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 * @brief Functions for finding best endpoint format.
 * We assume there are two independent sources of error in any given partition:
 *   - Encoding choice errors
 *   - Quantization errors
 * Encoding choice errors are caused by encoder decisions. For example:
 *   - Using luminance instead of separate RGB components.
 *   - Using a constant 1.0 alpha instead of storing an alpha component.
 *   - Using RGB+scale instead of storing two full RGB endpoints.
 * Quantization errors occur due to the limited precision we use for storage. These errors generally
 * scale with quantization level, but are not actually independent of color encoding. In particular:
 *   - If we can use offset encoding then quantization error is halved.
 *   - If we can use blue-contraction then quantization error for RG is halved.
 *   - If we use HDR endpoints the quantization error is higher.
 * Apart from these effects, we assume the error is proportional to the quantization step size.

#include "astcenc_internal.h"
#include "astcenc_vecmathlib.h"

#include <assert.h>

 * @brief Compute the errors of the endpoint line options for one partition.
 * Uncorrelated data assumes storing completely independent RGBA channels for each endpoint. Same
 * chroma data assumes storing RGBA endpoints which pass though the origin (LDR only). RGBL data
 * assumes storing RGB + lumashift (HDR only). Luminance error assumes storing RGB channels as a
 * single value.
 * @param      pi                The partition info data.
 * @param      partition_index   The partition index to compule the error for.
 * @param      blk               The image block.
 * @param      uncor_pline       The endpoint line assuming uncorrelated endpoints.
 * @param[out] uncor_err         The computed error for the uncorrelated endpoint line.
 * @param      samec_pline       The endpoint line assuming the same chroma for both endpoints.
 * @param[out] samec_err         The computed error for the uncorrelated endpoint line.
 * @param      rgbl_pline        The endpoint line assuming RGB + lumashift data.
 * @param[out] rgbl_err          The computed error for the RGB + lumashift endpoint line.
 * @param      l_pline           The endpoint line assuming luminance data.
 * @param[out] l_err             The computed error for the luminance endpoint line.
 * @param[out] a_drop_err        The computed error for dropping the alpha component.
static void compute_error_squared_rgb_single_partition(
	const partition_info& pi,
	int partition_index,
	const image_block& blk,
	const processed_line3& uncor_pline,
	float& uncor_err,
	const processed_line3& samec_pline,
	float& samec_err,
	const processed_line3& rgbl_pline,
	float& rgbl_err,
	const processed_line3& l_pline,
	float& l_err,
	float& a_drop_err
) {}

 * @brief For a given set of input colors and partitioning determine endpoint encode errors.
 * This function determines the color error that results from RGB-scale encoding (LDR only),
 * RGB-lumashift encoding (HDR only), luminance-encoding, and alpha drop. Also determines whether
 * the endpoints are eligible for offset encoding or blue-contraction
 * @param      blk   The image block.
 * @param      pi    The partition info data.
 * @param      ep    The idealized endpoints.
 * @param[out] eci   The resulting encoding choice error metrics.
static void compute_encoding_choice_errors(
	const image_block& blk,
	const partition_info& pi,
	const endpoints& ep,
	encoding_choice_errors eci[BLOCK_MAX_PARTITIONS])

 * @brief For a given partition compute the error for every endpoint integer count and quant level.
 * @param      encode_hdr_rgb     @c true if using HDR for RGB, @c false for LDR.
 * @param      encode_hdr_alpha   @c true if using HDR for alpha, @c false for LDR.
 * @param      partition_index    The partition index.
 * @param      pi                 The partition info.
 * @param      eci                The encoding choice error metrics.
 * @param      ep                 The idealized endpoints.
 * @param      error_weight       The resulting encoding choice error metrics.
 * @param[out] best_error         The best error for each integer count and quant level.
 * @param[out] format_of_choice   The preferred endpoint format for each integer count and quant level.
static void compute_color_error_for_every_integer_count_and_quant_level(
	bool encode_hdr_rgb,
	bool encode_hdr_alpha,
	int partition_index,
	const partition_info& pi,
	const encoding_choice_errors& eci,
	const endpoints& ep,
	vfloat4 error_weight,
	float best_error[21][4],
	uint8_t format_of_choice[21][4]
) {}

 * @brief For one partition compute the best format and quantization for a given bit count.
 * @param      best_combined_error    The best error for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      best_combined_format   The best format for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      bits_available         The number of bits available for encoding.
 * @param[out] best_quant_level       The output best color quant level.
 * @param[out] best_format            The output best color format.
 * @return The output error for the best pairing.
static float one_partition_find_best_combination_for_bitcount(
	const float best_combined_error[21][4],
	const uint8_t best_combined_format[21][4],
	int bits_available,
	uint8_t& best_quant_level,
	uint8_t& best_format
) {}

