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 * Copyright 2010-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @file
 * @~English
 * @brief Implementation of ktxStream for memory.
 * @author Maksim Kolesin, Under Development
 * @author Georg Kolling, Imagination Technology
 * @author Mark Callow, HI Corporation

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "ktx.h"
#include "ktxint.h"
#include "memstream.h"

* @brief Default allocation size for a ktxMemStream.

 * @brief Structure to store information about data allocated for ktxMemStream.
struct ktxMem

static KTX_error_code ktxMem_expand(ktxMem* pMem, const ktx_size_t size);

 * @brief Initialize a ktxMem struct for read-write.
 * Memory for the stream data is allocated internally but the
 * caller is responsible for freeing the memory. A pointer to
 * the memory can be obtained with ktxMem_getdata().
 * @sa ktxMem_getdata.
 * @param [in] pMem pointer to the @c ktxMem to initialize.
static KTX_error_code
ktxMem_construct(ktxMem* pMem)

 * @brief Create & initialize a ktxMem struct for read-write.
 * @sa ktxMem_construct.
 * @param [in,out] ppMem pointer to the location in which to return
 *                       a pointer to the newly created @c ktxMem.
 * @return     KTX_SUCCESS on success, KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY on error.
 * @exception  KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY    System failed to allocate sufficient pMemory.
static KTX_error_code
ktxMem_create(ktxMem** ppMem)

 * @brief Initialize a ktxMem struct for read-only.
 * @param [in] pMem     pointer to the @c ktxMem to initialize.
 * @param [in] bytes    pointer to the data to be read.
 * @param [in] numBytes number of bytes of data.
static void
ktxMem_construct_ro(ktxMem* pMem, const void* bytes, ktx_size_t numBytes)

 * @brief Create & initialize a ktxMem struct for read-only.
 * @sa ktxMem_construct.
 * @param [in,out] ppMem    pointer to the location in which to return
 *                          a pointer to the newly created @c ktxMem.
 * @param [in]     bytes    pointer to the data to be read.
 * @param [in]     numBytes number of bytes of data.
 * @return     KTX_SUCCESS on success, KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY on error.
 * @exception  KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY    System failed to allocate sufficient pMemory.
static KTX_error_code
ktxMem_create_ro(ktxMem** ppMem, const void* bytes, ktx_size_t numBytes)

 * ktxMem_destruct not needed as ktxMem_construct caller is reponsible
 * for freeing the data written.

 * @brief Free the memory of a struct ktxMem.
 * @param pMem pointer to ktxMem to free.
static void
ktxMem_destroy(ktxMem* pMem, ktx_bool_t freeData)

 * @brief Clear the data of a memory stream.
 * @param pMem pointer to ktxMem to clear.
static void
ktxMem_clear(ktxMem* pMem)
    assert(pMem != NULL);
    memset(pMem, 0, sizeof(ktxMem));

 * @~English
 * @brief Expand a ktxMem to fit to a new size.
 * @param [in] pMem          pointer to ktxMem struct to expand.
 * @param [in] newsize       minimum new size required.
 * @return     KTX_SUCCESS on success, KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY on error.
 * @exception  KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY    System failed to allocate sufficient pMemory.
static KTX_error_code
ktxMem_expand(ktxMem *pMem, const ktx_size_t newsize)

 * @~English
 * @brief Read bytes from a ktxMemStream.
 * @param [in]     str      pointer to ktxMem struct, converted to a void*, that
 *                          specifies an input stream.
 * @param [in,out] dst      pointer to memory where to copy read bytes.
 * @param [in,out] count    pointer to number of bytes to read.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, KTX_INVALID_VALUE on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE     @p str or @p dst is @c NULL or @p str->data is
 *                                  @c NULL.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_UNEXPECTED_EOF not enough data to satisfy the request.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_read(ktxStream* str, void* dst, const ktx_size_t count)

 * @~English
 * @brief Skip bytes in a ktxMemStream.
 * @param [in] str      pointer to the ktxStream on which to operate.
 * @param [in] count    number of bytes to skip.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, KTX_INVALID_VALUE on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE     @p str or @p mem is @c NULL or sufficient
 *                                  data is not available in ktxMem.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_UNEXPECTED_EOF not enough data to satisfy the request.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_skip(ktxStream* str, const ktx_size_t count)

