
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main entry for the lossless encoder.
// Author: Vikas Arora ([email protected])

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "src/dsp/lossless.h"
#include "src/dsp/lossless_common.h"
#include "src/enc/backward_references_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/histogram_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/vp8i_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/vp8li_enc.h"
#include "src/utils/bit_writer_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/huffman_encode_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/palette.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
#include "src/webp/encode.h"
#include "src/webp/format_constants.h"

// Maximum number of histogram images (sub-blocks).

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Palette

// These five modes are evaluated and their respective entropy is computed.


static void AddSingleSubGreen(uint32_t p,
                              uint32_t* const r, uint32_t* const b) {}

static void AddSingle(uint32_t p,
                      uint32_t* const a, uint32_t* const r,
                      uint32_t* const g, uint32_t* const b) {}

static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t HashPix(uint32_t pix) {}

static int AnalyzeEntropy(const uint32_t* argb,
                          int width, int height, int argb_stride,
                          int use_palette,
                          int palette_size, int transform_bits,
                          EntropyIx* const min_entropy_ix,
                          int* const red_and_blue_always_zero) {}

static int GetHistoBits(int method, int use_palette, int width, int height) {}

static int GetTransformBits(int method, int histo_bits) {}

// Set of parameters to be used in each iteration of the cruncher.

// +2 because we add a palette sorting configuration for kPalette and
// kPaletteAndSpatial.

static int EncoderAnalyze(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
                          CrunchConfig crunch_configs[CRUNCH_CONFIGS_MAX],
                          int* const crunch_configs_size,
                          int* const red_and_blue_always_zero) {}

static int EncoderInit(VP8LEncoder* const enc) {}

// Returns false in case of memory error.
static int GetHuffBitLengthsAndCodes(
    const VP8LHistogramSet* const histogram_image,
    HuffmanTreeCode* const huffman_codes) {}

static void StoreHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask(
    VP8LBitWriter* const bw, const uint8_t* code_length_bitdepth) {}

static void ClearHuffmanTreeIfOnlyOneSymbol(
    HuffmanTreeCode* const huffman_code) {}

static void StoreHuffmanTreeToBitMask(
    VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
    const HuffmanTreeToken* const tokens, const int num_tokens,
    const HuffmanTreeCode* const huffman_code) {}

// 'huff_tree' and 'tokens' are pre-alloacted buffers.
static void StoreFullHuffmanCode(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
                                 HuffmanTree* const huff_tree,
                                 HuffmanTreeToken* const tokens,
                                 const HuffmanTreeCode* const tree) {}

// 'huff_tree' and 'tokens' are pre-alloacted buffers.
static void StoreHuffmanCode(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
                             HuffmanTree* const huff_tree,
                             HuffmanTreeToken* const tokens,
                             const HuffmanTreeCode* const huffman_code) {}

static WEBP_INLINE void WriteHuffmanCode(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
                             const HuffmanTreeCode* const code,
                             int code_index) {}

static WEBP_INLINE void WriteHuffmanCodeWithExtraBits(
    VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
    const HuffmanTreeCode* const code,
    int code_index,
    int bits,
    int n_bits) {}

static int StoreImageToBitMask(
    VP8LBitWriter* const bw, int width, int histo_bits,
    const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
    const uint16_t* histogram_symbols,
    const HuffmanTreeCode* const huffman_codes, const WebPPicture* const pic) {}

// Special case of EncodeImageInternal() for cache-bits=0, histo_bits=31.
// pic and percent are for progress.
static int EncodeImageNoHuffman(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
                                const uint32_t* const argb,
                                VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain,
                                VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_array, int width,
                                int height, int quality, int low_effort,
                                const WebPPicture* const pic, int percent_range,
                                int* const percent) {}

// pic and percent are for progress.
static int EncodeImageInternal(
    VP8LBitWriter* const bw, const uint32_t* const argb,
    VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, VP8LBackwardRefs refs_array[4], int width,
    int height, int quality, int low_effort, const CrunchConfig* const config,
    int* cache_bits, int histogram_bits, size_t init_byte_position,
    int* const hdr_size, int* const data_size, const WebPPicture* const pic,
    int percent_range, int* const percent) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transforms

static void ApplySubtractGreen(VP8LEncoder* const enc, int width, int height,
                               VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {}

static int ApplyPredictFilter(const VP8LEncoder* const enc, int width,
                              int height, int quality, int low_effort,
                              int used_subtract_green, VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
                              int percent_range, int* const percent) {}

static int ApplyCrossColorFilter(const VP8LEncoder* const enc, int width,
                                 int height, int quality, int low_effort,
                                 VP8LBitWriter* const bw, int percent_range,
                                 int* const percent) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static int WriteRiffHeader(const WebPPicture* const pic, size_t riff_size,
                           size_t vp8l_size) {}

static int WriteImageSize(const WebPPicture* const pic,
                          VP8LBitWriter* const bw) {}

static int WriteRealAlphaAndVersion(VP8LBitWriter* const bw, int has_alpha) {}

static int WriteImage(const WebPPicture* const pic, VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
                      size_t* const coded_size) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void ClearTransformBuffer(VP8LEncoder* const enc) {}

// Allocates the memory for argb (W x H) buffer, 2 rows of context for
// prediction and transform data.
// Flags influencing the memory allocated:
//  enc->transform_bits_
//  enc->use_predict_, enc->use_cross_color_
static int AllocateTransformBuffer(VP8LEncoder* const enc, int width,
                                   int height) {}

static int MakeInputImageCopy(VP8LEncoder* const enc) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t SearchColorGreedy(const uint32_t palette[],
                                              int palette_size,
                                              uint32_t color) {}

static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ApplyPaletteHash0(uint32_t color) {}


static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ApplyPaletteHash1(uint32_t color) {}

static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ApplyPaletteHash2(uint32_t color) {}

// Use 1 pixel cache for ARGB pixels.

// Remap argb values in src[] to packed palettes entries in dst[]
// using 'row' as a temporary buffer of size 'width'.
// We assume that all src[] values have a corresponding entry in the palette.
// Note: src[] can be the same as dst[]
static int ApplyPalette(const uint32_t* src, uint32_t src_stride, uint32_t* dst,
                        uint32_t dst_stride, const uint32_t* palette,
                        int palette_size, int width, int height, int xbits,
                        const WebPPicture* const pic) {}

// Note: Expects "enc->palette_" to be set properly.
static int MapImageFromPalette(VP8LEncoder* const enc, int in_place) {}

// Save palette_[] to bitstream.
static WebPEncodingError EncodePalette(VP8LBitWriter* const bw, int low_effort,
                                       VP8LEncoder* const enc,
                                       int percent_range, int* const percent) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VP8LEncoder

static VP8LEncoder* VP8LEncoderNew(const WebPConfig* const config,
                                   const WebPPicture* const picture) {}

static void VP8LEncoderDelete(VP8LEncoder* enc) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main call


static int EncodeStreamHook(void* input, void* data2) {}

int VP8LEncodeStream(const WebPConfig* const config,
                     const WebPPicture* const picture,
                     VP8LBitWriter* const bw_main) {}


int VP8LEncodeImage(const WebPConfig* const config,
                    const WebPPicture* const picture) {}
