
/* -*- tab-width: 4; -*- */
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/* Copyright 2019-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @file
 * @~English
 * @brief Header file defining the data format descriptor utilities API.

 * Author: Andrew Garrard

#ifndef _DFD_H_
#define _DFD_H_

#include <KHR/khr_df.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** Qualifier suffix to the format, in Vulkan terms. */
enum VkSuffix {};

/** Compression scheme, in Vulkan terms. */
enum VkCompScheme {};


#if !defined(LIBKTX)
#include <vulkan/vulkan_core.h>
#include "../vkformat_enum.h"

uint32_t* vk2dfd(enum VkFormat format);
enum VkFormat dfd2vk(uint32_t* dfd);

/* Create a Data Format Descriptor for an unpacked format. */
uint32_t *createDFDUnpacked(int bigEndian, int numChannels, int bytes,
                            int redBlueSwap, enum VkSuffix suffix);

/* Create a Data Format Descriptor for a packed padded format. */
uint32_t *createDFDPackedShifted(int bigEndian, int numChannels,
                                 int bits[], int shiftBits[],
                                 int channels[], enum VkSuffix suffix);

/* Create a Data Format Descriptor for a packed format. */
uint32_t *createDFDPacked(int bigEndian, int numChannels,
                          int bits[], int channels[],
                          enum VkSuffix suffix);

/* Create a Data Format Descriptor for a 4:2:2 format. */
uint32_t *createDFD422(int bigEndian, int numChannels,
                       int bits[], int shiftBits[], int channels[],
                       int position_xs[], int position_ys[],
                       enum VkSuffix suffix);

/* Create a Data Format Descriptor for a compressed format. */
uint32_t *createDFDCompressed(enum VkCompScheme compScheme,
                              int bwidth, int bheight, int bdepth,
                              enum VkSuffix suffix);

/* Create a Data Format Descriptor for a depth/stencil format. */
uint32_t *createDFDDepthStencil(int depthBits,
                                int stencilBits,
                                int sizeBytes);

/* Create a Data Format Descriptor for an alpha-only format */
uint32_t *createDFDAlpha(int bigEndian, int bytes,
                         enum VkSuffix suffix);

/** @brief Result of interpreting the data format descriptor. */
enum InterpretDFDResult {};

/** @brief Interpretation of a channel from the data format descriptor. */

/* Interpret a Data Format Descriptor. */
enum InterpretDFDResult interpretDFD(const uint32_t *DFD,
                                     InterpretedDFDChannel *R,
                                     InterpretedDFDChannel *G,
                                     InterpretedDFDChannel *B,
                                     InterpretedDFDChannel *A,
                                     uint32_t *wordBytes);

/* Returns the string representation.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringVendorID(khr_df_vendorid_e value);

/* Returns the string representation.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringDescriptorType(khr_df_khr_descriptortype_e value);

/* Returns the string representation.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringVersionNumber(khr_df_versionnumber_e value);

/* Returns the string representation of a bit in a khr_df_flags_e.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringFlagsBit(uint32_t bit_index, bool bit_value);

/* Returns the string representation.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringTransferFunction(khr_df_transfer_e value);

/* Returns the string representation.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringColorPrimaries(khr_df_primaries_e value);

/* Returns the string representation.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringColorModel(khr_df_model_e value);

/* Returns the string representation of a bit in a khr_df_sample_datatype_qualifiers_e.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringSampleDatatypeQualifiersBit(uint32_t bit_index, bool bit_value);

/* Returns the string representation.
 * If there is no direct match or the value is invalid returns NULL */
const char* dfdToStringChannelId(khr_df_model_e model, khr_df_model_channels_e value);

/* Print a human-readable interpretation of a data format descriptor. */
void printDFD(uint32_t *DFD, uint32_t dataSize);

/* Print a JSON interpretation of a data format descriptor. */
void printDFDJSON(uint32_t *DFD, uint32_t dataSize, uint32_t base_indent, uint32_t indent_width, bool minified);

/* Get the number of components & component size from a DFD for an
 * unpacked format.
getDFDComponentInfoUnpacked(const uint32_t* DFD, uint32_t* numComponents,
                            uint32_t* componentByteLength);

/* Return the number of components described by a DFD. */
uint32_t getDFDNumComponents(const uint32_t* DFD);

/* Reconstruct and return the value of bytesPlane0 as it should be for the data
 * post-inflation from variable-rate compression.
reconstructDFDBytesPlane0FromSamples(const uint32_t* DFD);
/* Deprecated. For backward compatibility. */
recreateBytesPlane0FromSampleInfo(const uint32_t* DFD, uint32_t* bytesPlane0);

/** @brief Colourspace primaries information.
 * Structure to store the 1931 CIE x,y chromaticities of the red, green, and blue
 * display primaries and the reference white point of a colourspace.

khr_df_primaries_e findMapping(const Primaries *p, float latitude);
bool getPrimaries(khr_df_primaries_e primaries, Primaries *p);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _DFD_H_ */