
// This file is part of meshoptimizer library; see meshoptimizer.h for version/license details
#include "meshoptimizer.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

// The block below auto-detects SIMD ISA that can be used on the target platform

// The SIMD implementation requires SSSE3, which can be enabled unconditionally through compiler settings
#if defined(__AVX__) || defined(__SSSE3__)
#define SIMD_SSE

// An experimental implementation using AVX512 instructions; it's only enabled when AVX512 is enabled through compiler settings
#if defined(__AVX512VBMI2__) && defined(__AVX512VBMI__) && defined(__AVX512VL__) && defined(__POPCNT__)
#undef SIMD_SSE
#define SIMD_AVX

// MSVC supports compiling SSSE3 code regardless of compile options; we use a cpuid-based scalar fallback
#if !defined(SIMD_SSE) && !defined(SIMD_AVX) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64))
#define SIMD_SSE

// GCC 4.9+ and clang 3.8+ support targeting SIMD ISA from individual functions; we use a cpuid-based scalar fallback
#if !defined(SIMD_SSE) && !defined(SIMD_AVX) && ((defined(__clang__) && __clang_major__ * 100 + __clang_minor__ >= 308) || (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 409)) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
#define SIMD_SSE

// GCC/clang define these when NEON support is available
#if defined(__ARM_NEON__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
#define SIMD_NEON

// On MSVC, we assume that ARM builds always target NEON-capable devices
#if !defined(SIMD_NEON) && defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_M_ARM64))
#define SIMD_NEON

// When targeting Wasm SIMD we can't use runtime cpuid checks so we unconditionally enable SIMD
#if defined(__wasm_simd128__)
#define SIMD_WASM
// Prevent compiling other variant when wasm simd compilation is active
#undef SIMD_NEON
#undef SIMD_SSE
#undef SIMD_AVX


// When targeting AArch64/x64, optimize for latency to allow decoding of individual 16-byte groups to overlap
// We don't do this for 32-bit systems because we need 64-bit math for this and this will hurt in-order CPUs
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)


#ifdef SIMD_SSE
#include <tmmintrin.h>

#if defined(SIMD_SSE) && defined(SIMD_FALLBACK)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h> // __cpuid
#include <cpuid.h> // __cpuid

#ifdef SIMD_AVX
#include <immintrin.h>

#ifdef SIMD_NEON
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64)
#include <arm64_neon.h>
#include <arm_neon.h>

#ifdef SIMD_WASM
#include <wasm_simd128.h>

#ifdef SIMD_WASM
#define wasmx_splat_v32x4
#define wasmx_unpacklo_v8x16
#define wasmx_unpackhi_v8x16
#define wasmx_unpacklo_v16x8
#define wasmx_unpackhi_v16x8
#define wasmx_unpacklo_v64x2
#define wasmx_unpackhi_v64x2

namespace meshopt

const unsigned char kVertexHeader =;

static int gEncodeVertexVersion =;

const size_t kVertexBlockSizeBytes =;
const size_t kVertexBlockMaxSize =;
const size_t kByteGroupSize =;
const size_t kByteGroupDecodeLimit =;
const size_t kTailMaxSize =;

static size_t getVertexBlockSize(size_t vertex_size)

inline unsigned char zigzag8(unsigned char v)

inline unsigned char unzigzag8(unsigned char v)

static bool encodeBytesGroupZero(const unsigned char* buffer)

static size_t encodeBytesGroupMeasure(const unsigned char* buffer, int bits)

static unsigned char* encodeBytesGroup(unsigned char* data, const unsigned char* buffer, int bits)

static unsigned char* encodeBytes(unsigned char* data, unsigned char* data_end, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size)

static unsigned char* encodeVertexBlock(unsigned char* data, unsigned char* data_end, const unsigned char* vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_size, unsigned char last_vertex[256])

#if defined(SIMD_FALLBACK) || (!defined(SIMD_SSE) && !defined(SIMD_NEON) && !defined(SIMD_AVX) && !defined(SIMD_WASM))
static const unsigned char* decodeBytesGroup(const unsigned char* data, unsigned char* buffer, int bitslog2)

static const unsigned char* decodeBytes(const unsigned char* data, const unsigned char* data_end, unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size)

static const unsigned char* decodeVertexBlock(const unsigned char* data, const unsigned char* data_end, unsigned char* vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_size, unsigned char last_vertex[256])

