
* Author    :  Angus Johnson                                                   *
* Date      :  27 April 2024                                                   *
* Website   :  http://www.angusj.com                                           *
* Copyright :  Angus Johnson 2010-2024                                         *
* Purpose   :  This module provides a simple interface to the Clipper Library  *
* License   :  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt                            *

#ifndef CLIPPER_H
#define CLIPPER_H

#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

#include "clipper2/clipper.core.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.engine.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.offset.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.minkowski.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.rectclip.h"

namespace Clipper2Lib {

  inline Paths64 BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
    const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips)

  inline void BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
    const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, PolyTree64& solution)

  inline PathsD BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
    const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, int precision = 2)

  inline void BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
    const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips,
    PolyTreeD& polytree, int precision = 2)

  inline Paths64 Intersect(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)

  inline PathsD Intersect(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)

  inline Paths64 Union(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)

  inline PathsD Union(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)

  inline Paths64 Union(const Paths64& subjects, FillRule fillrule)

  inline PathsD Union(const PathsD& subjects, FillRule fillrule, int precision = 2)

  inline Paths64 Difference(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)

  inline PathsD Difference(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)

  inline Paths64 Xor(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)

  inline PathsD Xor(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)

  inline Paths64 InflatePaths(const Paths64& paths, double delta,
    JoinType jt, EndType et, double miter_limit = 2.0,
    double arc_tolerance = 0.0)

  inline PathsD InflatePaths(const PathsD& paths, double delta,
    JoinType jt, EndType et, double miter_limit = 2.0,
    int precision = 2, double arc_tolerance = 0.0)

  template <typename T>
  inline Path<T> TranslatePath(const Path<T>& path, T dx, T dy)

  inline Path64 TranslatePath(const Path64& path, int64_t dx, int64_t dy)

  inline PathD TranslatePath(const PathD& path, double dx, double dy)

  template <typename T>
  inline Paths<T> TranslatePaths(const Paths<T>& paths, T dx, T dy)

  inline Paths64 TranslatePaths(const Paths64& paths, int64_t dx, int64_t dy)

  inline PathsD TranslatePaths(const PathsD& paths, double dx, double dy)

  inline Paths64 RectClip(const Rect64& rect, const Paths64& paths)

  inline Paths64 RectClip(const Rect64& rect, const Path64& path)

  inline PathsD RectClip(const RectD& rect, const PathsD& paths, int precision = 2)

  inline PathsD RectClip(const RectD& rect, const PathD& path, int precision = 2)

  inline Paths64 RectClipLines(const Rect64& rect, const Paths64& lines)

  inline Paths64 RectClipLines(const Rect64& rect, const Path64& line)

  inline PathsD RectClipLines(const RectD& rect, const PathsD& lines, int precision = 2)

  inline PathsD RectClipLines(const RectD& rect, const PathD& line, int precision = 2)

  namespace details

    inline void PolyPathToPaths64(const PolyPath64& polypath, Paths64& paths)

    inline void PolyPathToPathsD(const PolyPathD& polypath, PathsD& paths)

    inline bool PolyPath64ContainsChildren(const PolyPath64& pp)

    static void OutlinePolyPath(std::ostream& os,
      size_t idx, bool isHole, size_t count, const std::string& preamble)

    static void OutlinePolyPath64(std::ostream& os, const PolyPath64& pp,
      size_t idx, std::string preamble)

    static void OutlinePolyPathD(std::ostream& os, const PolyPathD& pp,
      size_t idx, std::string preamble)

    template<typename T, typename U>
    inline constexpr void MakePathGeneric(const T an_array,
      size_t array_size, std::vector<U>& result)

  } // end details namespace

  inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const PolyTree64& pp)

  inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const PolyTreeD& pp)

  inline Paths64 PolyTreeToPaths64(const PolyTree64& polytree)

  inline PathsD PolyTreeToPathsD(const PolyTreeD& polytree)

  inline bool CheckPolytreeFullyContainsChildren(const PolyTree64& polytree)

  template<typename T,
    typename std::enable_if<
      std::is_integral<T>::value &&
      !std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
    >::type = true>
  inline Path64 MakePath(const std::vector<T>& list)

  template<typename T, std::size_t N,
    typename std::enable_if<
      std::is_integral<T>::value &&
      !std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
    >::type = true>
  inline Path64 MakePath(const T(&list)[N])

  template<typename T,
    typename std::enable_if<
      std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
      !std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
    >::type = true>
  inline PathD MakePathD(const std::vector<T>& list)

  template<typename T, std::size_t N,
    typename std::enable_if<
      std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
      !std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
    >::type = true>
  inline PathD MakePathD(const T(&list)[N])

#ifdef USINGZ
  template<typename T2, std::size_t N>
  inline Path64 MakePathZ(const T2(&list)[N])
    static_assert(N % 3 == 0 && std::numeric_limits<T2>::is_integer,
      "MakePathZ requires integer values in multiples of 3");
    std::size_t size = N / 3;
    Path64 result(size);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
      result[i] = Point64(list[i * 3],
        list[i * 3 + 1], list[i * 3 + 2]);
    return result;

  template<typename T2, std::size_t N>
  inline PathD MakePathZD(const T2(&list)[N])
    static_assert(N % 3 == 0,
      "MakePathZD requires values in multiples of 3");
    std::size_t size = N / 3;
    PathD result(size);
    if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<T2>::is_integer)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        result[i] = PointD(list[i * 3],
          list[i * 3 + 1], list[i * 3 + 2]);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        result[i] = PointD(list[i * 3], list[i * 3 + 1],
          static_cast<int64_t>(list[i * 3 + 2]));
    return result;

  inline Path64 TrimCollinear(const Path64& p, bool is_open_path = false)

  inline PathD TrimCollinear(const PathD& path, int precision, bool is_open_path = false)

  template <typename T>
  inline double Distance(const Point<T> pt1, const Point<T> pt2)

  template <typename T>
  inline double Length(const Path<T>& path, bool is_closed_path = false)

  template <typename T>
  inline bool NearCollinear(const Point<T>& pt1, const Point<T>& pt2, const Point<T>& pt3, double sin_sqrd_min_angle_rads)

  template <typename T>
  inline Path<T> Ellipse(const Rect<T>& rect, size_t steps = 0)

  template <typename T>
  inline Path<T> Ellipse(const Point<T>& center,
    double radiusX, double radiusY = 0, size_t steps = 0)

  inline size_t GetNext(size_t current, size_t high,
    const std::vector<bool>& flags)

  inline size_t GetPrior(size_t current, size_t high,
    const std::vector<bool>& flags)

  template <typename T>
  inline Path<T> SimplifyPath(const Path<T> &path,
    double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true)

  template <typename T>
  inline Paths<T> SimplifyPaths(const Paths<T> &paths,
    double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true)

  template <typename T>
  inline void RDP(const Path<T> path, std::size_t begin,
    std::size_t end, double epsSqrd, std::vector<bool>& flags)

  template <typename T>
  inline Path<T> RamerDouglasPeucker(const Path<T>& path, double epsilon)

  template <typename T>
  inline Paths<T> RamerDouglasPeucker(const Paths<T>& paths, double epsilon)

}  // end Clipper2Lib namespace

#endif  // CLIPPER_H