
* Author    :  Angus Johnson                                                   *
* Date      :  27 April 2024                                                   *
* Website   :  http://www.angusj.com                                           *
* Copyright :  Angus Johnson 2010-2024                                         *
* Purpose   :  This is the main polygon clipping module                        *
* License   :  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt                            *

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>

#include "clipper2/clipper.engine.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.h"

// https://github.com/AngusJohnson/Clipper2/discussions/334
// #discussioncomment-4248602
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && ( defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_X64) )
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>
#define fmin
#define fmax
#define nearbyint

namespace Clipper2Lib {

  static const Rect64 invalid_rect =;

  // Every closed path (ie polygon) is made up of a series of vertices forming edge 
  // 'bounds' that alternate between ascending bounds (containing edges going up 
  // relative to the Y-axis) and descending bounds. 'Local Minima' refers to
  // vertices where ascending and descending bounds join at the bottom, and
  // 'Local Maxima' are where ascending and descending bounds join at the top.

  struct Scanline {};

  struct HorzSegSorter {};

  struct LocMinSorter {};

  inline bool IsOdd(int val)

  inline bool IsHotEdge(const Active& e)

  inline bool IsOpen(const Active& e)

  inline bool IsOpenEnd(const Vertex& v)

  inline bool IsOpenEnd(const Active& ae)

  inline Active* GetPrevHotEdge(const Active& e)

  inline bool IsFront(const Active& e)

  inline bool IsInvalidPath(OutPt* op)

    *  Dx:                             0(90deg)                                    *
    *                                  |                                           *
    *               +inf (180deg) <--- o ---> -inf (0deg)                          *

  inline double GetDx(const Point64& pt1, const Point64& pt2)

  inline int64_t TopX(const Active& ae, const int64_t currentY)

  inline bool IsHorizontal(const Active& e)

  inline bool IsHeadingRightHorz(const Active& e)

  inline bool IsHeadingLeftHorz(const Active& e)

  inline void SwapActives(Active*& e1, Active*& e2)

  inline PathType GetPolyType(const Active& e)

  inline bool IsSamePolyType(const Active& e1, const Active& e2)

  inline void SetDx(Active& e)

  inline Vertex* NextVertex(const Active& e)

  //PrevPrevVertex: useful to get the (inverted Y-axis) top of the
  //alternate edge (ie left or right bound) during edge insertion.
  inline Vertex* PrevPrevVertex(const Active& ae)

  inline Active* ExtractFromSEL(Active* ae)

  inline void Insert1Before2InSEL(Active* ae1, Active* ae2)

  inline bool IsMaxima(const Vertex& v)

  inline bool IsMaxima(const Active& e)

  inline Vertex* GetCurrYMaximaVertex_Open(const Active& e)

    inline Vertex* GetCurrYMaximaVertex(const Active& e)

  Active* GetMaximaPair(const Active& e)

  inline int PointCount(OutPt* op)

  inline OutPt* DuplicateOp(OutPt* op, bool insert_after)

  inline OutPt* DisposeOutPt(OutPt* op)

  inline void DisposeOutPts(OutRec* outrec)

  bool IntersectListSort(const IntersectNode& a, const IntersectNode& b)

  inline void SetSides(OutRec& outrec, Active& start_edge, Active& end_edge)

  void SwapOutrecs(Active& e1, Active& e2)

  double Area(OutPt* op)

  inline double AreaTriangle(const Point64& pt1,
    const Point64& pt2, const Point64& pt3)

  void ReverseOutPts(OutPt* op)

  inline void SwapSides(OutRec& outrec)

  inline OutRec* GetRealOutRec(OutRec* outrec)

  inline bool IsValidOwner(OutRec* outrec, OutRec* testOwner)

  inline void UncoupleOutRec(Active ae)

  inline bool PtsReallyClose(const Point64& pt1, const Point64& pt2)

  inline bool IsVerySmallTriangle(const OutPt& op)

  inline bool IsValidClosedPath(const OutPt* op)

  inline bool OutrecIsAscending(const Active* hotEdge)

  inline void SwapFrontBackSides(OutRec& outrec)

  inline bool EdgesAdjacentInAEL(const IntersectNode& inode)

