
// Copyright (c) 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and/or associated documentation files (the "Materials"),
// to deal in the Materials without restriction, including without limitation
// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
// and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to permit persons to whom the
// Materials are furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.
// HEADER INFORMATION ARE LOCATED AT https://www.khronos.org/registry/

// This header is automatically generated by the same tool that creates
// the Binary Section of the SPIR-V specification.

// Enumeration tokens for SPIR-V, in various styles:
//   C, C++, C++11, JSON, Lua, Python, C#, D, Beef
// - C will have tokens with a "Spv" prefix, e.g.: SpvSourceLanguageGLSL
// - C++ will have tokens in the "spv" name space, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguageGLSL
// - C++11 will use enum classes in the spv namespace, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguage::GLSL
// - Lua will use tables, e.g.: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// - Python will use dictionaries, e.g.: spv['SourceLanguage']['GLSL']
// - C# will use enum classes in the Specification class located in the "Spv" namespace,
//     e.g.: Spv.Specification.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// - D will have tokens under the "spv" module, e.g: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// - Beef will use enum classes in the Specification class located in the "Spv" namespace,
//     e.g.: Spv.Specification.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// Some tokens act like mask values, which can be OR'd together,
// while others are mutually exclusive.  The mask-like ones have
// "Mask" in their name, and a parallel enum that has the shift
// amount (1 << x) for each corresponding enumerant.

#ifndef spirv_HPP
#define spirv_HPP

namespace spv {



static const unsigned int MagicNumber =;
static const unsigned int Version =;
static const unsigned int Revision =;
static const unsigned int OpCodeMask =;
static const unsigned int WordCountShift =;

enum SourceLanguage {};

enum ExecutionModel {};

enum AddressingModel {};

enum MemoryModel {};

enum ExecutionMode {};

enum StorageClass {};

enum Dim {};

enum SamplerAddressingMode {};

enum SamplerFilterMode {};

enum ImageFormat {};

enum ImageChannelOrder {};

enum ImageChannelDataType {};

enum ImageOperandsShift {};

enum ImageOperandsMask {};

enum FPFastMathModeShift {};

enum FPFastMathModeMask {};

enum FPRoundingMode {};

enum LinkageType {};

enum AccessQualifier {};

enum FunctionParameterAttribute {};

enum Decoration {};

enum BuiltIn {};

enum SelectionControlShift {};

enum SelectionControlMask {};

enum LoopControlShift {};

enum LoopControlMask {};

enum FunctionControlShift {};

enum FunctionControlMask {};

enum MemorySemanticsShift {};

enum MemorySemanticsMask {};

enum MemoryAccessShift {};

enum MemoryAccessMask {};

enum Scope {};

enum GroupOperation {};

enum KernelEnqueueFlags {};

enum KernelProfilingInfoShift {};

enum KernelProfilingInfoMask {};

enum Capability {};

enum RayFlagsShift {};

enum RayFlagsMask {};

enum RayQueryIntersection {};

enum RayQueryCommittedIntersectionType {};

enum RayQueryCandidateIntersectionType {};

enum FragmentShadingRateShift {};

enum FragmentShadingRateMask {};

enum FPDenormMode {};

enum FPOperationMode {};

enum QuantizationModes {};

enum OverflowModes {};

enum PackedVectorFormat {};

enum CooperativeMatrixOperandsShift {};

enum CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask {};

enum CooperativeMatrixLayout {};

enum CooperativeMatrixUse {};

enum Op {};

