
 * Copyright (c) 2020 - 2024 the ThorVG project. All rights reserved.

 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.


#ifdef _WIN32
    #include <malloc.h>
#elif defined(__linux__)
    #include <alloca.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

#include "tvgMath.h"
#include "tvgRender.h"
#include "tvgSwCommon.h"

/* Internal Class Implementation                                        */
constexpr auto DOWN_SCALE_TOLERANCE =;

struct FillLinear

struct FillRadial

static inline uint8_t _alpha(uint8_t* a)

static inline uint8_t _ialpha(uint8_t* a)

static inline uint8_t _abgrLuma(uint8_t* c)

static inline uint8_t _argbLuma(uint8_t* c)

static inline uint8_t _abgrInvLuma(uint8_t* c)

static inline uint8_t _argbInvLuma(uint8_t* c)

static inline uint32_t _abgrJoin(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static inline uint32_t _argbJoin(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static inline bool _blending(const SwSurface* surface)

/* OPTIMIZE_ME: Probably, we can separate masking(8bits) / composition(32bits)
   This would help to enhance the performance by avoiding the unnecessary matting from the composition */
static inline bool _compositing(const SwSurface* surface)

static inline bool _matting(const SwSurface* surface)

static inline uint8_t _opMaskNone(uint8_t s, TVG_UNUSED uint8_t d, TVG_UNUSED uint8_t a)

static inline uint8_t _opMaskAdd(uint8_t s, uint8_t d, uint8_t a)

static inline uint8_t _opMaskSubtract(uint8_t s, uint8_t d, TVG_UNUSED uint8_t a)

static inline uint8_t _opMaskIntersect(uint8_t s, uint8_t d, TVG_UNUSED uint8_t a)

static inline uint8_t _opMaskDifference(uint8_t s, uint8_t d, uint8_t a)

static inline uint8_t _opMaskLighten(uint8_t s, uint8_t d, uint8_t a)

static inline uint8_t _opMaskDarken(uint8_t s, uint8_t d, uint8_t a)

static inline bool _direct(CompositeMethod method)

static inline SwMask _getMaskOp(CompositeMethod method)

static bool _compositeMaskImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region)

#include "tvgSwRasterTexmap.h"
#include "tvgSwRasterC.h"
#include "tvgSwRasterAvx.h"
#include "tvgSwRasterNeon.h"

static inline uint32_t _sampleSize(float scale)

//Bilinear Interpolation
//OPTIMIZE_ME: Skip the function pointer access
static uint32_t _interpUpScaler(const uint32_t *img, TVG_UNUSED uint32_t stride, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, float sx, float sy, TVG_UNUSED int32_t miny, TVG_UNUSED int32_t maxy, TVG_UNUSED int32_t n)

//2n x 2n Mean Kernel
//OPTIMIZE_ME: Skip the function pointer access
static uint32_t _interpDownScaler(const uint32_t *img, uint32_t stride, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, float sx, TVG_UNUSED float sy, int32_t miny, int32_t maxy, int32_t n)

/* Rect                                                                 */

static bool _rasterCompositeMaskedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterDirectMaskedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterMaskedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterMattedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterBlendingRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterTranslucentRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterSolidRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)

static bool _rasterRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

/* Rle                                                                  */

static bool _rasterCompositeMaskedRle(SwSurface* surface, SwRleData* rle, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterDirectMaskedRle(SwSurface* surface, SwRleData* rle, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterMaskedRle(SwSurface* surface, SwRleData* rle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterMattedRle(SwSurface* surface, SwRleData* rle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterBlendingRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterTranslucentRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

static bool _rasterSolidRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)

static bool _rasterRle(SwSurface* surface, SwRleData* rle, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

