
// Copyright 2021 The Manifold Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <limits>

#include "./impl.h"
#include "./parallel.h"
#include "./tri_dist.h"

namespace {

struct CurvatureAngles {};

struct UpdateProperties {};

struct CheckHalfedges {};

struct CheckCCW {};
}  // namespace

namespace manifold {

 * Returns true if this manifold is in fact an oriented even manifold and all of
 * the data structures are consistent.
bool Manifold::Impl::IsManifold() const {}

 * Returns true if this manifold is in fact an oriented 2-manifold and all of
 * the data structures are consistent.
bool Manifold::Impl::Is2Manifold() const {}

 * Returns true if all triangles are CCW relative to their triNormals_.
bool Manifold::Impl::MatchesTriNormals() const {}

 * Returns the number of triangles that are colinear within epsilon_.
int Manifold::Impl::NumDegenerateTris() const {}

double Manifold::Impl::GetProperty(Property prop) const {}

void Manifold::Impl::CalculateCurvature(int gaussianIdx, int meanIdx) {}

 * Calculates the bounding box of the entire manifold, which is stored
 * internally to short-cut Boolean operations. Ignores NaNs.
void Manifold::Impl::CalculateBBox() {}

 * Determines if all verts are finite. Checking just the bounding box dimensions
 * is insufficient as it ignores NaNs.
bool Manifold::Impl::IsFinite() const {}

 * Checks that the input triVerts array has all indices inside bounds of the
 * vertPos_ array.
bool Manifold::Impl::IsIndexInBounds(VecView<const ivec3> triVerts) const {}

 * Returns the minimum gap between two manifolds. Returns a double between
 * 0 and searchLength.
double Manifold::Impl::MinGap(const Manifold::Impl& other,
                              double searchLength) const {
  Vec<Box> faceBoxOther;
  Vec<uint32_t> faceMortonOther;

  other.GetFaceBoxMorton(faceBoxOther, faceMortonOther);

  transform(faceBoxOther.begin(), faceBoxOther.end(), faceBoxOther.begin(),
            [searchLength](const Box& box) {
              return Box(box.min - vec3(searchLength),
                         box.max + vec3(searchLength));

  SparseIndices collisions = collider_.Collisions(faceBoxOther.cview());

  double minDistanceSquared = transform_reduce(
      countAt(0_uz), countAt(collisions.size()), searchLength * searchLength,
      [](double a, double b) { return std::min(a, b); },
      [&collisions, this, &other](int i) {
        const int tri = collisions.Get(i, 1);
        const int triOther = collisions.Get(i, 0);

        std::array<vec3, 3> p;
        std::array<vec3, 3> q;

        for (const int j : {0, 1, 2}) {
          p[j] = vertPos_[halfedge_[3 * tri + j].startVert];
          q[j] = other.vertPos_[other.halfedge_[3 * triOther + j].startVert];

        return DistanceTriangleTriangleSquared(p, q);

  return sqrt(minDistanceSquared);

}  // namespace manifold