#if defined(SIMD_SSE) || defined(SIMD_NEON) || defined(SIMD_WASM)
static unsigned char kDecodeBytesGroupShuffle[256][8];
static unsigned char kDecodeBytesGroupCount[256];

#ifdef __wasm__
__attribute__((cold)) // this saves 500 bytes in the output binary - we don't need to vectorize this loop!
static bool

static bool gDecodeBytesGroupInitialized =;

#ifdef SIMD_SSE
static __m128i decodeShuffleMask(unsigned char mask0, unsigned char mask1)

static const unsigned char* decodeBytesGroupSimd(const unsigned char* data, unsigned char* buffer, int bitslog2)

#ifdef SIMD_AVX
static const __m128i decodeBytesGroupConfig[] = {
    _mm_setr_epi8(6, 4, 2, 0, 14, 12, 10, 8, 22, 20, 18, 16, 30, 28, 26, 24),
    _mm_setr_epi8(4, 0, 12, 8, 20, 16, 28, 24, 36, 32, 44, 40, 52, 48, 60, 56),

static const unsigned char* decodeBytesGroupSimd(const unsigned char* data, unsigned char* buffer, int bitslog2)
	switch (bitslog2)
	case 0:
		__m128i result = _mm_setzero_si128();

		_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(buffer), result);

		return data;

	case 1:
	case 2:
		const unsigned char* skip = data + (bitslog2 << 2);

		__m128i selb = _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(data));
		__m128i rest = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(skip));

		__m128i sent = decodeBytesGroupConfig[bitslog2 - 1];
		__m128i ctrl = decodeBytesGroupConfig[bitslog2 + 1];

		__m128i selw = _mm_shuffle_epi32(selb, 0x44);
		__m128i sel = _mm_and_si128(sent, _mm_multishift_epi64_epi8(ctrl, selw));
		__mmask16 mask16 = _mm_cmp_epi8_mask(sel, sent, _MM_CMPINT_EQ);

		__m128i result = _mm_mask_expand_epi8(sel, mask16, rest);

		_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(buffer), result);

		return skip + _mm_popcnt_u32(mask16);

	case 3:
		__m128i result = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(data));

		_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(buffer), result);

		return data + 16;

		assert(!"Unexpected bit length"); // unreachable since bitslog2 is a 2-bit value
		return data;

#ifdef SIMD_NEON
static uint8x16_t shuffleBytes(unsigned char mask0, unsigned char mask1, uint8x8_t rest0, uint8x8_t rest1)
	uint8x8_t sm0 = vld1_u8(kDecodeBytesGroupShuffle[mask0]);
	uint8x8_t sm1 = vld1_u8(kDecodeBytesGroupShuffle[mask1]);

	uint8x8_t r0 = vtbl1_u8(rest0, sm0);
	uint8x8_t r1 = vtbl1_u8(rest1, sm1);

	return vcombine_u8(r0, r1);

static void neonMoveMask(uint8x16_t mask, unsigned char& mask0, unsigned char& mask1)
	// magic constant found using z3 SMT assuming mask has 8 groups of 0xff or 0x00
	const uint64_t magic = 0x000103070f1f3f80ull;

	uint64x2_t mask2 = vreinterpretq_u64_u8(mask);

	mask0 = uint8_t((vgetq_lane_u64(mask2, 0) * magic) >> 56);
	mask1 = uint8_t((vgetq_lane_u64(mask2, 1) * magic) >> 56);

static const unsigned char* decodeBytesGroupSimd(const unsigned char* data, unsigned char* buffer, int bitslog2)
	switch (bitslog2)
	case 0:
		uint8x16_t result = vdupq_n_u8(0);

		vst1q_u8(buffer, result);

		return data;

	case 1:
		unsigned int data32;
		memcpy(&data32, data, 4);
		data32 &= data32 >> 1;

		// arrange bits such that low bits of nibbles of data64 contain all 2-bit elements of data32
		unsigned long long data64 = ((unsigned long long)data32 << 30) | (data32 & 0x3fffffff);