/* RLE Scaled Image                                                     */



#if 0 //Enable it when GRAYSCALE image is supported
static bool _rasterCompositeScaledMaskedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto scaleMethod = image->scale < DOWN_SCALE_TOLERANCE ? _interpDownScaler : _interpUpScaler;
    auto sampleSize = _sampleSize(image->scale);
    auto span = image->rle->spans;
    int32_t miny = 0, maxy = 0;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->rle->size; ++i, ++span) {
        auto cmp = &surface->compositor->image.buf8[span->y * surface->compositor->image.stride + span->x];
        auto a = MULTIPLY(span->coverage, opacity);
        for (uint32_t x = static_cast<uint32_t>(span->x); x < static_cast<uint32_t>(span->x) + span->len; ++x, ++cmp) {
            auto src = scaleMethod(image->buf8, image->stride, image->w, image->h, sx, sy, miny, maxy, sampleSize);
            if (a < 255) src = MULTIPLY(src, a);
            *cmp = maskOp(src, *cmp, ~src);
    return true;

static bool _rasterDirectScaledMaskedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto scaleMethod = image->scale < DOWN_SCALE_TOLERANCE ? _interpDownScaler : _interpUpScaler;
    auto sampleSize = _sampleSize(image->scale);
    auto span = image->rle->spans;
    int32_t miny = 0, maxy = 0;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->rle->size; ++i, ++span) {        
        auto cmp = &surface->compositor->image.buf8[span->y * surface->compositor->image.stride + span->x];
        auto dst = &surface->buf8[span->y * surface->stride + span->x];
        auto a = MULTIPLY(span->coverage, opacity);
        for (uint32_t x = static_cast<uint32_t>(span->x); x < static_cast<uint32_t>(span->x) + span->len; ++x, ++cmp, ++dst) {
            auto src = scaleMethod(image->buf8, image->stride, image->w, image->h, sx, sy, miny, maxy, sampleSize);
            if (a < 255) src = MULTIPLY(src, a);
            src = maskOp(src, *cmp, 0);  //not use alpha
            *dst = src + MULTIPLY(*dst, ~src);
    return _compositeMaskImage(surface, &surface->compositor->image, surface->compositor->bbox);

static bool _rasterScaledMaskedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterScaledMattedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterScaledBlendingRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterScaledRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _scaledRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix& transform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

/* RLE Direct Image                                                     */

#if 0 //Enable it when GRAYSCALE image is supported
static bool _rasterCompositeDirectMaskedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto span = image->rle->spans;
    auto cbuffer = surface->compositor->image.buf8;
    auto ctride = surface->compositor->image.stride;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->rle->size; ++i, ++span) {
        auto src = image->buf8 + (span->y + image->oy) * image->stride + (span->x + image->ox);
        auto cmp = &cbuffer[span->y * ctride + span->x];
        auto alpha = MULTIPLY(span->coverage, opacity);
        if (alpha == 255) {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < span->len; ++x, ++src, ++cmp) {
                *cmp = maskOp(*src, *cmp, ~*src);
        } else {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < span->len; ++x, ++src, ++cmp) {
                auto tmp = MULTIPLY(*src, alpha);
                *cmp = maskOp(*src, *cmp, ~tmp);
    return _compositeMaskImage(surface, &surface->compositor->image, surface->compositor->bbox);

static bool _rasterDirectDirectMaskedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto span = image->rle->spans;
    auto cbuffer = surface->compositor->image.buf8;
    auto ctride = surface->compositor->image.stride;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->rle->size; ++i, ++span) {
        auto src = image->buf8 + (span->y + image->oy) * image->stride + (span->x + image->ox);
        auto cmp = &cbuffer[span->y * ctride + span->x];
        auto dst = &surface->buf8[span->y * surface->stride + span->x];
        auto alpha = MULTIPLY(span->coverage, opacity);
        if (alpha == 255) {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < span->len; ++x, ++src, ++cmp, ++dst) {
                auto tmp = maskOp(*src, *cmp, 0);  //not use alpha
                *dst = INTERPOLATE8(tmp, *dst, (255 - tmp));
        } else {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < span->len; ++x, ++src, ++cmp, ++dst) {
                auto tmp = maskOp(MULTIPLY(*src, alpha), *cmp, 0); //not use alpha
                *dst = INTERPOLATE8(tmp, *dst, (255 - tmp));
    return true;

static bool _rasterDirectMaskedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterDirectMattedRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterDirectBlendingRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterDirectRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _directRleImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, uint8_t opacity)