  inline bool IsJoined(const Active& e)

  inline void SetOwner(OutRec* outrec, OutRec* new_owner)

  static PointInPolygonResult PointInOpPolygon(const Point64& pt, OutPt* op)

  inline Path64 GetCleanPath(OutPt* op)

  inline bool Path1InsidePath2(OutPt* op1, OutPt* op2)


  void AddLocMin(LocalMinimaList& list,
    Vertex& vert, PathType polytype, bool is_open)

  void AddPaths_(const Paths64& paths, PathType polytype, bool is_open,
    std::vector<Vertex*>& vertexLists, LocalMinimaList& locMinList)

  // ReuseableDataContainer64 methods ...

  void ReuseableDataContainer64::AddLocMin(Vertex& vert, PathType polytype, bool is_open)

  void ReuseableDataContainer64::AddPaths(const Paths64& paths,
    PathType polytype, bool is_open)


  void ReuseableDataContainer64::Clear()

  // ClipperBase methods ...


  void ClipperBase::DeleteEdges(Active*& e)

  void ClipperBase::CleanUp()

  void ClipperBase::Clear()

  void ClipperBase::Reset()

#ifdef USINGZ
  void ClipperBase::SetZ(const Active& e1, const Active& e2, Point64& ip)
    if (!zCallback_) return;
    // prioritize subject over clip vertices by passing
    // subject vertices before clip vertices in the callback
    if (GetPolyType(e1) == PathType::Subject)
      if (ip == e1.bot) ip.z = e1.bot.z;
      else if (ip == e1.top) ip.z = e1.top.z;
      else if (ip == e2.bot) ip.z = e2.bot.z;
      else if (ip == e2.top) ip.z = e2.top.z;
      else ip.z = DefaultZ;
      zCallback_(e1.bot, e1.top, e2.bot, e2.top, ip);
      if (ip == e2.bot) ip.z = e2.bot.z;
      else if (ip == e2.top) ip.z = e2.top.z;
      else if (ip == e1.bot) ip.z = e1.bot.z;
      else if (ip == e1.top) ip.z = e1.top.z;
      else ip.z = DefaultZ;
      zCallback_(e2.bot, e2.top, e1.bot, e1.top, ip);

  void ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path64& path, PathType polytype, bool is_open)

  void ClipperBase::AddPaths(const Paths64& paths, PathType polytype, bool is_open)

  void ClipperBase::AddReuseableData(const ReuseableDataContainer64& reuseable_data)

  void ClipperBase::InsertScanline(int64_t y)

  bool ClipperBase::PopScanline(int64_t& y)

  bool ClipperBase::PopLocalMinima(int64_t y, LocalMinima*& local_minima)

  void ClipperBase::DisposeAllOutRecs()

  void ClipperBase::DisposeVerticesAndLocalMinima()

  void ClipperBase::AddLocMin(Vertex& vert, PathType polytype, bool is_open)

  bool ClipperBase::IsContributingClosed(const Active& e) const

  inline bool ClipperBase::IsContributingOpen(const Active& e) const

  void ClipperBase::SetWindCountForClosedPathEdge(Active& e)

  void ClipperBase::SetWindCountForOpenPathEdge(Active& e)

  bool IsValidAelOrder(const Active& resident, const Active& newcomer)

  void ClipperBase::InsertLeftEdge(Active& e)

  void InsertRightEdge(Active& e, Active& e2)

  void ClipperBase::InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL(int64_t bot_y)

  inline void ClipperBase::PushHorz(Active& e)

  inline bool ClipperBase::PopHorz(Active*& e)

  OutPt* ClipperBase::AddLocalMinPoly(Active& e1, Active& e2,
    const Point64& pt, bool is_new)

  OutPt* ClipperBase::AddLocalMaxPoly(Active& e1, Active& e2, const Point64& pt)

  void ClipperBase::JoinOutrecPaths(Active& e1, Active& e2)

  OutRec* ClipperBase::NewOutRec()

  OutPt* ClipperBase::AddOutPt(const Active& e, const Point64& pt)

  void ClipperBase::CleanCollinear(OutRec* outrec)

  void ClipperBase::DoSplitOp(OutRec* outrec, OutPt* splitOp)

  void ClipperBase::FixSelfIntersects(OutRec* outrec)

  inline void UpdateOutrecOwner(OutRec* outrec)