		// adds all 1-bit nibbles together; the sum fits in 4 bits because datacnt=16 would have used mode 3
		int datacnt = int(((data64 & 0x1111111111111111ull) * 0x1111111111111111ull) >> 60);

		uint8x8_t sel2 = vld1_u8(data);
		uint8x8_t sel22 = vzip_u8(vshr_n_u8(sel2, 4), sel2).val[0];
		uint8x8x2_t sel2222 = vzip_u8(vshr_n_u8(sel22, 2), sel22);
		uint8x16_t sel = vandq_u8(vcombine_u8(sel2222.val[0], sel2222.val[1]), vdupq_n_u8(3));

		uint8x16_t mask = vceqq_u8(sel, vdupq_n_u8(3));
		unsigned char mask0, mask1;
		neonMoveMask(mask, mask0, mask1);

		uint8x8_t rest0 = vld1_u8(data + 4);
		uint8x8_t rest1 = vld1_u8(data + 4 + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask0]);

		uint8x16_t result = vbslq_u8(mask, shuffleBytes(mask0, mask1, rest0, rest1), sel);

		vst1q_u8(buffer, result);

		return data + 4 + datacnt;
		return data + 4 + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask0] + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask1];

	case 2:
		unsigned long long data64;
		memcpy(&data64, data, 8);
		data64 &= data64 >> 1;
		data64 &= data64 >> 2;

		// adds all 1-bit nibbles together; the sum fits in 4 bits because datacnt=16 would have used mode 3
		int datacnt = int(((data64 & 0x1111111111111111ull) * 0x1111111111111111ull) >> 60);

		uint8x8_t sel4 = vld1_u8(data);
		uint8x8x2_t sel44 = vzip_u8(vshr_n_u8(sel4, 4), vand_u8(sel4, vdup_n_u8(15)));
		uint8x16_t sel = vcombine_u8(sel44.val[0], sel44.val[1]);

		uint8x16_t mask = vceqq_u8(sel, vdupq_n_u8(15));
		unsigned char mask0, mask1;
		neonMoveMask(mask, mask0, mask1);

		uint8x8_t rest0 = vld1_u8(data + 8);
		uint8x8_t rest1 = vld1_u8(data + 8 + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask0]);

		uint8x16_t result = vbslq_u8(mask, shuffleBytes(mask0, mask1, rest0, rest1), sel);

		vst1q_u8(buffer, result);

		return data + 8 + datacnt;
		return data + 8 + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask0] + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask1];

	case 3:
		uint8x16_t result = vld1q_u8(data);

		vst1q_u8(buffer, result);

		return data + 16;

		assert(!"Unexpected bit length"); // unreachable since bitslog2 is a 2-bit value
		return data;

#ifdef SIMD_WASM
static v128_t decodeShuffleMask(unsigned char mask0, unsigned char mask1)
	v128_t sm0 = wasm_v128_load(&kDecodeBytesGroupShuffle[mask0]);
	v128_t sm1 = wasm_v128_load(&kDecodeBytesGroupShuffle[mask1]);

	v128_t sm1off = wasm_v128_load(&kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask0]);
	sm1off = wasm_i8x16_shuffle(sm1off, sm1off, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	v128_t sm1r = wasm_i8x16_add(sm1, sm1off);

	return wasmx_unpacklo_v64x2(sm0, sm1r);

static void wasmMoveMask(v128_t mask, unsigned char& mask0, unsigned char& mask1)
	// magic constant found using z3 SMT assuming mask has 8 groups of 0xff or 0x00
	const uint64_t magic = 0x000103070f1f3f80ull;

	mask0 = uint8_t((wasm_i64x2_extract_lane(mask, 0) * magic) >> 56);
	mask1 = uint8_t((wasm_i64x2_extract_lane(mask, 1) * magic) >> 56);

static const unsigned char* decodeBytesGroupSimd(const unsigned char* data, unsigned char* buffer, int bitslog2)
	switch (bitslog2)
	case 0:
		v128_t result = wasm_i8x16_splat(0);

		wasm_v128_store(buffer, result);

		return data;

	case 1:
		v128_t sel2 = wasm_v128_load(data);
		v128_t rest = wasm_v128_load(data + 4);

		v128_t sel22 = wasmx_unpacklo_v8x16(wasm_i16x8_shr(sel2, 4), sel2);
		v128_t sel2222 = wasmx_unpacklo_v8x16(wasm_i16x8_shr(sel22, 2), sel22);
		v128_t sel = wasm_v128_and(sel2222, wasm_i8x16_splat(3));

		v128_t mask = wasm_i8x16_eq(sel, wasm_i8x16_splat(3));

		unsigned char mask0, mask1;
		wasmMoveMask(mask, mask0, mask1);

		v128_t shuf = decodeShuffleMask(mask0, mask1);

		v128_t result = wasm_v128_bitselect(wasm_i8x16_swizzle(rest, shuf), sel, mask);

		wasm_v128_store(buffer, result);