#ifndef __cplusplus
#include <stdbool.h>
inline void HasResultAndType(Op opcode, bool *hasResult, bool *hasResultType) {
    *hasResult = *hasResultType = false;
    switch (opcode) {
    default: /* unknown opcode */ break;
    case OpNop: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpUndef: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSourceContinued: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSource: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSourceExtension: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpName: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpMemberName: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpString: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpLine: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExtension: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExtInstImport: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExtInst: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpMemoryModel: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpEntryPoint: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExecutionMode: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCapability: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeVoid: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeBool: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeInt: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeFloat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeVector: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeSampler: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeSampledImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeArray: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeRuntimeArray: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeStruct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeOpaque: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypePointer: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeFunction: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeDeviceEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeReserveId: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeQueue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeForwardPointer: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpConstantTrue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConstantFalse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConstant: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConstantComposite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConstantSampler: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConstantNull: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSpecConstantTrue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSpecConstantFalse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSpecConstant: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSpecConstantComposite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSpecConstantOp: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFunction: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFunctionParameter: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFunctionEnd: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpFunctionCall: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpVariable: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageTexelPointer: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLoad: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpStore: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCopyMemory: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCopyMemorySized: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpInBoundsAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpPtrAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArrayLength: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGenericPtrMemSemantics: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpMemberDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpDecorationGroup: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupMemberDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpVectorExtractDynamic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpVectorInsertDynamic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpVectorShuffle: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCompositeConstruct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCompositeExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCompositeInsert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCopyObject: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTranspose: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSampledImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageFetch: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageDrefGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageRead: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageWrite: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageQueryFormat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageQueryOrder: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageQuerySizeLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageQuerySize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageQueryLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageQueryLevels: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageQuerySamples: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertFToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertFToS: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertSToF: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertUToF: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpQuantizeToF16: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertPtrToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSatConvertSToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSatConvertUToS: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertUToPtr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpPtrCastToGeneric: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGenericCastToPtr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSNegate: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFNegate: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpISub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFSub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSRem: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFRem: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpVectorTimesScalar: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpMatrixTimesScalar: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpVectorTimesMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpMatrixTimesVector: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpMatrixTimesMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpOuterProduct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIAddCarry: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpISubBorrow: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUMulExtended: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSMulExtended: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIsNan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIsInf: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIsFinite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIsNormal: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSignBitSet: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLessOrGreater: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpOrdered: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUnordered: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLogicalEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLogicalNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLogicalOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLogicalAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLogicalNot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSelect: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpINotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpULessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpULessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFOrdEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFUnordEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFOrdNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFUnordNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFOrdLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFUnordLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFOrdGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFUnordGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFOrdLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFUnordLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpShiftRightLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpShiftRightArithmetic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpShiftLeftLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitwiseOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitwiseXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitwiseAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpNot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitFieldInsert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitFieldSExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitFieldUExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitReverse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBitCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDPdx: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDPdy: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFwidth: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDPdxFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDPdyFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFwidthFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDPdxCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDPdyCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFwidthCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpEmitVertex: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpEndPrimitive: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpEmitStreamVertex: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpEndStreamPrimitive: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpControlBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpMemoryBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpAtomicLoad: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicStore: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpAtomicExchange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicCompareExchange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicIIncrement: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicIDecrement: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicISub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpPhi: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLoopMerge: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSelectionMerge: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpLabel: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpBranch: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpBranchConditional: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSwitch: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpKill: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpReturn: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpReturnValue: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpUnreachable: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpLifetimeStart: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpLifetimeStop: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupAsyncCopy: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupWaitEvents: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupFMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupFMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReadPipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpWritePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReservedReadPipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReservedWritePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReserveReadPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReserveWritePipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCommitReadPipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCommitWritePipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpIsValidReserveId: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetNumPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetMaxPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupReserveReadPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupReserveWritePipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupCommitReadPipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupCommitWritePipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpEnqueueMarker: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpEnqueueKernel: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetKernelWorkGroupSize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRetainEvent: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpReleaseEvent: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCreateUserEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIsValidEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSetUserEventStatus: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGetDefaultQueue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBuildNDRange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseFetch: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseDrefGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSparseTexelsResident: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpNoLine: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpAtomicFlagTestAndSet: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicFlagClear: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpImageSparseRead: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSizeOf: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTypePipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpConstantPipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCreatePipeFromPipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetKernelLocalSizeForSubgroupCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGetKernelMaxNumSubgroups: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTypeNamedBarrier: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpNamedBarrierInitialize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpMemoryNamedBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpModuleProcessed: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExecutionModeId: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpDecorateId: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformElect: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBallot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformShuffle: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformIMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformFMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformFMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformFMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCopyLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpPtrEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpPtrNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpPtrDiff: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpColorAttachmentReadEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDepthAttachmentReadEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpStencilAttachmentReadEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTerminateInvocation: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSubgroupBallotKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAllKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAnyKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformRotateKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTraceRayKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExecuteCallableKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIgnoreIntersectionKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTerminateRayKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSUDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSDotAccSat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUDotAccSat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSUDotAccSat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTypeCooperativeMatrixKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixLoadKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixStoreKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixLengthKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTypeRayQueryKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpRayQueryInitializeKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpRayQueryTerminateKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpRayQueryProceedKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageSampleWeightedQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageBoxFilterQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageBlockMatchSSDQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageBlockMatchSADQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageBlockMatchWindowSSDQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageBlockMatchWindowSADQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageBlockMatchGatherSSDQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpImageBlockMatchGatherSADQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFragmentFetchAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReadClockKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformQuadAllKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformQuadAnyKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectRecordHitMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectRecordHitWithIndexMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectRecordMissMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetWorldToObjectNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetObjectToWorldNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetObjectRayDirectionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetObjectRayOriginNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectTraceRayMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetShaderRecordBufferHandleNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetShaderBindingTableRecordIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectRecordEmptyNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectTraceRayNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectRecordHitNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectRecordHitWithIndexNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectRecordMissNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectExecuteShaderNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetCurrentTimeNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetAttributesNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetHitKindNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetPrimitiveIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetGeometryIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetInstanceIdNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetInstanceCustomIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetWorldRayDirectionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetWorldRayOriginNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetRayTMaxNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectGetRayTMinNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectIsEmptyNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectIsHitNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpHitObjectIsMissNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReorderThreadWithHitObjectNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpReorderThreadWithHintNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeHitObjectNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpImageSampleFootprintNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpEmitMeshTasksEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSetMeshOutputsEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpReportIntersectionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIgnoreIntersectionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTerminateRayNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTraceNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTraceMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTraceRayMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTriangleVertexPositionsKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExecuteCallableNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpDemoteToHelperInvocation: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpIsHelperInvocationEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertUToImageNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertUToSamplerNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertImageToUNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertSamplerToUNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertUToSampledImageNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConvertSampledImageToUNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSamplerImageAddressingModeNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSubgroupShuffleINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupShuffleDownINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupShuffleUpINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupShuffleXorINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSubgroupImageBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupImageBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpUCountLeadingZerosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUCountTrailingZerosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAbsISubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAbsUSubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIAddSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUAddSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIAverageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUAverageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIAverageRoundedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUAverageRoundedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpISubSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUSubSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpIMul32x16INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpUMul32x16INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpConstantFunctionPointerINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFunctionPointerCallINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAsmTargetINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAsmINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAsmCallINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicFMinEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicFMaxEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAssumeTrueKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpExpectKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpDecorateString: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpMemberDecorateString: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpVmeImageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTypeVmeImageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcImePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcRefPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcSicPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcImeResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcImeResultSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcImeResultDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcImeSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcImeDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcRefResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeAvcSicResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterMotionVectorCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultHighPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultMediumPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultLowPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetMotionVectorCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaModePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultNonDcLumaIntraPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraChromaModeBasePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetAcOnlyHaarINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSourceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSingleReferenceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetDualReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImeResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetBestInterDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMajorShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMinorShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDirectionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMotionVectorCountINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeRefWindowSizeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeAdjustRefOffsetINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetMaxMotionVectorCountINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetUnidirectionalMixDisableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetEarlySearchTerminationThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetWeightedSadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeStripSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeStripDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetBorderReachedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetTruncatedSearchIndicationINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetUnidirectionalEarlySearchTerminationINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumMotionVectorINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcFmeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcBmeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBidirectionalMixDisableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureSkcINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaChromaINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetMotionVectorMaskINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaModeCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraChromaModeCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetSkcForwardTransformEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBlockBasedRawSkipSadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateIpeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeLumaShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeLumaDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeChromaDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedIpeLumaModesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeChromaModeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaCountThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaSumThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetInterRawSadsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpVariableLengthArrayINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpSaveMemoryINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRestoreMemoryINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatSinCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatCastINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatCastFromIntINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatCastToIntINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatAddINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatSubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatMulINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatDivINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatGTINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatGEINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatLTINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatLEINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatEQINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatRecipINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatRSqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatCbrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatHypotINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatSqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatLogINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatLog2INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatLog10INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatLog1pINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatExpINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatExp2INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatExp10INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatExpm1INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatSinINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatSinCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatSinPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatASinINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatASinPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatACosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatACosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatATanINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatATanPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatATan2INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatPowINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatPowRINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpArbitraryFloatPowNINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpLoopControlINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpAliasDomainDeclINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpAliasScopeDeclINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpAliasScopeListDeclINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpFixedSqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedRecipINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedRsqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedSinINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedSinCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedSinPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedSinCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedLogINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFixedExpINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpPtrCastToCrossWorkgroupINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpCrossWorkgroupCastToPtrINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpReadPipeBlockingINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpWritePipeBlockingINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpFPGARegINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpAtomicFAddEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpTypeBufferSurfaceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpTypeStructContinuedINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpSpecConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpControlBarrierArriveINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpControlBarrierWaitINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
    case OpGroupIMulKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupFMulKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupBitwiseAndKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupBitwiseOrKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupBitwiseXorKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupLogicalAndKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupLogicalOrKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
    case OpGroupLogicalXorKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;