/*Scaled Image                                                          */

#if 0 //Enable it when GRAYSCALE image is supported
static bool _rasterCompositeScaledMaskedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto scaleMethod = image->scale < DOWN_SCALE_TOLERANCE ? _interpDownScaler : _interpUpScaler;
    auto sampleSize = _sampleSize(image->scale);
    auto cstride = surface->compositor->image.stride;
    auto cbuffer = surface->compositor->image.buf8 + (region.min.y * cstride + region.min.x);
    int32_t miny = 0, maxy = 0;

    for (auto y = region.min.y; y < region.max.y; ++y) {
        auto cmp = cbuffer;
        for (auto x = region.min.x; x < region.max.x; ++x, ++cmp) {
            auto src = scaleMethod(image->buf8, image->stride, image->w, image->h, sx, sy, miny, maxy, sampleSize);
            if (opacity < 255) src = MULTIPLY(src, opacity);
            *cmp = maskOp(src, *cmp, ~src);
        cbuffer += cstride;
    return _compositeMaskImage(surface, &surface->compositor->image, surface->compositor->bbox);

static bool _rasterDirectScaledMaskedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto scaleMethod = image->scale < DOWN_SCALE_TOLERANCE ? _interpDownScaler : _interpUpScaler;
    auto sampleSize = _sampleSize(image->scale);
    auto cstride = surface->compositor->image.stride;
    auto cbuffer = surface->compositor->image.buf8 + (region.min.y * cstride + region.min.x);
    auto dbuffer = surface->buf8 + (region.min.y * surface->stride + region.min.x);
    int32_t miny = 0, maxy = 0;

    for (auto y = region.min.y; y < region.max.y; ++y) {
        auto cmp = cbuffer;
        auto dst = dbuffer;
        for (auto x = region.min.x; x < region.max.x; ++x, ++cmp, ++dst) {
            auto src = scaleMethod(image->buf8, image->stride, image->w, image->h, sx, sy, miny, maxy, sampleSize);
            if (opacity < 255) src = MULTIPLY(src, opacity);
            src = maskOp(src, *cmp, 0);  //not use alpha
            *dst = src + MULTIPLY(*dst, ~src);
        cbuffer += cstride;
        dbuffer += surface->stride;
    return true;

static bool _rasterScaledMaskedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterScaledMattedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterScaledBlendingImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterScaledImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix* itransform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _scaledImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const Matrix& transform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

/* Direct Image                                                         */

#if 0 //Enable it when GRAYSCALE image is supported
static bool _rasterCompositeDirectMaskedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto h = static_cast<uint32_t>(region.max.y - region.min.y);
    auto w = static_cast<uint32_t>(region.max.x - region.min.x);
    auto cstride = surface->compositor->image.stride;

    auto cbuffer = surface->compositor->image.buf8 + (region.min.y * cstride + region.min.x); //compositor buffer
    auto sbuffer = image->buf8 + (region.min.y + image->oy) * image->stride + (region.min.x + image->ox);

    for (uint32_t y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
        auto cmp = cbuffer;
        auto src = sbuffer;
        if (opacity == 255) {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < w; ++x, ++src, ++cmp) {
                *cmp = maskOp(*src, *cmp, ~*src);
        } else {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < w; ++x, ++src, ++cmp) {
                auto tmp = MULTIPLY(*src, opacity);
                *cmp = maskOp(tmp, *cmp, ~tmp);
        cbuffer += cstride;
        sbuffer += image->stride;
    return _compositeMaskImage(surface, &surface->compositor->image, surface->compositor->bbox);

static bool _rasterDirectDirectMaskedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, SwMask maskOp, uint8_t opacity)
    auto h = static_cast<uint32_t>(region.max.y - region.min.y);
    auto w = static_cast<uint32_t>(region.max.x - region.min.x);
    auto cstride = surface->compositor->image.stride;

    auto cbuffer = surface->compositor->image.buf32 + (region.min.y * cstride + region.min.x); //compositor buffer
    auto dbuffer = surface->buf8 + (region.min.y * surface->stride + region.min.x);            //destination buffer
    auto sbuffer = image->buf8 + (region.min.y + image->oy) * image->stride + (region.min.x + image->ox);

    for (uint32_t y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
        auto cmp = cbuffer;
        auto dst = dbuffer;
        auto src = sbuffer;
        if (opacity == 255) {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < w; ++x, ++src, ++cmp, ++dst) {
                auto tmp = maskOp(*src, *cmp, 0); //not use alpha
                *dst = tmp + MULTIPLY(*dst, ~tmp);
        } else {
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < w; ++x, ++src, ++cmp, ++dst) {
                auto tmp = maskOp(MULTIPLY(*src, opacity), *cmp, 0); //not use alpha
                *dst = tmp + MULTIPLY(*dst, ~tmp);
        cbuffer += cstride;
        dbuffer += surface->stride;
        sbuffer += image->stride;
    return true;

static bool _rasterDirectMaskedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterDirectMattedImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterDirectBlendingImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterDirectImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

static bool _rasterDirectMattedBlendingImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

//Blenders for the following scenarios: [Composition / Non-Composition] * [Opaque / Translucent]
static bool _directImage(SwSurface* surface, const SwImage* image, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

//Blenders for the following scenarios: [RLE / Whole] * [Direct / Scaled / Transformed]
static bool _rasterImage(SwSurface* surface, SwImage* image, const Matrix& transform, const SwBBox& region, uint8_t opacity)

/* Rect Gradient                                                        */

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterCompositeGradientMaskedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill, SwMask maskOp)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterDirectGradientMaskedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill, SwMask maskOp)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterGradientMaskedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterGradientMattedRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterBlendingGradientRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterTranslucentGradientRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterSolidGradientRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill)

static bool _rasterLinearGradientRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill)

static bool _rasterRadialGradientRect(SwSurface* surface, const SwBBox& region, const SwFill* fill)

/* Rle Gradient                                                         */

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterCompositeGradientMaskedRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill, SwMask maskOp)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterDirectGradientMaskedRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill, SwMask maskOp)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterGradientMaskedRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterGradientMattedRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterBlendingGradientRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterTranslucentGradientRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill)

template<typename fillMethod>
static bool _rasterSolidGradientRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill)

static bool _rasterLinearGradientRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill)

static bool _rasterRadialGradientRle(SwSurface* surface, const SwRleData* rle, const SwFill* fill)

/* External Class Implementation                                        */

void rasterGrayscale8(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t val, uint32_t offset, int32_t len)

void rasterPixel32(uint32_t *dst, uint32_t val, uint32_t offset, int32_t len)

bool rasterCompositor(SwSurface* surface)

bool rasterClear(SwSurface* surface, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, pixel_t val)

void rasterUnpremultiply(Surface* surface)

void rasterPremultiply(Surface* surface)

bool rasterGradientShape(SwSurface* surface, SwShape* shape, const Fill* fdata, uint8_t opacity)

bool rasterGradientStroke(SwSurface* surface, SwShape* shape, const Fill* fdata, uint8_t opacity)

bool rasterShape(SwSurface* surface, SwShape* shape, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

bool rasterStroke(SwSurface* surface, SwShape* shape, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)

bool rasterImage(SwSurface* surface, SwImage* image, const Matrix& transform, const SwBBox& bbox, uint8_t opacity)

bool rasterConvertCS(Surface* surface, ColorSpace to)