		return data + 4 + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask0] + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask1];

	case 2:
		v128_t sel4 = wasm_v128_load(data);
		v128_t rest = wasm_v128_load(data + 8);

		v128_t sel44 = wasmx_unpacklo_v8x16(wasm_i16x8_shr(sel4, 4), sel4);
		v128_t sel = wasm_v128_and(sel44, wasm_i8x16_splat(15));

		v128_t mask = wasm_i8x16_eq(sel, wasm_i8x16_splat(15));

		unsigned char mask0, mask1;
		wasmMoveMask(mask, mask0, mask1);

		v128_t shuf = decodeShuffleMask(mask0, mask1);

		v128_t result = wasm_v128_bitselect(wasm_i8x16_swizzle(rest, shuf), sel, mask);

		wasm_v128_store(buffer, result);

		return data + 8 + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask0] + kDecodeBytesGroupCount[mask1];

	case 3:
		v128_t result = wasm_v128_load(data);

		wasm_v128_store(buffer, result);

		return data + 16;

		assert(!"Unexpected bit length"); // unreachable since bitslog2 is a 2-bit value
		return data;

#if defined(SIMD_SSE) || defined(SIMD_AVX)
static void transpose8(__m128i& x0, __m128i& x1, __m128i& x2, __m128i& x3)

static __m128i unzigzag8(__m128i v)

#ifdef SIMD_NEON
static void transpose8(uint8x16_t& x0, uint8x16_t& x1, uint8x16_t& x2, uint8x16_t& x3)
	uint8x16x2_t t01 = vzipq_u8(x0, x1);
	uint8x16x2_t t23 = vzipq_u8(x2, x3);

	uint16x8x2_t x01 = vzipq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u8(t01.val[0]), vreinterpretq_u16_u8(t23.val[0]));
	uint16x8x2_t x23 = vzipq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u8(t01.val[1]), vreinterpretq_u16_u8(t23.val[1]));

	x0 = vreinterpretq_u8_u16(x01.val[0]);
	x1 = vreinterpretq_u8_u16(x01.val[1]);
	x2 = vreinterpretq_u8_u16(x23.val[0]);
	x3 = vreinterpretq_u8_u16(x23.val[1]);

static uint8x16_t unzigzag8(uint8x16_t v)
	uint8x16_t xl = vreinterpretq_u8_s8(vnegq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(v, vdupq_n_u8(1)))));
	uint8x16_t xr = vshrq_n_u8(v, 1);

	return veorq_u8(xl, xr);

#ifdef SIMD_WASM
static void transpose8(v128_t& x0, v128_t& x1, v128_t& x2, v128_t& x3)
	v128_t t0 = wasmx_unpacklo_v8x16(x0, x1);
	v128_t t1 = wasmx_unpackhi_v8x16(x0, x1);
	v128_t t2 = wasmx_unpacklo_v8x16(x2, x3);
	v128_t t3 = wasmx_unpackhi_v8x16(x2, x3);

	x0 = wasmx_unpacklo_v16x8(t0, t2);
	x1 = wasmx_unpackhi_v16x8(t0, t2);
	x2 = wasmx_unpacklo_v16x8(t1, t3);
	x3 = wasmx_unpackhi_v16x8(t1, t3);

static v128_t unzigzag8(v128_t v)
	v128_t xl = wasm_i8x16_neg(wasm_v128_and(v, wasm_i8x16_splat(1)));
	v128_t xr = wasm_u8x16_shr(v, 1);

	return wasm_v128_xor(xl, xr);

#if defined(SIMD_SSE) || defined(SIMD_AVX) || defined(SIMD_NEON) || defined(SIMD_WASM)
static const unsigned char* decodeBytesSimd(const unsigned char* data, const unsigned char* data_end, unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size)

static const unsigned char* decodeVertexBlockSimd(const unsigned char* data, const unsigned char* data_end, unsigned char* vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_size, unsigned char last_vertex[256])

#if defined(SIMD_SSE) && defined(SIMD_FALLBACK)
static unsigned int getCpuFeatures()

static unsigned int cpuid =;

} // namespace meshopt

size_t meshopt_encodeVertexBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size, const void* vertices, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_size)

size_t meshopt_encodeVertexBufferBound(size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_size)

void meshopt_encodeVertexVersion(int version)

int meshopt_decodeVertexBuffer(void* destination, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_size, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size)

#undef SIMD_NEON
#undef SIMD_SSE
#undef SIMD_AVX
#undef SIMD_WASM