

** Copyright (c) 2017-2024, The Khronos Group Inc.
** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT

** This header is generated from the Khronos OpenXR XML API Registry.

#include "openxr.h"

This file contains expansion macros (X Macros) for OpenXR enumerations and structures.
Example of how to use expansion macros to make an enum-to-string function:

#define XR_ENUM_CASE_STR(name, val) case name: return #name;
#define XR_ENUM_STR(enumType)                         \
    constexpr const char* XrEnumStr(enumType e) {     \
        switch (e) {                                  \
            XR_LIST_ENUM_##enumType(XR_ENUM_CASE_STR) \
            default: return "Unknown";                \
        }                                             \
    }                                                 \


#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrResult(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrStructureType(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFormFactor(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrViewConfigurationType(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrEnvironmentBlendMode(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrReferenceSpaceType(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrActionType(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrEyeVisibility(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSessionState(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrObjectType(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrLoaderInterfaceStructs(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrAndroidThreadTypeKHR(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrVisibilityMaskTypeKHR(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPerfSettingsDomainEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPerfSettingsSubDomainEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPerfSettingsLevelEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPerfSettingsNotificationLevelEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrBlendFactorFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSpatialGraphNodeTypeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHandEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHandJointEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHandJointSetEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHandPoseTypeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrReprojectionModeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrBodyJointFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrBodyJointSetFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHandJointsMotionRangeEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSceneComputeFeatureMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSceneComputeConsistencyMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMeshComputeLodMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSceneComponentTypeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSceneObjectTypeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrScenePlaneAlignmentTypeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSceneComputeStateMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrEyeExpressionHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrLipExpressionHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFacialTrackingTypeHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrColorSpaceFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSpaceComponentTypeFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFoveationLevelFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFoveationDynamicFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrWindingOrderFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPassthroughLayerPurposeFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerDetectorProfileML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerTypeML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerArucoDictML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerAprilTagDictML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerDetectorFpsML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerDetectorResolutionML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerDetectorCameraML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerDetectorCornerRefineMethodML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerDetectorFullAnalysisIntervalML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrMarkerDetectorStatusML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrLocalizationMapStateML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrLocalizationMapTypeML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrLocalizationMapConfidenceML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSpatialAnchorConfidenceML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSceneMarkerTypeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSceneMarkerQRCodeSymbolTypeMSFT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHandForearmJointULTRALEAP(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSpaceQueryActionFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSpaceStorageLocationFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrSpacePersistenceModeFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFaceExpressionFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFaceExpressionSetFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFaceConfidenceFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrEyePositionFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrCompareOpFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrLocalDimmingModeMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrVirtualKeyboardLocationTypeMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrVirtualKeyboardInputSourceMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrExternalCameraAttachedToDeviceOCULUS(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPerformanceMetricsCounterUnitMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPassthroughColorLutChannelsMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFaceExpression2FB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFaceExpressionSet2FB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFaceTrackingDataSource2FB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFaceConfidence2FB(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrTrackingOptimizationSettingsDomainQCOM(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrTrackingOptimizationSettingsHintQCOM(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPassthroughFormHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFoveationModeHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFoveationLevelHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrBodyJointHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrBodyJointSetHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrBodyJointConfidenceHTC(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrForceFeedbackCurlLocationMNDX(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHandTrackingDataSourceEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPlaneDetectorOrientationEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPlaneDetectorSemanticTypeEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrPlaneDetectionStateEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrFutureStateEXT(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrHeadsetFitStatusML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrEyeCalibrationStatusML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrWorldMeshDetectorLodML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrWorldMeshBlockStatusML(_)

#define XR_LIST_ENUM_XrWorldMeshBlockResultML(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrInstanceCreateFlags(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSessionCreateFlags(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSpaceVelocityFlags(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSpaceLocationFlags(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSwapchainCreateFlags(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSwapchainUsageFlags(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrCompositionLayerFlags(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrViewStateFlags(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrInputSourceLocalizedNameFlags(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrVulkanInstanceCreateFlagsKHR(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrVulkanDeviceCreateFlagsKHR(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrOverlaySessionCreateFlagsEXTX(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrOverlayMainSessionFlagsEXTX(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrCompositionLayerImageLayoutFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrAndroidSurfaceSwapchainFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrCompositionLayerSecureContentFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrHandTrackingAimFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSwapchainCreateFoveationFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSwapchainStateFoveationFlagsFB(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrKeyboardTrackingFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrKeyboardTrackingQueryFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrTriangleMeshFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrPassthroughCapabilityFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrPassthroughFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrPassthroughStateChangedFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrRenderModelFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrFrameEndInfoFlagsML(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrGlobalDimmerFrameEndInfoFlagsML(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrLocalizationMapErrorFlagsML(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrCompositionLayerSpaceWarpInfoFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrSemanticLabelsSupportFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrDigitalLensControlFlagsALMALENCE(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrFoveationEyeTrackedProfileCreateFlagsMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrFoveationEyeTrackedStateFlagsMETA(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrCompositionLayerSettingsFlagsFB(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrPassthroughPreferenceFlagsMETA(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrVirtualKeyboardInputStateFlagsMETA(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrExternalCameraStatusFlagsOCULUS(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrPerformanceMetricsCounterFlagsMETA(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrEnvironmentDepthProviderCreateFlagsMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrEnvironmentDepthSwapchainCreateFlagsMETA(_)