  OutPt* ClipperBase::StartOpenPath(Active& e, const Point64& pt)

  inline void TrimHorz(Active& horzEdge, bool preserveCollinear)

  inline void ClipperBase::UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(Active* e)

  Active* FindEdgeWithMatchingLocMin(Active* e)

  void ClipperBase::IntersectEdges(Active& e1, Active& e2, const Point64& pt)

  inline void ClipperBase::DeleteFromAEL(Active& e)

  inline void ClipperBase::AdjustCurrXAndCopyToSEL(const int64_t top_y)

  bool ClipperBase::ExecuteInternal(ClipType ct, FillRule fillrule, bool use_polytrees)

  inline void FixOutRecPts(OutRec* outrec)

  inline bool SetHorzSegHeadingForward(HorzSegment& hs, OutPt* opP, OutPt* opN)

  inline bool UpdateHorzSegment(HorzSegment& hs)

  void ClipperBase::ConvertHorzSegsToJoins()

  void MoveSplits(OutRec* fromOr, OutRec* toOr)

  void ClipperBase::ProcessHorzJoins()

  void ClipperBase::DoIntersections(const int64_t top_y)

  void ClipperBase::AddNewIntersectNode(Active& e1, Active& e2, int64_t top_y)

  bool ClipperBase::BuildIntersectList(const int64_t top_y)

  void ClipperBase::ProcessIntersectList()

  void ClipperBase::SwapPositionsInAEL(Active& e1, Active& e2)

  inline OutPt* GetLastOp(const Active& hot_edge)

  void ClipperBase::AddTrialHorzJoin(OutPt* op)

  bool ClipperBase::ResetHorzDirection(const Active& horz,
    const Vertex* max_vertex, int64_t& horz_left, int64_t& horz_right)

  void ClipperBase::DoHorizontal(Active& horz)
        * Notes: Horizontal edges (HEs) at scanline intersections (ie at the top or    *
        * bottom of a scanbeam) are processed as if layered.The order in which HEs     *
        * are processed doesn't matter. HEs intersect with the bottom vertices of      *
        * other HEs[#] and with non-horizontal edges [*]. Once these intersections     *
        * are completed, intermediate HEs are 'promoted' to the next edge in their     *
        * bounds, and they in turn may be intersected[%] by other HEs.                 *
        *                                                                              *
        * eg: 3 horizontals at a scanline:    /   |                     /           /  *
        *              |                     /    |     (HE3)o ========%========== o   *
        *              o ======= o(HE2)     /     |         /         /                *
        *          o ============#=========*======*========#=========o (HE1)           *
        *         /              |        /       |       /                            *

  void ClipperBase::DoTopOfScanbeam(const int64_t y)

  Active* ClipperBase::DoMaxima(Active& e)

  void ClipperBase::Split(Active& e, const Point64& pt)

  void ClipperBase::CheckJoinLeft(Active& e,
    const Point64& pt, bool check_curr_x)

  void ClipperBase::CheckJoinRight(Active& e,
    const Point64& pt, bool check_curr_x)

  inline bool GetHorzExtendedHorzSeg(OutPt*& op, OutPt*& op2)

  bool BuildPath64(OutPt* op, bool reverse, bool isOpen, Path64& path)

  bool ClipperBase::CheckBounds(OutRec* outrec)

  bool ClipperBase::CheckSplitOwner(OutRec* outrec, OutRecList* splits)

  void ClipperBase::RecursiveCheckOwners(OutRec* outrec, PolyPath* polypath)

  void Clipper64::BuildPaths64(Paths64& solutionClosed, Paths64* solutionOpen)

  void Clipper64::BuildTree64(PolyPath64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths)

  bool BuildPathD(OutPt* op, bool reverse, bool isOpen, PathD& path, double inv_scale)

  void ClipperD::BuildPathsD(PathsD& solutionClosed, PathsD* solutionOpen)

  void ClipperD::BuildTreeD(PolyPathD& polytree, PathsD& open_paths)

}  // namespace clipper2lib