
 @file  packet.c
 @brief ENet packet management functions
#include <string.h>
#include "enet/enet.h"

/** @defgroup Packet ENet packet functions 

/** Creates a packet that may be sent to a peer.
    @param data         initial contents of the packet's data; the packet's data will remain uninitialized if data is NULL.
    @param dataLength   size of the data allocated for this packet
    @param flags        flags for this packet as described for the ENetPacket structure.
    @returns the packet on success, NULL on failure
ENetPacket *
enet_packet_create (const void * data, size_t dataLength, enet_uint32 flags)

/** Destroys the packet and deallocates its data.
    @param packet packet to be destroyed
enet_packet_destroy (ENetPacket * packet)

/** Attempts to resize the data in the packet to length specified in the 
    dataLength parameter 
    @param packet packet to resize
    @param dataLength new size for the packet data
    @returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure
enet_packet_resize (ENetPacket * packet, size_t dataLength)

static const enet_uint32 crcTable [256] =;

enet_crc32 (const ENetBuffer * buffers, size_t bufferCount)

/** @} */