
// basisu_gpu_texture.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "basisu_gpu_texture.h"
#include "basisu_enc.h"
#include "basisu_pvrtc1_4.h"
#include "basisu_astc_decomp.h"
#include "basisu_bc7enc.h"

namespace basisu
	void unpack_etc2_eac(const void *pBlock_bits, color_rgba *pPixels)

	struct bc1_block

	// Returns true if the block uses 3 color punchthrough alpha mode.
	bool unpack_bc1(const void *pBlock_bits, color_rgba *pPixels, bool set_alpha)

	bool unpack_bc1_nv(const void *pBlock_bits, color_rgba *pPixels, bool set_alpha)

	static inline int interp_5_6_amd(int c0, int c1) {}
	static inline int interp_half_5_6_amd(int c0, int c1) {}

	bool unpack_bc1_amd(const void *pBlock_bits, color_rgba *pPixels, bool set_alpha)

	struct bc4_block

	void unpack_bc4(const void *pBlock_bits, uint8_t *pPixels, uint32_t stride)
	// Returns false if the block uses 3-color punchthrough alpha mode, which isn't supported on some GPU's for BC3.
	bool unpack_bc3(const void *pBlock_bits, color_rgba *pPixels)

	// writes RG
	void unpack_bc5(const void *pBlock_bits, color_rgba *pPixels)

	// ATC isn't officially documented, so I'm assuming these references:
	// http://www.guildsoftware.com/papers/2012.Converting.DXTC.to.ATC.pdf
	// https://github.com/Triang3l/S3TConv/blob/master/s3tconv_atitc.c
	// The paper incorrectly says the ATC lerp factors are 1/3 and 2/3, but they are actually 3/8 and 5/8.
	void unpack_atc(const void* pBlock_bits, color_rgba* pPixels)

	// BC7 mode 0-7 decompression.
	// Instead of one monster routine to unpack all the BC7 modes, we're lumping the 3 subset, 2 subset, 1 subset, and dual plane modes together into simple shared routines.

	static inline uint32_t bc7_dequant(uint32_t val, uint32_t pbit, uint32_t val_bits) {}
	static inline uint32_t bc7_dequant(uint32_t val, uint32_t val_bits) {}

	static inline uint32_t bc7_interp2(uint32_t l, uint32_t h, uint32_t w) {}
	static inline uint32_t bc7_interp3(uint32_t l, uint32_t h, uint32_t w) {}
	static inline uint32_t bc7_interp4(uint32_t l, uint32_t h, uint32_t w) {}
	static inline uint32_t bc7_interp(uint32_t l, uint32_t h, uint32_t w, uint32_t bits)
	bool unpack_bc7_mode0_2(uint32_t mode, const void* pBlock_bits, color_rgba* pPixels)

	bool unpack_bc7_mode1_3_7(uint32_t mode, const void* pBlock_bits, color_rgba* pPixels)

	bool unpack_bc7_mode4_5(uint32_t mode, const void* pBlock_bits, color_rgba* pPixels)

	struct bc7_mode_6

	bool unpack_bc7_mode6(const void *pBlock_bits, color_rgba *pPixels)

	bool unpack_bc7(const void *pBlock, color_rgba *pPixels)
	struct fxt1_block

	static color_rgba expand_565(const color_rgba& c)

	// We only support CC_MIXED non-alpha blocks here because that's the only mode the transcoder uses at the moment.
	bool unpack_fxt1(const void *p, color_rgba *pPixels)

	struct pvrtc2_block

	static color_rgba convert_rgb_555_to_888(const color_rgba& col)
	static color_rgba convert_rgba_5554_to_8888(const color_rgba& col)

	// PVRTC2 is currently limited to only what our transcoder outputs (non-interpolated, hard_flag=1 modulation=0). In this mode, PVRTC2 looks much like BC1/ATC.
	bool unpack_pvrtc2(const void *p, color_rgba *pPixels)

	struct etc2_eac_r11

	struct etc2_eac_rg11

	void unpack_etc2_eac_r(const void *p, color_rgba* pPixels, uint32_t c)

	void unpack_etc2_eac_rg(const void* p, color_rgba* pPixels)
	void unpack_uastc(const void* p, color_rgba* pPixels)
	// Unpacks to RGBA, R, RG, or A
	bool unpack_block(texture_format fmt, const void* pBlock, color_rgba* pPixels)

	bool gpu_image::unpack(image& img) const
	static const uint8_t g_ktx_file_id[12] =;

	// KTX/GL enums
	struct ktx_header

	// Input is a texture array of mipmapped gpu_image's: gpu_images[array_index][level_index]
	bool create_ktx_texture_file(uint8_vec &ktx_data, const basisu::vector<gpu_image_vec>& gpu_images, bool cubemap_flag)

	bool write_compressed_texture_file(const char* pFilename, const basisu::vector<gpu_image_vec>& g, bool cubemap_flag)

	bool write_compressed_texture_file(const char* pFilename, const gpu_image& g)

	//const uint32_t OUT_FILE_MAGIC = 'TEXC';
	struct out_file_header 

	// As no modern tool supports FXT1 format .KTX files, let's write .OUT files and make sure 3DFX's original tools shipped in 1999 can decode our encoded output.
	bool write_3dfx_out_file(const char* pFilename, const gpu_image& gi)
} // basisu