
// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include "../tasking/taskscheduler.h"
#include "../sys/array.h"
#include "../math/emath.h"
#include "../math/range.h"

namespace embree
  /* parallel_for without range */
  template<typename Index, typename Func>
    __forceinline void parallel_for( const Index N, const Func& func)
  /* parallel for with range and granulatity */
  template<typename Index, typename Func>
    __forceinline void parallel_for( const Index first, const Index last, const Index minStepSize, const Func& func)
  /* parallel for with range */
  template<typename Index, typename Func>
    __forceinline void parallel_for( const Index first, const Index last, const Func& func)

#if defined(TASKING_TBB) && (TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION > 4001)

  template<typename Index, typename Func>
    __forceinline void parallel_for_static( const Index N, const Func& func)
    #if TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION >= 12002
      tbb::task_group_context context;
      tbb::parallel_for(Index(0),N,Index(1),[&](Index i) {
      if (context.is_group_execution_cancelled())
        throw std::runtime_error("task cancelled");
      tbb::parallel_for(Index(0),N,Index(1),[&](Index i) {
      if (tbb::task::self().is_cancelled())
        throw std::runtime_error("task cancelled");

  typedef tbb::affinity_partitioner affinity_partitioner;

  template<typename Index, typename Func>
    __forceinline void parallel_for_affinity( const Index N, const Func& func, tbb::affinity_partitioner& ap)
    #if TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION >= 12002
      tbb::task_group_context context;
      tbb::parallel_for(Index(0),N,Index(1),[&](Index i) {
      if (context.is_group_execution_cancelled())
        throw std::runtime_error("task cancelled");
      tbb::parallel_for(Index(0),N,Index(1),[&](Index i) {
      if (tbb::task::self().is_cancelled())
        throw std::runtime_error("task cancelled");


  template<typename Index, typename Func>
    __forceinline void parallel_for_static( const Index N, const Func& func) 

  struct affinity_partitioner {};

  template<typename Index, typename Func>
    __forceinline void parallel_for_affinity( const Index N, const Func& func, affinity_partitioner& ap) 