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrFoveationDynamicFlagsHTC(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrPlaneDetectionCapabilityFlagsEXT(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrPlaneDetectorFlagsEXT(_) \

#define XR_LIST_BITS_XrWorldMeshDetectorFlagsML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrApiLayerProperties, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrApiLayerProperties(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrExtensionProperties, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrExtensionProperties(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrApplicationInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrApplicationInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInstanceCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInstanceCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInstanceProperties, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInstanceProperties(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataBuffer, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataBuffer(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemGetInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemGetInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemGraphicsProperties, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemGraphicsProperties(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemTrackingProperties, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemTrackingProperties(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemProperties, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemProperties(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSessionCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSessionCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVector3f, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVector3f(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceVelocity, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceVelocity(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrQuaternionf, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrQuaternionf(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPosef, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPosef(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrExtent2Df, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrExtent2Df(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionSpaceCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionSpaceCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceLocation, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceLocation(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViewConfigurationProperties, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViewConfigurationProperties(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViewConfigurationView, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViewConfigurationView(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageAcquireInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageAcquireInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageWaitInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageWaitInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageReleaseInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageReleaseInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSessionBeginInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSessionBeginInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFrameWaitInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFrameWaitInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFrameState, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFrameState(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFrameBeginInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFrameBeginInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFrameEndInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFrameEndInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViewLocateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViewLocateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViewState, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViewState(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFovf, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFovf(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrView, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrView(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionSetCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionSetCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionSuggestedBinding, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionSuggestedBinding(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInteractionProfileState, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInteractionProfileState(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionStateGetInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionStateGetInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionStateBoolean, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionStateBoolean(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionStateFloat, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionStateFloat(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVector2f, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVector2f(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionStateVector2f, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionStateVector2f(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionStatePose, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionStatePose(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActiveActionSet, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActiveActionSet(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActionsSyncInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActionsSyncInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBoundSourcesForActionEnumerateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBoundSourcesForActionEnumerateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInputSourceLocalizedNameGetInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInputSourceLocalizedNameGetInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHapticActionInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHapticActionInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHapticBaseHeader, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHapticBaseHeader(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBaseInStructure, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBaseInStructure(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBaseOutStructure, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBaseOutStructure(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrOffset2Di, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrOffset2Di(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrExtent2Di, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrExtent2Di(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRect2Di, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRect2Di(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainSubImage, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainSubImage(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerProjectionView, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerProjectionView(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerProjection, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerProjection(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerQuad, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerQuad(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataBaseHeader, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataBaseHeader(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataEventsLost, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataEventsLost(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataInstanceLossPending, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataInstanceLossPending(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSessionStateChanged, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSessionStateChanged(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataInteractionProfileChanged, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataInteractionProfileChanged(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHapticVibration, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHapticVibration(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrOffset2Df, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrOffset2Df(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRect2Df, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRect2Df(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVector4f, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVector4f(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrColor4f, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrColor4f(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrApiLayerNextInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrApiLayerNextInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrApiLayerCreateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrApiLayerCreateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrNegotiateLoaderInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrNegotiateLoaderInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrNegotiateRuntimeRequest, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrNegotiateRuntimeRequest(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrNegotiateApiLayerRequest, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrNegotiateApiLayerRequest(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrColor3f, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrColor3f(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrExtent3Df, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrExtent3Df(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpheref, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpheref(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBoxf, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBoxf(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFrustumf, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFrustumf(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrUuid, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrUuid(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpacesLocateInfo, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpacesLocateInfo(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceLocationData, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceLocationData(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceLocations, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceLocations(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceVelocityData, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceVelocityData(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceVelocities, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceVelocities(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerCubeKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerCubeKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInstanceCreateInfoAndroidKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInstanceCreateInfoAndroidKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerDepthInfoKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerDepthInfoKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVulkanSwapchainFormatListCreateInfoKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVulkanSwapchainFormatListCreateInfoKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerCylinderKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerCylinderKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerEquirectKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerEquirectKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLWin32KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLWin32KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLXlibKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLXlibKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLXcbKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLXcbKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLWaylandKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLWaylandKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageOpenGLKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageOpenGLKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsRequirementsOpenGLKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsRequirementsOpenGLKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLESAndroidKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLESAndroidKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageOpenGLESKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageOpenGLESKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsRequirementsOpenGLESKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsRequirementsOpenGLESKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingVulkanKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingVulkanKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageVulkanKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageVulkanKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsRequirementsVulkanKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsRequirementsVulkanKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingD3D11KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingD3D11KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageD3D11KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageD3D11KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsRequirementsD3D11KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsRequirementsD3D11KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingD3D12KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingD3D12KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageD3D12KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageD3D12KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsRequirementsD3D12KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsRequirementsD3D12KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingMetalKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingMetalKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageMetalKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageMetalKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsRequirementsMetalKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsRequirementsMetalKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVisibilityMaskKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVisibilityMaskKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataVisibilityMaskChangedKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataVisibilityMaskChangedKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerColorScaleBiasKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerColorScaleBiasKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrLoaderInitInfoAndroidKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrLoaderInitInfoAndroidKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVulkanInstanceCreateInfoKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVulkanInstanceCreateInfoKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVulkanDeviceCreateInfoKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVulkanDeviceCreateInfoKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVulkanGraphicsDeviceGetInfoKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVulkanGraphicsDeviceGetInfoKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerEquirect2KHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerEquirect2KHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBindingModificationBaseHeaderKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBindingModificationBaseHeaderKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBindingModificationsKHR, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBindingModificationsKHR(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataPerfSettingsEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataPerfSettingsEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemEyeGazeInteractionPropertiesEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemEyeGazeInteractionPropertiesEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEyeGazeSampleTimeEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEyeGazeSampleTimeEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSessionCreateInfoOverlayEXTX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSessionCreateInfoOverlayEXTX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataMainSessionVisibilityChangedEXTX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataMainSessionVisibilityChangedEXTX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorSpaceCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorSpaceCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerImageLayoutFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerImageLayoutFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerAlphaBlendFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerAlphaBlendFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViewConfigurationDepthRangeEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViewConfigurationDepthRangeEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGraphicsBindingEGLMNDX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGraphicsBindingEGLMNDX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialGraphNodeSpaceCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialGraphNodeSpaceCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialGraphStaticNodeBindingCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialGraphStaticNodeBindingCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialGraphNodeBindingPropertiesGetInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialGraphNodeBindingPropertiesGetInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialGraphNodeBindingPropertiesMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialGraphNodeBindingPropertiesMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemHandTrackingPropertiesEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemHandTrackingPropertiesEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandTrackerCreateInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandTrackerCreateInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandJointsLocateInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandJointsLocateInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandJointLocationEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandJointLocationEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandJointVelocityEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandJointVelocityEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandJointLocationsEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandJointLocationsEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandJointVelocitiesEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandJointVelocitiesEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemHandTrackingMeshPropertiesMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemHandTrackingMeshPropertiesMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandMeshSpaceCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandMeshSpaceCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandMeshUpdateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandMeshUpdateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandMeshIndexBufferMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandMeshIndexBufferMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandMeshVertexMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandMeshVertexMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandMeshVertexBufferMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandMeshVertexBufferMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandMeshMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandMeshMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandPoseTypeInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandPoseTypeInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSecondaryViewConfigurationSessionBeginInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSecondaryViewConfigurationSessionBeginInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSecondaryViewConfigurationStateMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSecondaryViewConfigurationStateMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSecondaryViewConfigurationFrameStateMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSecondaryViewConfigurationFrameStateMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSecondaryViewConfigurationFrameEndInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSecondaryViewConfigurationFrameEndInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSecondaryViewConfigurationSwapchainCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSecondaryViewConfigurationSwapchainCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrControllerModelKeyStateMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrControllerModelKeyStateMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrControllerModelNodePropertiesMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrControllerModelNodePropertiesMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrControllerModelPropertiesMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrControllerModelPropertiesMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrControllerModelNodeStateMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrControllerModelNodeStateMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrControllerModelStateMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrControllerModelStateMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViewConfigurationViewFovEPIC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViewConfigurationViewFovEPIC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHolographicWindowAttachmentMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHolographicWindowAttachmentMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerReprojectionInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerReprojectionInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerReprojectionPlaneOverrideMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerReprojectionPlaneOverrideMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrAndroidSurfaceSwapchainCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrAndroidSurfaceSwapchainCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainStateBaseHeaderFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainStateBaseHeaderFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerSecureContentFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerSecureContentFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyJointLocationFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyJointLocationFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemBodyTrackingPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemBodyTrackingPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyTrackerCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyTrackerCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodySkeletonJointFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodySkeletonJointFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodySkeletonFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodySkeletonFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyJointsLocateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyJointsLocateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyJointLocationsFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyJointLocationsFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInteractionProfileDpadBindingEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInteractionProfileDpadBindingEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrInteractionProfileAnalogThresholdVALVE, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrInteractionProfileAnalogThresholdVALVE(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandJointsMotionRangeInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandJointsMotionRangeInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrUuidMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrUuidMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneObserverCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneObserverCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneSphereBoundMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneSphereBoundMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneOrientedBoxBoundMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneOrientedBoxBoundMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneFrustumBoundMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneFrustumBoundMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneBoundsMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneBoundsMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrNewSceneComputeInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrNewSceneComputeInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVisualMeshComputeLodInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVisualMeshComputeLodInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneComponentMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneComponentMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneComponentsMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneComponentsMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneComponentsGetInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneComponentsGetInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneComponentLocationMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneComponentLocationMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneComponentLocationsMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneComponentLocationsMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneComponentsLocateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneComponentsLocateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneObjectMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneObjectMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneObjectsMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneObjectsMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneComponentParentFilterInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneComponentParentFilterInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneObjectTypesFilterInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneObjectTypesFilterInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrScenePlaneMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrScenePlaneMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrScenePlanesMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrScenePlanesMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrScenePlaneAlignmentFilterInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrScenePlaneAlignmentFilterInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMeshMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMeshMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMeshesMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMeshesMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMeshBuffersGetInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMeshBuffersGetInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMeshBuffersMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMeshBuffersMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMeshVertexBufferMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMeshVertexBufferMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMeshIndicesUint32MSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMeshIndicesUint32MSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMeshIndicesUint16MSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMeshIndicesUint16MSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSerializedSceneFragmentDataGetInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSerializedSceneFragmentDataGetInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrDeserializeSceneFragmentMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrDeserializeSceneFragmentMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneDeserializeInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneDeserializeInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataDisplayRefreshRateChangedFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataDisplayRefreshRateChangedFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViveTrackerPathsHTCX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViveTrackerPathsHTCX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataViveTrackerConnectedHTCX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataViveTrackerConnectedHTCX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemFacialTrackingPropertiesHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemFacialTrackingPropertiesHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFacialExpressionsHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFacialExpressionsHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFacialTrackerCreateInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFacialTrackerCreateInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemColorSpacePropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemColorSpacePropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVector4sFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVector4sFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandTrackingMeshFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandTrackingMeshFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandTrackingScaleFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandTrackingScaleFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandTrackingAimStateFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandTrackingAimStateFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandCapsuleFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandCapsuleFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandTrackingCapsulesStateFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandTrackingCapsulesStateFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemSpatialEntityPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemSpatialEntityPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceComponentStatusSetInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceComponentStatusSetInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceComponentStatusFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceComponentStatusFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpatialAnchorCreateCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpatialAnchorCreateCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpaceSetStatusCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpaceSetStatusCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationProfileCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationProfileCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainCreateInfoFoveationFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainCreateInfoFoveationFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainStateFoveationFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainStateFoveationFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationLevelProfileCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationLevelProfileCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemKeyboardTrackingPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemKeyboardTrackingPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrKeyboardTrackingDescriptionFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrKeyboardTrackingDescriptionFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrKeyboardSpaceCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrKeyboardSpaceCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrKeyboardTrackingQueryFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrKeyboardTrackingQueryFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrTriangleMeshCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrTriangleMeshCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemPassthroughPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemPassthroughPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemPassthroughProperties2FB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemPassthroughProperties2FB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughLayerCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughLayerCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerPassthroughFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerPassthroughFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGeometryInstanceCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGeometryInstanceCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGeometryInstanceTransformFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGeometryInstanceTransformFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughStyleFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughStyleFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorMapMonoToRgbaFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorMapMonoToRgbaFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorMapMonoToMonoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorMapMonoToMonoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughBrightnessContrastSaturationFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughBrightnessContrastSaturationFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataPassthroughStateChangedFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataPassthroughStateChangedFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRenderModelPathInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRenderModelPathInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRenderModelPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRenderModelPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRenderModelBufferFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRenderModelBufferFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRenderModelLoadInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRenderModelLoadInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemRenderModelPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemRenderModelPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRenderModelCapabilitiesRequestFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRenderModelCapabilitiesRequestFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrViewLocateFoveatedRenderingVARJO, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrViewLocateFoveatedRenderingVARJO(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveatedViewConfigurationViewVARJO, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveatedViewConfigurationViewVARJO(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemFoveatedRenderingPropertiesVARJO, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemFoveatedRenderingPropertiesVARJO(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerDepthTestVARJO, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerDepthTestVARJO(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemMarkerTrackingPropertiesVARJO, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemMarkerTrackingPropertiesVARJO(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataMarkerTrackingUpdateVARJO, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataMarkerTrackingUpdateVARJO(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerSpaceCreateInfoVARJO, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerSpaceCreateInfoVARJO(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFrameEndInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFrameEndInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrGlobalDimmerFrameEndInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrGlobalDimmerFrameEndInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCoordinateSpaceCreateInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCoordinateSpaceCreateInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemMarkerUnderstandingPropertiesML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemMarkerUnderstandingPropertiesML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerDetectorCreateInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerDetectorCreateInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerDetectorArucoInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerDetectorArucoInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerDetectorSizeInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerDetectorSizeInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerDetectorAprilTagInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerDetectorAprilTagInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerDetectorCustomProfileInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerDetectorCustomProfileInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerDetectorSnapshotInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerDetectorSnapshotInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerDetectorStateML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerDetectorStateML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMarkerSpaceCreateInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMarkerSpaceCreateInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrLocalizationMapML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrLocalizationMapML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataLocalizationChangedML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataLocalizationChangedML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrLocalizationMapQueryInfoBaseHeaderML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrLocalizationMapQueryInfoBaseHeaderML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrMapLocalizationRequestInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrMapLocalizationRequestInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrLocalizationMapImportInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrLocalizationMapImportInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrLocalizationEnableEventsInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrLocalizationEnableEventsInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsCreateInfoBaseHeaderML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsCreateInfoBaseHeaderML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsCreateInfoFromPoseML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsCreateInfoFromPoseML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCreateSpatialAnchorsCompletionML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCreateSpatialAnchorsCompletionML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorStateML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorStateML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsCreateStorageInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsCreateStorageInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsQueryInfoBaseHeaderML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsQueryInfoBaseHeaderML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsQueryInfoRadiusML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsQueryInfoRadiusML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsQueryCompletionML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsQueryCompletionML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsCreateInfoFromUuidsML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsCreateInfoFromUuidsML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsPublishInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsPublishInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsPublishCompletionML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsPublishCompletionML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsDeleteInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsDeleteInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsDeleteCompletionML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsDeleteCompletionML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsUpdateExpirationInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsUpdateExpirationInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsUpdateExpirationCompletionML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsUpdateExpirationCompletionML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorCompletionResultML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorCompletionResultML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsPublishCompletionDetailsML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsPublishCompletionDetailsML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsDeleteCompletionDetailsML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsDeleteCompletionDetailsML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorsUpdateExpirationCompletionDetailsML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorsUpdateExpirationCompletionDetailsML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorPersistenceNameMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorPersistenceNameMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorPersistenceInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorPersistenceInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorFromPersistedAnchorCreateInfoMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorFromPersistedAnchorCreateInfoMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMarkerMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMarkerMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMarkersMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMarkersMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMarkerTypeFilterMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMarkerTypeFilterMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMarkerQRCodeMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMarkerQRCodeMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneMarkerQRCodesMSFT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneMarkerQRCodesMSFT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceFilterInfoBaseHeaderFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceFilterInfoBaseHeaderFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceQueryInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceQueryInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceStorageLocationFilterInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceStorageLocationFilterInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceUuidFilterInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceUuidFilterInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceComponentFilterInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceComponentFilterInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceQueryResultFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceQueryResultFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceQueryResultsFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceQueryResultsFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpaceQueryResultsAvailableFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpaceQueryResultsAvailableFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpaceQueryCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpaceQueryCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceSaveInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceSaveInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceEraseInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceEraseInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpaceSaveCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpaceSaveCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpaceEraseCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpaceEraseCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainImageFoveationVulkanFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainImageFoveationVulkanFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainStateAndroidSurfaceDimensionsFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainStateAndroidSurfaceDimensionsFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSwapchainStateSamplerVulkanFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSwapchainStateSamplerVulkanFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceShareInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceShareInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpaceShareCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpaceShareCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerSpaceWarpInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerSpaceWarpInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemSpaceWarpPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemSpaceWarpPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHapticAmplitudeEnvelopeVibrationFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHapticAmplitudeEnvelopeVibrationFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrOffset3DfFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrOffset3DfFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRect3DfFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRect3DfFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSemanticLabelsFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSemanticLabelsFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRoomLayoutFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRoomLayoutFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBoundary2DFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBoundary2DFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSemanticLabelsSupportInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSemanticLabelsSupportInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrDigitalLensControlALMALENCE, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrDigitalLensControlALMALENCE(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSceneCaptureCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSceneCaptureCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSceneCaptureRequestInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSceneCaptureRequestInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceContainerFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceContainerFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationEyeTrackedProfileCreateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationEyeTrackedProfileCreateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationEyeTrackedStateMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationEyeTrackedStateMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemFoveationEyeTrackedPropertiesMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemFoveationEyeTrackedPropertiesMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemFaceTrackingPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemFaceTrackingPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFaceTrackerCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFaceTrackerCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFaceExpressionInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFaceExpressionInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFaceExpressionStatusFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFaceExpressionStatusFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFaceExpressionWeightsFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFaceExpressionWeightsFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEyeGazeFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEyeGazeFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEyeTrackerCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEyeTrackerCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEyeGazesInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEyeGazesInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemEyeTrackingPropertiesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemEyeTrackingPropertiesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEyeGazesFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEyeGazesFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughKeyboardHandsIntensityFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughKeyboardHandsIntensityFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerSettingsFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerSettingsFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHapticPcmVibrationFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHapticPcmVibrationFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrDevicePcmSampleRateStateFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrDevicePcmSampleRateStateFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerDepthTestFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerDepthTestFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrLocalDimmingFrameEndInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrLocalDimmingFrameEndInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughPreferencesMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughPreferencesMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemVirtualKeyboardPropertiesMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemVirtualKeyboardPropertiesMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardCreateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardCreateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardSpaceCreateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardSpaceCreateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardLocationInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardLocationInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardModelVisibilitySetInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardModelVisibilitySetInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardAnimationStateMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardAnimationStateMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardModelAnimationStatesMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardModelAnimationStatesMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardTextureDataMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardTextureDataMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardInputInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardInputInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVirtualKeyboardTextContextChangeInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVirtualKeyboardTextContextChangeInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardCommitTextMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardCommitTextMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardBackspaceMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardBackspaceMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardEnterMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardEnterMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardShownMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardShownMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardHiddenMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataVirtualKeyboardHiddenMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrExternalCameraIntrinsicsOCULUS, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrExternalCameraIntrinsicsOCULUS(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrExternalCameraExtrinsicsOCULUS, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrExternalCameraExtrinsicsOCULUS(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrExternalCameraOCULUS, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrExternalCameraOCULUS(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrVulkanSwapchainCreateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrVulkanSwapchainCreateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPerformanceMetricsStateMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPerformanceMetricsStateMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPerformanceMetricsCounterMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPerformanceMetricsCounterMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceListSaveInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceListSaveInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataSpaceListSaveCompleteFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataSpaceListSaveCompleteFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceUserCreateInfoFB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceUserCreateInfoFB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemHeadsetIdPropertiesMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemHeadsetIdPropertiesMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRecommendedLayerResolutionMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRecommendedLayerResolutionMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrRecommendedLayerResolutionGetInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrRecommendedLayerResolutionGetInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorLutDataMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorLutDataMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorLutCreateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorLutCreateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorLutUpdateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorLutUpdateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorMapLutMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorMapLutMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorMapInterpolatedLutMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorMapInterpolatedLutMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemPassthroughColorLutPropertiesMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemPassthroughColorLutPropertiesMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceTriangleMeshGetInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceTriangleMeshGetInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpaceTriangleMeshMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpaceTriangleMeshMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemFaceTrackingProperties2FB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemFaceTrackingProperties2FB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFaceTrackerCreateInfo2FB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFaceTrackerCreateInfo2FB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFaceExpressionInfo2FB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFaceExpressionInfo2FB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFaceExpressionWeights2FB, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFaceExpressionWeights2FB(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEnvironmentDepthProviderCreateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEnvironmentDepthProviderCreateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEnvironmentDepthSwapchainCreateInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEnvironmentDepthSwapchainCreateInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEnvironmentDepthSwapchainStateMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEnvironmentDepthSwapchainStateMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEnvironmentDepthImageAcquireInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEnvironmentDepthImageAcquireInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEnvironmentDepthImageViewMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEnvironmentDepthImageViewMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEnvironmentDepthImageMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEnvironmentDepthImageMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEnvironmentDepthHandRemovalSetInfoMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEnvironmentDepthHandRemovalSetInfoMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemEnvironmentDepthPropertiesMETA, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemEnvironmentDepthPropertiesMETA(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughCreateInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughCreateInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughColorHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughColorHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrCompositionLayerPassthroughHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrCompositionLayerPassthroughHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationApplyInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationApplyInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationConfigurationHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationConfigurationHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationDynamicModeInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationDynamicModeInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFoveationCustomModeInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFoveationCustomModeInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemAnchorPropertiesHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemAnchorPropertiesHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorNameHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorNameHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSpatialAnchorCreateInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSpatialAnchorCreateInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemBodyTrackingPropertiesHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemBodyTrackingPropertiesHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyTrackerCreateInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyTrackerCreateInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyJointsLocateInfoHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyJointsLocateInfoHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyJointLocationHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyJointLocationHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodyJointLocationsHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodyJointLocationsHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodySkeletonJointHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodySkeletonJointHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrBodySkeletonHTC, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrBodySkeletonHTC(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActiveActionSetPriorityEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActiveActionSetPriorityEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrActiveActionSetPrioritiesEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrActiveActionSetPrioritiesEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemForceFeedbackCurlPropertiesMNDX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemForceFeedbackCurlPropertiesMNDX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrForceFeedbackCurlApplyLocationMNDX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrForceFeedbackCurlApplyLocationMNDX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrForceFeedbackCurlApplyLocationsMNDX, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrForceFeedbackCurlApplyLocationsMNDX(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandTrackingDataSourceInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandTrackingDataSourceInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrHandTrackingDataSourceStateEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrHandTrackingDataSourceStateEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemPlaneDetectionPropertiesEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemPlaneDetectionPropertiesEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPlaneDetectorCreateInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPlaneDetectorCreateInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPlaneDetectorBeginInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPlaneDetectorBeginInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPlaneDetectorGetInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPlaneDetectorGetInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPlaneDetectorLocationEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPlaneDetectorLocationEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPlaneDetectorLocationsEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPlaneDetectorLocationsEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrPlaneDetectorPolygonBufferEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrPlaneDetectorPolygonBufferEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFutureCancelInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFutureCancelInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFuturePollInfoEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFuturePollInfoEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFutureCompletionBaseHeaderEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFutureCompletionBaseHeaderEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFutureCompletionEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFutureCompletionEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrFuturePollResultEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrFuturePollResultEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataUserPresenceChangedEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataUserPresenceChangedEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemUserPresencePropertiesEXT, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemUserPresencePropertiesEXT(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataHeadsetFitChangedML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataHeadsetFitChangedML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrEventDataEyeCalibrationChangedML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrEventDataEyeCalibrationChangedML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrUserCalibrationEnableEventsInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrUserCalibrationEnableEventsInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrSystemNotificationsSetInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrSystemNotificationsSetInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshDetectorCreateInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshDetectorCreateInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshBlockStateML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshBlockStateML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshStateRequestInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshStateRequestInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshStateRequestCompletionML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshStateRequestCompletionML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshBufferRecommendedSizeInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshBufferRecommendedSizeInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshBufferSizeML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshBufferSizeML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshBufferML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshBufferML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshBlockRequestML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshBlockRequestML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshGetInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshGetInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshBlockML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshBlockML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshRequestCompletionInfoML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshRequestCompletionInfoML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the name of each member of XrWorldMeshRequestCompletionML, in order.
#define XR_LIST_STRUCT_XrWorldMeshRequestCompletionML(_) \

