
// File: android_astc_decomp.cpp

 * drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
 * ----------------------------------------
 * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * rg: Removed external dependencies, minor fix to decompress() so it converts non-sRGB
 * output to 8-bits correctly. I've compared this decoder's output
 * vs. astc-codec with random inputs.
 * \file
 * \brief ASTC Utilities.
#include "android_astc_decomp.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fenv.h>
#include <math.h>

#define DE_UNREF(x)


#define DE_ASSERT

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable:4505) // unreferenced local function has been removed
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"

namespace basisu_astc
    template <typename S> inline S maximum(S a, S b) {}
    template <typename S> inline S maximum(S a, S b, S c) {}
    template <typename S> inline S maximum(S a, S b, S c, S d) {}

    static bool inBounds(int v, int l, int h)

    static bool inRange(int v, int l, int h)

    template<typename T>
    static inline T max(T a, T b)

    template<typename T>
    static inline T min(T a, T b)

    template<typename T>
    static inline T clamp(T a, T l, T h)

    struct UVec4

    struct IVec4

    struct IVec3

    static uint32_t deDivRoundUp32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)

    static bool deInBounds32(uint32_t v, uint32_t l, uint32_t h)

namespace astc 



// Common utilities

inline deUint32 getBit (deUint32 src, int ndx)

inline deUint32 getBits (deUint32 src, int low, int high)

inline bool isBitSet (deUint32 src, int ndx)

inline deUint32 reverseBits (deUint32 src, int numBits)

inline deUint32 bitReplicationScale (deUint32 src, int numSrcBits, int numDstBits)

inline deInt32 signExtend (deInt32 src, int numSrcBits)


inline bool isFloat16InfOrNan (deFloat16 v)

float deFloat16To32(deFloat16 val16)

enum ISEMode

struct ISEParams

inline int computeNumRequiredBits (const ISEParams& iseParams, int numValues)

ISEParams computeMaximumRangeISEParams (int numAvailableBits, int numValuesInSequence)

inline int computeNumColorEndpointValues (deUint32 endpointMode)

// Decompression utilities
enum DecompressResult

// A helper for getting bits from a 128-bit block.
class Block128

// A helper for sequential access into a Block128.
class BitAccessStream

struct ISEDecodedResult

// Data from an ASTC block's "block mode" part (i.e. bits [0,10]).
struct ASTCBlockMode

inline int computeNumWeights (const ASTCBlockMode& mode)

struct ColorEndpointPair

struct TexelWeightPair

ASTCBlockMode getASTCBlockMode (deUint32 blockModeData)

inline void setASTCErrorColorBlock (void* dst, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB)

DecompressResult decodeVoidExtentBlock (void* dst, const Block128& blockData, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB, bool isLDRMode)

void decodeColorEndpointModes (deUint32* endpointModesDst, const Block128& blockData, int numPartitions, int extraCemBitsStart)

int computeNumColorEndpointValues (const deUint32* endpointModes, int numPartitions)

void decodeISETritBlock (ISEDecodedResult* dst, int numValues, BitAccessStream& data, int numBits)

void decodeISEQuintBlock (ISEDecodedResult* dst, int numValues, BitAccessStream& data, int numBits)

inline void decodeISEBitBlock (ISEDecodedResult* dst, BitAccessStream& data, int numBits)

void decodeISE (ISEDecodedResult* dst, int numValues, BitAccessStream& data, const ISEParams& params)

void unquantizeColorEndpoints (deUint32* dst, const ISEDecodedResult* iseResults, int numEndpoints, const ISEParams& iseParams)

inline void bitTransferSigned (deInt32& a, deInt32& b)

inline UVec4 clampedRGBA (const IVec4& rgba)

inline IVec4 blueContract (int r, int g, int b, int a)

inline bool isColorEndpointModeHDR (deUint32 mode)

void decodeHDREndpointMode7 (UVec4& e0, UVec4& e1, deUint32 v0, deUint32 v1, deUint32 v2, deUint32 v3)

void decodeHDREndpointMode11 (UVec4& e0, UVec4& e1, deUint32 v0, deUint32 v1, deUint32 v2, deUint32 v3, deUint32 v4, deUint32 v5)

void decodeHDREndpointMode15(UVec4& e0, UVec4& e1, deUint32 v0, deUint32 v1, deUint32 v2, deUint32 v3, deUint32 v4, deUint32 v5, deUint32 v6In, deUint32 v7In)

void decodeColorEndpoints (ColorEndpointPair* dst, const deUint32* unquantizedEndpoints, const deUint32* endpointModes, int numPartitions)

void computeColorEndpoints (ColorEndpointPair* dst, const Block128& blockData, const deUint32* endpointModes, int numPartitions, int numColorEndpointValues, const ISEParams& iseParams, int numBitsAvailable)

void unquantizeWeights (deUint32 dst[64], const ISEDecodedResult* weightGrid, const ASTCBlockMode& blockMode)

void interpolateWeights (TexelWeightPair* dst, const deUint32 (&unquantizedWeights) [64], int blockWidth, int blockHeight, const ASTCBlockMode& blockMode)

void computeTexelWeights (TexelWeightPair* dst, const Block128& blockData, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, const ASTCBlockMode& blockMode)

inline deUint32 hash52 (deUint32 v)

int computeTexelPartition (deUint32 seedIn, deUint32 xIn, deUint32 yIn, deUint32 zIn, int numPartitions, bool smallBlock)

DecompressResult setTexelColors (void* dst, ColorEndpointPair* colorEndpoints, TexelWeightPair* texelWeights, int ccs, deUint32 partitionIndexSeed,
                                 int numPartitions, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB, bool isLDRMode, const deUint32* colorEndpointModes)

DecompressResult decompressBlock (void* dst, const Block128& blockData, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB, bool isLDR)

// Returns -1 on error, 0 if LDR, 1 if HDR
int isHDR(const Block128& blockData, int blockWidth, int blockHeight)


half_float float_to_half(float val, bool toward_zero)

float half_to_float(half_float hval)

} // anonymous

// See https://registry.khronos.org/DataFormat/specs/1.3/dataformat.1.3.inline.html#_hdr_endpoint_decoding
static void convert_to_half_prec(uint32_t n, float* pVals)

bool decompress_ldr(uint8_t *pDst, const uint8_t * data, bool isSRGB, int blockWidth, int blockHeight)

bool decompress_hdr(float* pDstRGBA, const uint8_t* data, int blockWidth, int blockHeight)

bool is_hdr(const uint8_t* data, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool &is_hdr)

} // astc

} // basisu_astc

#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop