
/* -*- tab-width: 4; -*- */
/* vi: set sw=2 ts=4 expandtab: */

/* Copyright 2019-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @file
 * @~English
 * @brief Utilities for printing data format descriptors.

 * Author: Andrew Garrard

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <KHR/khr_df.h>
#include "dfd.h"

enum {};

const char* dfdToStringVendorID(khr_df_vendorid_e value) {}

const char* dfdToStringDescriptorType(khr_df_khr_descriptortype_e value) {}

const char* dfdToStringVersionNumber(khr_df_versionnumber_e value) {}

const char* dfdToStringFlagsBit(uint32_t bit_index, bool bit_value) {}

const char* dfdToStringTransferFunction(khr_df_transfer_e value) {}

const char* dfdToStringColorPrimaries(khr_df_primaries_e value) {}

const char* dfdToStringColorModel(khr_df_model_e value) {}

const char* dfdToStringSampleDatatypeQualifiers(uint32_t bit_index, bool bit_value) {}

const char* dfdToStringChannelId(khr_df_model_e model, khr_df_model_channels_e value) {}

 * @internal
static void printFlagBits(uint32_t flags, const char*(*toStringFn)(uint32_t, bool)) {}

 * @internal
static void printFlagBitsJSON(uint32_t indent, const char* nl, uint32_t flags, const char*(*toStringFn)(uint32_t, bool)) {}

 * @~English
 * @brief Print a human-readable interpretation of a data format descriptor.
 * @param DFD Pointer to a data format descriptor.
 * @param dataSize The maximum size that can be considered as part of the DFD.
void printDFD(uint32_t *DFD, uint32_t dataSize)

 * @~English
 * @brief Print a JSON interpretation of a data format descriptor.
 * @param DFD Pointer to a data format descriptor.
 * @param dataSize The maximum size that can be considered as part of the DFD.
 * @param base_indent The number of indentations to include at the front of every line
 * @param indent_width The number of spaces to add with each nested scope
 * @param minified Specifies whether the JSON output should be minified
void printDFDJSON(uint32_t* DFD, uint32_t dataSize, uint32_t base_indent, uint32_t indent_width, bool minified)