
// Copyright 2021 The Manifold Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include "./impl.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <map>

#include "./hashtable.h"
#include "./mesh_fixes.h"
#include "./parallel.h"
#include "./svd.h"

namespace {

constexpr uint64_t kRemove =;

void AtomicAddVec3(vec3& target, const vec3& add) {}

struct Transform4x3 {};

template <bool calculateTriNormal>
struct AssignNormals {};

struct UpdateMeshID {};

struct CoplanarEdge {};

struct CheckCoplanarity {};

int GetLabels(std::vector<int>& components,
              const Vec<std::pair<int, int>>& edges, int numNodes) {}

void DedupePropVerts(manifold::Vec<ivec3>& triProp,
                     const Vec<std::pair<int, int>>& vert2vert) {}
}  // namespace

namespace manifold {

std::atomic<uint32_t> Manifold::Impl::meshIDCounter_(1);

uint32_t Manifold::Impl::ReserveIDs(uint32_t n) {}

 * Create either a unit tetrahedron, cube or octahedron. The cube is in the
 * first octant, while the others are symmetric about the origin.
Manifold::Impl::Impl(Shape shape, const mat3x4 m) {}

void Manifold::Impl::RemoveUnreferencedVerts() {}

void Manifold::Impl::InitializeOriginal(bool keepFaceID) {}

void Manifold::Impl::CreateFaces() {}

 * Create the halfedge_ data structure from an input triVerts array like Mesh.
void Manifold::Impl::CreateHalfedges(const Vec<ivec3>& triVerts) {}

 * Does a full recalculation of the face bounding boxes, including updating
 * the collider, but does not resort the faces.
void Manifold::Impl::Update() {}

void Manifold::Impl::MarkFailure(Error status) {}

void Manifold::Impl::Warp(std::function<void(vec3&)> warpFunc) {}

void Manifold::Impl::WarpBatch(std::function<void(VecView<vec3>)> warpFunc) {}

Manifold::Impl Manifold::Impl::Transform(const mat3x4& transform_) const {}

 * Sets epsilon based on the bounding box, and limits its minimum value
 * by the optional input.
void Manifold::Impl::SetEpsilon(double minEpsilon, bool useSingle) {}

 * If face normals are already present, this function uses them to compute
 * vertex normals (angle-weighted pseudo-normals); otherwise it also computes
 * the face normals. Face normals are only calculated when needed because
 * nearly degenerate faces will accrue rounding error, while the Boolean can
 * retain their original normal, which is more accurate and can help with
 * merging coplanar faces.
 * If the face normals have been invalidated by an operation like Warp(),
 * ensure you do faceNormal_.resize(0) before calling this function to force
 * recalculation.
void Manifold::Impl::CalculateNormals() {}

 * Remaps all the contained meshIDs to new unique values to represent new
 * instances of these meshes.
void Manifold::Impl::IncrementMeshIDs() {}

 * Returns a sparse array of the bounding box overlaps between the edges of
 * the input manifold, Q and the faces of this manifold. Returned indices only
 * point to forward halfedges.
SparseIndices Manifold::Impl::EdgeCollisions(const Impl& Q,
                                             bool inverted) const {}

 * Returns a sparse array of the input vertices that project inside the XY
 * bounding boxes of the faces of this manifold.
SparseIndices Manifold::Impl::VertexCollisionsZ(VecView<const vec3> vertsIn,
                                                bool inverted) const {}

}  // namespace manifold