenPath} are
   * called by the interpreter with Character Space (CS) coordinates.  Each
   * path element is placed into a queue of length one to await the
   * calculation of the following element.  At that time, the darkening
   * offset of the following element is known and joins can be computed,
   * including possible modification of this element, before mapping to
   * Device Space (DS) and passing it on to the outline consumer.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_glyphpath_moveTo( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath,
                        CF2_Fixed      x,
                        CF2_Fixed      y )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath,
                        CF2_Fixed      x,
                        CF2_Fixed      y )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath,
                         CF2_Fixed      x1,
                         CF2_Fixed      y1,
                         CF2_Fixed      x2,
                         CF2_Fixed      y2,
                         CF2_Fixed      x3,
                         CF2_Fixed      y3 )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_glyphpath_closeOpenPath( CF2_GlyphPath  glyphpath )

/* END */