
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.

#include "graphite2/Font.h"
#include "inc/Face.h"
#include "inc/FileFace.h"
#include "inc/GlyphCache.h"
#include "inc/CmapCache.h"
#include "inc/Silf.h"
#include "inc/json.h"


extern json *global_log;

    bool load_face(Face & face, unsigned int options)

    uint32 zeropad(const uint32 x)

extern "C" {

gr_face* gr_make_face_with_ops(const void* appFaceHandle/*non-NULL*/, const gr_face_ops *ops, unsigned int faceOptions)
                  //the appFaceHandle must stay alive all the time when the gr_face is alive. When finished with the gr_face, call destroy_face

gr_face* gr_make_face(const void* appFaceHandle/*non-NULL*/, gr_get_table_fn tablefn, unsigned int faceOptions)

gr_face* gr_make_face_with_seg_cache_and_ops(const void* appFaceHandle/*non-NULL*/, const gr_face_ops *ops, unsigned int , unsigned int faceOptions)

gr_face* gr_make_face_with_seg_cache(const void* appFaceHandle/*non-NULL*/, gr_get_table_fn tablefn, unsigned int, unsigned int faceOptions)

gr_uint32 gr_str_to_tag(const char *str)

void gr_tag_to_str(gr_uint32 tag, char *str)

gr_feature_val* gr_face_featureval_for_lang(const gr_face* pFace, gr_uint32 langname/*0 means clone default*/) //clones the features. if none for language, clones the default

const gr_feature_ref* gr_face_find_fref(const gr_face* pFace, gr_uint32 featId)  //When finished with the FeatureRef, call destroy_FeatureRef

unsigned short gr_face_n_fref(const gr_face* pFace)

const gr_feature_ref* gr_face_fref(const gr_face* pFace, gr_uint16 i) //When finished with the FeatureRef, call destroy_FeatureRef

unsigned short gr_face_n_languages(const gr_face* pFace)

gr_uint32 gr_face_lang_by_index(const gr_face* pFace, gr_uint16 i)

void gr_face_destroy(gr_face *face)

gr_uint16 gr_face_name_lang_for_locale(gr_face *face, const char * locale)

unsigned short gr_face_n_glyphs(const gr_face* pFace)

const gr_faceinfo *gr_face_info(const gr_face *pFace, gr_uint32 script)

int gr_face_is_char_supported(const gr_face* pFace, gr_uint32 usv, gr_uint32 script)

gr_face* gr_make_file_face(const char *filename, unsigned int faceOptions)
    FileFace* pFileFace = new FileFace(filename);
    if (*pFileFace)
      gr_face* pRes = gr_make_face_with_ops(pFileFace, &FileFace::ops, faceOptions);
      if (pRes)
        pRes->takeFileFace(pFileFace);        //takes ownership
        return pRes;

    //error when loading

    delete pFileFace;
    return NULL;

gr_face* gr_make_file_face_with_seg_cache(const char* filename, unsigned int, unsigned int faceOptions)   //returns NULL on failure. //TBD better error handling
                  //when finished with, call destroy_face
    return gr_make_file_face(filename, faceOptions);
#endif      //!GRAPHITE2_NFILEFACE

} // extern "C"