
// basisu_astc_hdr_enc.cpp
#include "basisu_astc_hdr_enc.h"
#include "../transcoder/basisu_transcoder.h"


namespace basisu

const float DEF_R_ERROR_SCALE =;
const float DEF_G_ERROR_SCALE =;

static inline uint32_t get_max_qlog(uint32_t bits)

#if 0
static inline float get_max_qlog_val(uint32_t bits)
	switch (bits)
	case 7: return MAX_QLOG7_VAL;
	case 8: return MAX_QLOG8_VAL;
	case 9: return MAX_QLOG9_VAL;
	case 10: return MAX_QLOG10_VAL;
	case 11: return MAX_QLOG11_VAL;
	case 12: return MAX_QLOG12_VAL;
	case 16: return MAX_QLOG16_VAL;
	default: assert(0); break;
	return 0;

static inline int get_bit(
	int src_val, int src_bit)

static inline void pack_bit(
	int& dst, int dst_bit,
	int src_val, int src_bit = 0)



void astc_hdr_codec_options::init()

void astc_hdr_codec_options::set_quality_best()

void astc_hdr_codec_options::set_quality_normal()

void astc_hdr_codec_options::set_quality_fastest()


void astc_hdr_codec_options::set_quality_level(int level)


#if 0
static inline half_float qlog12_to_half_slow(uint32_t qlog12)
	return qlog_to_half_slow(qlog12, 12);

// max usable qlog8 value is 247, 248=inf, >=249 is nan
// max usable qlog7 value is 123, 124=inf, >=125 is nan

// To go from a smaller qlog to an larger one, shift left by X bits.

//const uint32_t TOTAL_USABLE_QLOG8 = 248; // 0-247 are usable, 0=0, 247=60416.0, 246=55296.0

// for qlog7's shift left by 1
//half_float g_qlog8_to_half[256];
//float g_qlog8_to_float[256];

//half_float g_qlog12_to_half[4096];
//float g_qlog12_to_float[4096];

static half_float g_qlog16_to_half[65536];

inline half_float qlog_to_half(uint32_t val, uint32_t bits)

// nearest values given a positive half float value (only)
static uint16_t g_half_to_qlog7[32768], g_half_to_qlog8[32768], g_half_to_qlog9[32768], g_half_to_qlog10[32768], g_half_to_qlog11[32768], g_half_to_qlog12[32768];

const uint32_t HALF_TO_QLOG_TABS_BASE =;
static uint16_t* g_pHalf_to_qlog_tabs[8] =;

static inline uint32_t half_to_qlog7_12(half_float h, uint32_t bits)

#if 0
// Input is the low 11 bits of the qlog
// Returns the 10-bit mantissa of the half float value
static int qlog11_to_half_float_mantissa(int M)
	assert(M <= 0x7FF);
	int Mt;
	if (M < 512)
		Mt = 3 * M;
	else if (M >= 1536)
		Mt = 5 * M - 2048;
		Mt = 4 * M - 512;
	return (Mt >> 3);

// Input is the 10-bit mantissa of the half float value
// Output is the 11-bit qlog value
// Inverse of qlog11_to_half_float_mantissa()
static inline int half_float_mantissa_to_qlog11(int hf)

static inline int half_to_qlog16(int hf)

static inline uint32_t quant_qlog16(uint32_t q16, uint32_t desired_bits)

static void compute_half_to_qlog_table(uint32_t bits, uint16_t* pTable, const basisu::vector<float> &qlog16_to_float)

static void init_qlog_tables()

// [ise_range][0] = # levels
// [ise_range][1...] = lerp value [0,64]
// in ASTC order
// Supported ISE weight ranges: 0 to 10, 11 total
const uint32_t MIN_SUPPORTED_ISE_WEIGHT_INDEX =; // ISE 1=3 levels
const uint32_t MAX_SUPPORTED_ISE_WEIGHT_INDEX =; // ISE 10=24 levels

static const uint8_t g_ise_weight_lerps[MAX_SUPPORTED_ISE_WEIGHT_INDEX + 1][32] =;

