
// Copyright 2021 The Manifold Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include "./csg_tree.h"
#include "./impl.h"
#include "./parallel.h"
#include "manifold/polygon.h"

namespace manifold {
 * Constructs a smooth version of the input mesh by creating tangents; this
 * method will throw if you have supplied tangents with your mesh already. The
 * actual triangle resolution is unchanged; use the Refine() method to
 * interpolate to a higher-resolution curve.
 * By default, every edge is calculated for maximum smoothness (very much
 * approximately), attempting to minimize the maximum mean Curvature magnitude.
 * No higher-order derivatives are considered, as the interpolation is
 * independent per triangle, only sharing constraints on their boundaries.
 * @param meshGL input MeshGL.
 * @param sharpenedEdges If desired, you can supply a vector of sharpened
 * halfedges, which should in general be a small subset of all halfedges. Order
 * of entries doesn't matter, as each one specifies the desired smoothness
 * (between zero and one, with one the default for all unspecified halfedges)
 * and the halfedge index (3 * triangle index + [0,1,2] where 0 is the edge
 * between triVert 0 and 1, etc).
 * At a smoothness value of zero, a sharp crease is made. The smoothness is
 * interpolated along each edge, so the specified value should be thought of as
 * an average. Where exactly two sharpened edges meet at a vertex, their
 * tangents are rotated to be colinear so that the sharpened edge can be
 * continuous. Vertices with only one sharpened edge are completely smooth,
 * allowing sharpened edges to smoothly vanish at termination. A single vertex
 * can be sharpened by sharping all edges that are incident on it, allowing
 * cones to be formed.
Manifold Manifold::Smooth(const MeshGL& meshGL,
                          const std::vector<Smoothness>& sharpenedEdges) {}

 * Constructs a smooth version of the input mesh by creating tangents; this
 * method will throw if you have supplied tangents with your mesh already. The
 * actual triangle resolution is unchanged; use the Refine() method to
 * interpolate to a higher-resolution curve.
 * By default, every edge is calculated for maximum smoothness (very much
 * approximately), attempting to minimize the maximum mean Curvature magnitude.
 * No higher-order derivatives are considered, as the interpolation is
 * independent per triangle, only sharing constraints on their boundaries.
 * @param meshGL64 input MeshGL64.
 * @param sharpenedEdges If desired, you can supply a vector of sharpened
 * halfedges, which should in general be a small subset of all halfedges. Order
 * of entries doesn't matter, as each one specifies the desired smoothness
 * (between zero and one, with one the default for all unspecified halfedges)
 * and the halfedge index (3 * triangle index + [0,1,2] where 0 is the edge
 * between triVert 0 and 1, etc).
 * At a smoothness value of zero, a sharp crease is made. The smoothness is
 * interpolated along each edge, so the specified value should be thought of as
 * an average. Where exactly two sharpened edges meet at a vertex, their
 * tangents are rotated to be colinear so that the sharpened edge can be
 * continuous. Vertices with only one sharpened edge are completely smooth,
 * allowing sharpened edges to smoothly vanish at termination. A single vertex
 * can be sharpened by sharping all edges that are incident on it, allowing
 * cones to be formed.
Manifold Manifold::Smooth(const MeshGL64& meshGL64,
                          const std::vector<Smoothness>& sharpenedEdges) {}

 * Constructs a tetrahedron centered at the origin with one vertex at (1,1,1)
 * and the rest at similarly symmetric points.
Manifold Manifold::Tetrahedron() {}

 * Constructs a unit cube (edge lengths all one), by default in the first
 * octant, touching the origin. If any dimensions in size are negative, or if
 * all are zero, an empty Manifold will be returned.
 * @param size The X, Y, and Z dimensions of the box.
 * @param center Set to true to shift the center to the origin.
Manifold Manifold::Cube(vec3 size, bool center) {}

 * A convenience constructor for the common case of extruding a circle. Can also
 * form cones if both radii are specified.
 * @param height Z-extent
 * @param radiusLow Radius of bottom circle. Must be positive.
 * @param radiusHigh Radius of top circle. Can equal zero. Default is equal to
 * radiusLow.
 * @param circularSegments How many line segments to use around the circle.
 * Default is calculated by the static Defaults.
 * @param center Set to true to shift the center to the origin. Default is
 * origin at the bottom.
Manifold Manifold::Cylinder(double height, double radiusLow, double radiusHigh,
                            int circularSegments, bool center) {}

 * Constructs a geodesic sphere of a given radius.
 * @param radius Radius of the sphere. Must be positive.
 * @param circularSegments Number of segments along its
 * diameter. This number will always be rounded up to the nearest factor of
 * four, as this sphere is constructed by refining an octahedron. This means
 * there are a circle of vertices on all three of the axis planes. Default is
 * calculated by the static Defaults.
Manifold Manifold::Sphere(double radius, int circularSegments) {}

 * Constructs a manifold from a set of polygons by extruding them along the
 * Z-axis.
 * Note that high twistDegrees with small nDivisions may cause
 * self-intersection. This is not checked here and it is up to the user to
 * choose the correct parameters.
 * @param crossSection A set of non-overlapping polygons to extrude.
 * @param height Z-extent of extrusion.
 * @param nDivisions Number of extra copies of the crossSection to insert into
 * the shape vertically; especially useful in combination with twistDegrees to
 * avoid interpolation artifacts. Default is none.
 * @param twistDegrees Amount to twist the top crossSection relative to the
 * bottom, interpolated linearly for the divisions in between.
 * @param scaleTop Amount to scale the top (independently in X and Y). If the
 * scale is {0, 0}, a pure cone is formed with only a single vertex at the top.
 * Note that scale is applied after twist.
 * Default {1, 1}.
Manifold Manifold::Extrude(const Polygons& crossSection, double height,
                           int nDivisions, double twistDegrees, vec2 scaleTop) {}

 * Constructs a manifold from a set of polygons by revolving this cross-section
 * around its Y-axis and then setting this as the Z-axis of the resulting
 * manifold. If the polygons cross the Y-axis, only the part on the positive X
 * side is used. Geometrically valid input will result in geometrically valid
 * output.
 * @param crossSection A set of non-overlapping polygons to revolve.
 * @param circularSegments Number of segments along its diameter. Default is
 * calculated by the static Defaults.
 * @param revolveDegrees Number of degrees to revolve. Default is 360 degrees.
Manifold Manifold::Revolve(const Polygons& crossSection, int circularSegments,
                           double revolveDegrees) {}

 * Constructs a new manifold from a vector of other manifolds. This is a purely
 * topological operation, so care should be taken to avoid creating
 * overlapping results. It is the inverse operation of Decompose().
 * @param manifolds A vector of Manifolds to lazy-union together.
Manifold Manifold::Compose(const std::vector<Manifold>& manifolds) {}

 * This operation returns a vector of Manifolds that are topologically
 * disconnected. If everything is connected, the vector is length one,
 * containing a copy of the original. It is the inverse operation of Compose().
std::vector<Manifold> Manifold::Decompose() const {}
}  // namespace manifold