
// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include "rtcore_common.h"


/* Opaque device type */

/* Creates a new Embree device. */
RTC_API RTCDevice rtcNewDevice(const char* config);


/* Creates a new Embree SYCL device. */
RTC_API_EXTERN_C RTCDevice rtcNewSYCLDevice(sycl::context context, const char* config);

/* Checks if SYCL device is supported by Embree. */
RTC_API bool rtcIsSYCLDeviceSupported(const sycl::device sycl_device);

/* SYCL selector for Embree supported devices */
RTC_API int rtcSYCLDeviceSelector(const sycl::device sycl_device);

/* Set the SYCL device to be used to allocate data */
RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceSYCLDevice(RTCDevice device, const sycl::device sycl_device);


/* Retains the Embree device (increments the reference count). */
RTC_API void rtcRetainDevice(RTCDevice device);
/* Releases an Embree device (decrements the reference count). */
RTC_API void rtcReleaseDevice(RTCDevice device);

/* Device properties */
enum RTCDeviceProperty

/* Gets a device property. */
RTC_API ssize_t rtcGetDeviceProperty(RTCDevice device, enum RTCDeviceProperty prop);

/* Sets a device property. */
RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceProperty(RTCDevice device, const enum RTCDeviceProperty prop, ssize_t value);
/* Error codes */
enum RTCError

/* Returns the error code. */
RTC_API enum RTCError rtcGetDeviceError(RTCDevice device);

/* Error callback function */

/* Sets the error callback function. */
RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction(RTCDevice device, RTCErrorFunction error, void* userPtr);

/* Memory monitor callback function */

/* Sets the memory monitor callback function. */
RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCDevice device, RTCMemoryMonitorFunction memoryMonitor, void* userPtr);