//{ 12, 0, 64, 17, 47, 5, 59, 23, 41, 11, 53, 28, 36 }, // 7
//static const uint8_t g_weight_order_7[12] = { 0, 4, 8, 2, 6, 10, 11, 7, 3, 9, 5, 1 };

static vec3F calc_mean(uint32_t num_pixels, const vec4F* pPixels)

static vec3F calc_rgb_pca(uint32_t num_pixels, const vec4F* pPixels, const vec3F& mean_color)

static vec3F interp_color(const vec3F& mean, const vec3F& dir, float df, const aabb3F& colorspace_box, const aabb3F& input_box, bool* pInside = nullptr)

// all in Q16 space, 0-65535
static bool compute_least_squares_endpoints_rgb(
	uint32_t N, const uint8_t* pSelectors, const vec4F* pSelector_weights,
	vec3F* pXl, vec3F* pXh, const vec4F* pColors, const aabb3F& input_box)

static vec4F g_astc_ls_weights_ise[MAX_SUPPORTED_ISE_WEIGHT_INDEX + 1][24];

static uint8_t g_map_astc_to_linear_order[MAX_SUPPORTED_ISE_WEIGHT_INDEX + 1][24]; // [ise_range][astc_index] -> linear index
static uint8_t g_map_linear_to_astc_order[MAX_SUPPORTED_ISE_WEIGHT_INDEX + 1][24]; // [ise_range][linear_index] -> astc_index

static void encode_astc_hdr_init()

void interpolate_qlog12_colors(
	const int e[2][3],
	half_float* pDecoded_half,
	vec3F* pDecoded_float,
	uint32_t n, uint32_t ise_weight_range)

// decoded in ASTC order, not linear order
// return false if the ISE endpoint quantization leads to non-valid endpoints being decoded
bool get_astc_hdr_mode_11_block_colors(
	const uint8_t* pEndpoints,
	half_float* pDecoded_half,
	vec3F* pDecoded_float,
	uint32_t n, uint32_t ise_weight_range, uint32_t ise_endpoint_range)

// decoded in ASTC order, not linear order
// return false if the ISE endpoint quantization leads to non-valid endpoints being decoded
bool get_astc_hdr_mode_7_block_colors(
	const uint8_t* pEndpoints,
	half_float* pDecoded_half,
	vec3F* pDecoded_float,
	uint32_t n, uint32_t ise_weight_range, uint32_t ise_endpoint_range)

// Fast high precision piecewise linear approximation of log2(bias+x).
// Half may be zero, positive or denormal. No NaN/Inf/negative.
static inline double q(half_float x)

double eval_selectors(
	uint32_t num_pixels,
	uint8_t* pWeights,
	const half_float* pBlock_pixels_half,
	uint32_t num_weight_levels,
	const half_float* pDecoded_half,
	const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions,
	uint32_t usable_selector_bitmask)


double compute_block_error(const half_float* pOrig_block, const half_float* pPacked_block, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions)


static inline int compute_clamped_val(int v, int l, int h, bool& did_clamp, int& max_clamp_mag)

static bool pack_astc_mode11_submode(uint32_t submode, uint8_t* pEndpoints, const vec3F& low_q16, const vec3F& high_q16, int& max_clamp_mag)


static void pack_astc_mode11_direct(uint8_t* pEndpoints, const vec3F& l_q16, const vec3F& h_q16)


static bool pack_astc_mode7_submode(uint32_t submode, uint8_t* pEndpoints, const vec3F& rgb_q16, float s_q16, int& max_clamp_mag, uint32_t ise_weight_range)


static void quantize_ise_endpoints(uint32_t ise_endpoint_range, const uint8_t* pSrc_endpoints, uint8_t *pDst_endpoints, uint32_t n)


