
// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

namespace embree
  namespace isa
    /*! Intersects a ray with a quad with backface culling
     *  enabled. The quad v0,v1,v2,v3 is split into two triangles
     *  v0,v1,v3 and v2,v3,v1. The edge v1,v2 decides which of the two
     *  triangles gets intersected. */
    template<int N>
    __forceinline vbool<N> intersect_quad_backface_culling(const vbool<N>& valid0,
                                                           const Vec3fa& ray_org,
                                                           const Vec3fa& ray_dir,
                                                           const float ray_tnear,
                                                           const float ray_tfar,
                                                           const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v0,
                                                           const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v1,
                                                           const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v2,
                                                           const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v3,
                                                           vfloat<N>& u_o,
                                                           vfloat<N>& v_o,
                                                           vfloat<N>& t_o)