// Overload bitwise operators for mask bit combining

inline ImageOperandsMask operator|(ImageOperandsMask a, ImageOperandsMask b) {}
inline ImageOperandsMask operator&(ImageOperandsMask a, ImageOperandsMask b) {}
inline ImageOperandsMask operator^(ImageOperandsMask a, ImageOperandsMask b) {}
inline ImageOperandsMask operator~(ImageOperandsMask a) {}
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator|(FPFastMathModeMask a, FPFastMathModeMask b) {}
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator&(FPFastMathModeMask a, FPFastMathModeMask b) {}
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator^(FPFastMathModeMask a, FPFastMathModeMask b) {}
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator~(FPFastMathModeMask a) {}
inline SelectionControlMask operator|(SelectionControlMask a, SelectionControlMask b) {}
inline SelectionControlMask operator&(SelectionControlMask a, SelectionControlMask b) {}
inline SelectionControlMask operator^(SelectionControlMask a, SelectionControlMask b) {}
inline SelectionControlMask operator~(SelectionControlMask a) {}
inline LoopControlMask operator|(LoopControlMask a, LoopControlMask b) {}
inline LoopControlMask operator&(LoopControlMask a, LoopControlMask b) {}
inline LoopControlMask operator^(LoopControlMask a, LoopControlMask b) {}
inline LoopControlMask operator~(LoopControlMask a) {}
inline FunctionControlMask operator|(FunctionControlMask a, FunctionControlMask b) {}
inline FunctionControlMask operator&(FunctionControlMask a, FunctionControlMask b) {}
inline FunctionControlMask operator^(FunctionControlMask a, FunctionControlMask b) {}
inline FunctionControlMask operator~(FunctionControlMask a) {}
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator|(MemorySemanticsMask a, MemorySemanticsMask b) {}
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator&(MemorySemanticsMask a, MemorySemanticsMask b) {}
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator^(MemorySemanticsMask a, MemorySemanticsMask b) {}
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator~(MemorySemanticsMask a) {}
inline MemoryAccessMask operator|(MemoryAccessMask a, MemoryAccessMask b) {}
inline MemoryAccessMask operator&(MemoryAccessMask a, MemoryAccessMask b) {}
inline MemoryAccessMask operator^(MemoryAccessMask a, MemoryAccessMask b) {}
inline MemoryAccessMask operator~(MemoryAccessMask a) {}
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator|(KernelProfilingInfoMask a, KernelProfilingInfoMask b) {}
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator&(KernelProfilingInfoMask a, KernelProfilingInfoMask b) {}
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator^(KernelProfilingInfoMask a, KernelProfilingInfoMask b) {}
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator~(KernelProfilingInfoMask a) {}
inline RayFlagsMask operator|(RayFlagsMask a, RayFlagsMask b) {}
inline RayFlagsMask operator&(RayFlagsMask a, RayFlagsMask b) {}
inline RayFlagsMask operator^(RayFlagsMask a, RayFlagsMask b) {}
inline RayFlagsMask operator~(RayFlagsMask a) {}
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator|(FragmentShadingRateMask a, FragmentShadingRateMask b) {}
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator&(FragmentShadingRateMask a, FragmentShadingRateMask b) {}
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator^(FragmentShadingRateMask a, FragmentShadingRateMask b) {}
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator~(FragmentShadingRateMask a) {}
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator|(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a, CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask b) {}
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator&(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a, CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask b) {}
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator^(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a, CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask b) {}
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator~(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a) {}

}  // end namespace spv

#endif  // #ifndef spirv_HPP