// Note this could fail to find any valid solution if use_endpoint_range!=20.
// Returns true if improved.
static bool try_mode11(uint32_t num_pixels,
	uint8_t* pEndpoints, uint8_t* pWeights, double& cur_block_error, uint32_t& submode_used,
	vec3F& low_color_q16, const vec3F& high_color_q16,
	half_float block_pixels_half[16][3],
	uint32_t num_weight_levels, uint32_t ise_weight_range, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions, bool direct_only, uint32_t ise_endpoint_range, 
	bool constrain_ise_weight8_selectors, 
	int32_t first_submode, int32_t last_submode) // -1, 7


static bool try_mode7(
	uint32_t num_pixels,
	uint8_t* pEndpoints, uint8_t* pWeights, double& cur_block_error, uint32_t& submode_used,
	vec3F& high_color_q16, const float s_q16,
	half_float block_pixels_half[16][3],
	uint32_t num_weight_levels, uint32_t ise_weight_range, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions, 
	uint32_t ise_endpoint_range)


static double encode_astc_hdr_block_mode_11(
	uint32_t num_pixels,
	const vec4F* pBlock_pixels,
	uint32_t ise_weight_range,
	uint32_t& best_submode,
	double cur_block_error,
	uint8_t* blk_endpoints, uint8_t* blk_weights,
	const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions,
	bool direct_only,
	uint32_t ise_endpoint_range,
	bool uber_mode,
	bool constrain_ise_weight8_selectors,
	int32_t first_submode, int32_t last_submode)


static double encode_astc_hdr_block_mode_7(
	uint32_t num_pixels, const vec4F* pBlock_pixels,
	uint32_t ise_weight_range,
	uint32_t& best_submode,
	double cur_block_error,
	uint8_t* blk_endpoints,  //[4]
	uint8_t* blk_weights, // [num_pixels]
	const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions,
	uint32_t ise_endpoint_range)


static bool pack_solid(const vec4F* pBlock_linear_colors, basisu::vector<astc_hdr_pack_results>& all_results, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions)


static void pack_mode11(
	const vec4F* pBlock_linear_colors, 
	basisu::vector<astc_hdr_pack_results>& all_results, 
	const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions, 
	uint32_t first_weight_ise_range, uint32_t last_weight_ise_range, bool constrain_ise_weight8_selectors)


static void pack_mode7_single_part(const vec4F* pBlock_linear_colors, basisu::vector<astc_hdr_pack_results>& all_results, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions)


static bool estimate_partition2(const vec4F* pBlock_pixels, int* pBest_parts, uint32_t num_best_parts)


static void pack_mode7_2part(const vec4F* pBlock_linear_colors, basisu::vector<astc_hdr_pack_results>& all_results, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions,
	int num_estimated_partitions, const int *pEstimated_partitions,
	uint32_t first_weight_ise_range, uint32_t last_weight_ise_range)


static void pack_mode11_2part(const vec4F* pBlock_linear_colors, basisu::vector<astc_hdr_pack_results>& all_results, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions,
	int num_estimated_partitions, const int* pEstimated_partitions)


bool g_astc_hdr_enc_initialized;

void astc_hdr_enc_init()

bool astc_hdr_enc_block(
	const float* pRGBPixels, 
	const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions,
	basisu::vector<astc_hdr_pack_results>& all_results)

bool astc_hdr_pack_results_to_block(astc_blk& dst_blk, const astc_hdr_pack_results& results)

// Refines a block's chosen weight indices, balancing BC6H and ASTC HDR error.
bool astc_hdr_refine_weights(const half_float *pSource_block, astc_hdr_pack_results& cur_results, const astc_hdr_codec_options& coptions, float bc6h_weight, bool *pImproved_flag)

void astc_hdr_block_stats::update(const astc_hdr_pack_results& log_blk)

void astc_hdr_block_stats::print()

} // namespace basisu