/// Calls your macro with the structure type name and the XrStructureType constant for
/// each known/available structure type, excluding those unavailable due to preprocessor definitions.

/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES() - structure types available without any preprocessor definitions

#if defined(XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_D3D11)
/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_D3D11 is defined


#if defined(XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_D3D12)
/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_D3D12 is defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_METAL is defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL is defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL and XR_USE_PLATFORM_WAYLAND are defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL and XR_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32 are defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL and XR_USE_PLATFORM_XCB are defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL and XR_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB are defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES is defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES and XR_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID are defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_VULKAN is defined


/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID is defined


#if defined(XR_USE_PLATFORM_EGL)
/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_PLATFORM_EGL is defined


#if defined(XR_USE_PLATFORM_ML)
/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_PLATFORM_ML is defined


#if defined(XR_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32)
/// Implementation detail of XR_LIST_STRUCTURE_TYPES()
/// Structure types available only when XR_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32 is defined


/// Calls your macro with the name and extension number of all known
/// extensions in this version of the spec.

/// For every function defined by XR_VERSION_1_0 in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.

/// For every function defined by XR_LOADER_VERSION_1_0 in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.

/// For every function defined by XR_VERSION_1_1 in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_android_thread_settings in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_android_thread_settings(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_android_surface_swapchain in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_android_surface_swapchain(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_opengl_enable in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_opengl_enable(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_opengl_es_enable in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_opengl_es_enable(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_vulkan_enable in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_vulkan_enable(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_D3D11_enable in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_D3D11_enable(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_D3D12_enable in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_D3D12_enable(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_metal_enable in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_metal_enable(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_visibility_mask in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_visibility_mask(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_win32_convert_performance_counter_time in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_win32_convert_performance_counter_time(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_convert_timespec_time in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_convert_timespec_time(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_loader_init in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_loader_init(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_KHR_vulkan_enable2 in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_KHR_vulkan_enable2(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_EXT_performance_settings in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_EXT_performance_settings(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_EXT_thermal_query in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_EXT_thermal_query(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_EXT_debug_utils in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_EXT_debug_utils(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_EXT_conformance_automation in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_EXT_conformance_automation(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_spatial_graph_bridge in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_spatial_graph_bridge(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_EXT_hand_tracking in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_EXT_hand_tracking(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_hand_tracking_mesh in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_hand_tracking_mesh(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_controller_model in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_controller_model(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_perception_anchor_interop in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_perception_anchor_interop(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_composition_layer_reprojection in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_composition_layer_reprojection(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_swapchain_update_state in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_swapchain_update_state(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_body_tracking in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_body_tracking(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_scene_understanding in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_scene_understanding(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_scene_understanding_serialization in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_scene_understanding_serialization(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_display_refresh_rate in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_display_refresh_rate(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_HTC_facial_tracking in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_HTC_facial_tracking(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_color_space in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_color_space(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_hand_tracking_mesh in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_hand_tracking_mesh(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_spatial_entity in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_spatial_entity(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_foveation in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_foveation(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_keyboard_tracking in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_keyboard_tracking(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_triangle_mesh in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_triangle_mesh(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_passthrough in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_passthrough(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_render_model in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_render_model(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_VARJO_environment_depth_estimation in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_VARJO_environment_depth_estimation(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_VARJO_marker_tracking in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_VARJO_marker_tracking(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_VARJO_view_offset in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_VARJO_view_offset(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_compat in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_compat(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_marker_understanding in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_marker_understanding(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_localization_map in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_localization_map(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_spatial_anchors in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_spatial_anchors(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_spatial_anchors_storage in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_spatial_anchors_storage(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MSFT_scene_marker in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MSFT_scene_marker(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_spatial_entity_query in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_spatial_entity_query(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_spatial_entity_storage in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_spatial_entity_storage(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_OCULUS_audio_device_guid in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_OCULUS_audio_device_guid(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_spatial_entity_sharing in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_spatial_entity_sharing(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_scene in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_scene(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ALMALENCE_digital_lens_control in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ALMALENCE_digital_lens_control(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_scene_capture in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_scene_capture(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_spatial_entity_container in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_spatial_entity_container(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_foveation_eye_tracked in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_foveation_eye_tracked(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_face_tracking in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_face_tracking(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_eye_tracking_social in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_eye_tracking_social(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_passthrough_keyboard_hands in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_passthrough_keyboard_hands(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_haptic_pcm in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_haptic_pcm(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_passthrough_preferences in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_passthrough_preferences(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_virtual_keyboard in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_virtual_keyboard(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_OCULUS_external_camera in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_OCULUS_external_camera(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_performance_metrics in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_performance_metrics(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_spatial_entity_storage_batch in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_spatial_entity_storage_batch(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_spatial_entity_user in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_spatial_entity_user(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_recommended_layer_resolution in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_recommended_layer_resolution(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_passthrough_color_lut in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_passthrough_color_lut(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_spatial_entity_mesh in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_spatial_entity_mesh(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_FB_face_tracking2 in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_FB_face_tracking2(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_META_environment_depth in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_META_environment_depth(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_QCOM_tracking_optimization_settings in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_QCOM_tracking_optimization_settings(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_HTC_passthrough in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_HTC_passthrough(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_HTC_foveation in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_HTC_foveation(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_HTC_anchor in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_HTC_anchor(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_HTC_body_tracking in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_HTC_body_tracking(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_MNDX_force_feedback_curl in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_MNDX_force_feedback_curl(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_EXT_plane_detection in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_EXT_plane_detection(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_EXT_future in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_EXT_future(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_user_calibration in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_user_calibration(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_system_notifications in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_system_notifications(_) \

/// For every function defined by XR_ML_world_mesh_detection in this version of the spec,
/// calls your macro with the function name and extension name.
/// Trims the leading `xr` from the function name and the leading `XR_` from the feature name,
/// because it is easy to add back but impossible to remove with the preprocessor.
#define XR_LIST_FUNCTIONS_XR_ML_world_mesh_detection(_) \