 * @~English
 * @brief Write bytes to a ktxMemStream.
 * @param [out] str    pointer to the ktxStream that specifies the destination.
 * @param [in] src     pointer to the array of elements to be written,
 *                     converted to a const void*.
 * @param [in] size    size in bytes of each element to be written.
 * @param [in] count   number of elements, each one with a @p size of size
 *                     bytes.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_OVERFLOW        write would result in file exceeding the
 *                                     maximum permissible size.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION    @p str is a read-only stream.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE        @p dst is @c NULL or @p mem is @c NULL.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY        See ktxMem_expand() for causes.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_write(ktxStream* str, const void* src,
                                  const ktx_size_t size, const ktx_size_t count)

 * @~English
 * @brief Get the current read/write position in a ktxMemStream.
 * @param [in] str      pointer to the ktxStream to query.
 * @param [in,out] off  pointer to variable to receive the offset value.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p str or @p pos is @c NULL.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_getpos(ktxStream* str, ktx_off_t* const pos)

 * @~English
 * @brief Set the current read/write position in a ktxMemStream.
 * Offset of 0 is the start of the file.
 * @param [in] str    pointer to the ktxStream whose r/w position is to be set.
 * @param [in] off    pointer to the offset value to set.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p str is @c NULL.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION @p pos > size of the allocated memory.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_setpos(ktxStream* str, ktx_off_t pos)

 * @~English
 * @brief Get a pointer to a ktxMemStream's data.
 * Gets a pointer to data that has been written to the stream. Returned
 * pointer will be 0 if stream is read-only.
 * @param [in] str       pointer to the ktxStream whose data pointer is to
 *                       be queried.
 * @param [in,out] ppBytes  pointer to a variable in which the data pointer
 *                       will be written.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p str or @p ppBytes is @c NULL.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_getdata(ktxStream* str, ktx_uint8_t** ppBytes)

 * @~English
 * @brief Get the size of a ktxMemStream in bytes.
 * @param [in] str       pointer to the ktxStream whose size is to be queried.
 * @param [in,out] size  pointer to a variable in which size will be written.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p str or @p pSize is @c NULL.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_getsize(ktxStream* str, ktx_size_t* pSize)

 * @~English
 * @brief Setup ktxMemStream function pointers.
ktxMemStream_setup(ktxStream* str)

 * @~English
 * @brief Initialize a read-write ktxMemStream.
 * Memory is allocated as data is written. The caller of this is
 * responsible for freeing this memory unless @a freeOnDestruct
 * is not KTX_FALSE.
 * @param [in] str             pointer to a ktxStream struct to initialize.
 * @param [in] freeOnDestruct  If not KTX_FALSE memory holding the data will
 *                             be freed by the destructor.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE     @p str is @c NULL.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY     system failed to allocate sufficient memory.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_construct(ktxStream* str,
                                      ktx_bool_t freeOnDestruct)

 * @~English
 * @brief Initialize a read-only ktxMemStream.
 * @param [in] str      pointer to a ktxStream struct to initialize.
 * @param [in] bytes    pointer to an array of bytes containing the data.
 * @param [in] numBytes     size of array of data for ktxMemStream.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE     @p str or @p mem is @c NULL or @p numBytes
 *                                  is 0.
 *                                  or @p size is less than 0.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY     system failed to allocate sufficient memory.
KTX_error_code ktxMemStream_construct_ro(ktxStream* str,
                                         const ktx_uint8_t* bytes,
                                         const ktx_size_t numBytes)

 * @~English
 * @brief Free the memory used by a ktxMemStream.
 * This only frees the memory used to store the data written to the stream,
 * if the @c freeOnDestruct parameter to ktxMemStream_construct() was not
 * @c KTX_FALSE. Otherwise it is the responsibility of the caller of
 * ktxMemStream_construct() and a pointer to this memory should be retrieved
 * using ktxMemStream_getdata() before calling this function.
 * @sa ktxMemStream_construct, ktxMemStream_getdata.
 * @param [in] str pointer to the ktxStream whose memory is
 *                 to be freed.
ktxMemStream_destruct(ktxStream* str)