 * @brief For 2 partitions compute the best format combinations for every pair of quant mode and integer count.
 * @param      best_error             The best error for a single endpoint quant level and integer count.
 * @param      best_format            The best format for a single endpoint quant level and integer count.
 * @param[out] best_combined_error    The best combined error pairings for the 2 partitions.
 * @param[out] best_combined_format   The best combined format pairings for the 2 partitions.
static void two_partitions_find_best_combination_for_every_quantization_and_integer_count(
	const float best_error[2][21][4],	// indexed by (partition, quant-level, integer-pair-count-minus-1)
	const uint8_t best_format[2][21][4],
	float best_combined_error[21][7],	// indexed by (quant-level, integer-pair-count-minus-2)
	uint8_t best_combined_format[21][7][2]
) {}

 * @brief For 2 partitions compute the best format and quantization for a given bit count.
 * @param      best_combined_error    The best error for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      best_combined_format   The best format for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      bits_available         The number of bits available for encoding.
 * @param[out] best_quant_level       The output best color quant level.
 * @param[out] best_quant_level_mod   The output best color quant level assuming two more bits are available.
 * @param[out] best_formats           The output best color formats.
 * @return The output error for the best pairing.
static float two_partitions_find_best_combination_for_bitcount(
	float best_combined_error[21][7],
	uint8_t best_combined_format[21][7][2],
	int bits_available,
	uint8_t& best_quant_level,
	uint8_t& best_quant_level_mod,
	uint8_t* best_formats
) {}

 * @brief For 3 partitions compute the best format combinations for every pair of quant mode and integer count.
 * @param      best_error             The best error for a single endpoint quant level and integer count.
 * @param      best_format            The best format for a single endpoint quant level and integer count.
 * @param[out] best_combined_error    The best combined error pairings for the 3 partitions.
 * @param[out] best_combined_format   The best combined format pairings for the 3 partitions.
static void three_partitions_find_best_combination_for_every_quantization_and_integer_count(
	const float best_error[3][21][4],	// indexed by (partition, quant-level, integer-count)
	const uint8_t best_format[3][21][4],
	float best_combined_error[21][10],
	uint8_t best_combined_format[21][10][3]
) {}

 * @brief For 3 partitions compute the best format and quantization for a given bit count.
 * @param      best_combined_error    The best error for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      best_combined_format   The best format for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      bits_available         The number of bits available for encoding.
 * @param[out] best_quant_level       The output best color quant level.
 * @param[out] best_quant_level_mod   The output best color quant level assuming two more bits are available.
 * @param[out] best_formats           The output best color formats.
 * @return The output error for the best pairing.
static float three_partitions_find_best_combination_for_bitcount(
	const float best_combined_error[21][10],
	const uint8_t best_combined_format[21][10][3],
	int bits_available,
	uint8_t& best_quant_level,
	uint8_t& best_quant_level_mod,
	uint8_t* best_formats
) {}

 * @brief For 4 partitions compute the best format combinations for every pair of quant mode and integer count.
 * @param      best_error             The best error for a single endpoint quant level and integer count.
 * @param      best_format            The best format for a single endpoint quant level and integer count.
 * @param[out] best_combined_error    The best combined error pairings for the 4 partitions.
 * @param[out] best_combined_format   The best combined format pairings for the 4 partitions.
static void four_partitions_find_best_combination_for_every_quantization_and_integer_count(
	const float best_error[4][21][4],	// indexed by (partition, quant-level, integer-count)
	const uint8_t best_format[4][21][4],
	float best_combined_error[21][13],
	uint8_t best_combined_format[21][13][4]
) {}

 * @brief For 4 partitions compute the best format and quantization for a given bit count.
 * @param      best_combined_error    The best error for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      best_combined_format   The best format for each quant level and integer count.
 * @param      bits_available         The number of bits available for encoding.
 * @param[out] best_quant_level       The output best color quant level.
 * @param[out] best_quant_level_mod   The output best color quant level assuming two more bits are available.
 * @param[out] best_formats           The output best color formats.
 * @return best_error The output error for the best pairing.
static float four_partitions_find_best_combination_for_bitcount(
	const float best_combined_error[21][13],
	const uint8_t best_combined_format[21][13][4],
	int bits_available,
	uint8_t& best_quant_level,
	uint8_t& best_quant_level_mod,
	uint8_t* best_formats
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
unsigned int compute_ideal_endpoint_formats(
	const partition_info& pi,
	const image_block& blk,
	const endpoints& ep,
	 // bitcounts and errors computed for the various quantization methods
	const int8_t* qwt_bitcounts,
	const float* qwt_errors,
	unsigned int tune_candidate_limit,
	unsigned int start_block_mode,
	unsigned int end_block_mode,
	// output data
	uint8_t partition_format_specifiers[TUNE_MAX_TRIAL_CANDIDATES][BLOCK_MAX_PARTITIONS],
	quant_method quant_level[TUNE_MAX_TRIAL_CANDIDATES],
	quant_method quant_level_mod[TUNE_MAX_TRIAL_CANDIDATES],
	compression_working_buffers& tmpbuf
) {}
