
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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// Copyright 2011-2024 Arm Limited
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at:
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * @brief Functions for the library entrypoint.

#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <new>

#include "astcenc.h"
#include "astcenc_internal_entry.h"
#include "astcenc_diagnostic_trace.h"

 * @brief Record of the quality tuning parameter values.
 * See the @c astcenc_config structure for detailed parameter documentation.
 * Note that the mse_overshoot entries are scaling factors relative to the base MSE to hit db_limit.
 * A 20% overshoot is harder to hit for a higher base db_limit, so we may actually use lower ratios
 * for the more through search presets because the underlying db_limit is so much higher.
struct astcenc_preset_config

 * @brief The static presets for high bandwidth encodings (x < 25 texels per block).
static const std::array<astcenc_preset_config, 6> preset_configs_high {};

 * @brief The static presets for medium bandwidth encodings (25 <= x < 64 texels per block).
static const std::array<astcenc_preset_config, 6> preset_configs_mid {};

 * @brief The static presets for low bandwidth encodings (64 <= x texels per block).
static const std::array<astcenc_preset_config, 6> preset_configs_low {};

 * @brief Validate CPU floating point meets assumptions made in the codec.
 * The codec is written with the assumption that a float threaded through the @c if32 union will be
 * stored and reloaded as a 32-bit IEEE-754 float with round-to-nearest rounding. This is always the
 * case in an IEEE-754 compliant system, however not every system or compilation mode is actually
 * IEEE-754 compliant. This normally fails if the code is compiled with fast math enabled.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_cpu_float()

 * @brief Validate config profile.
 * @param profile   The profile to check.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_profile(
	astcenc_profile profile
) {}

 * @brief Validate block size.
 * @param block_x   The block x dimensions.
 * @param block_y   The block y dimensions.
 * @param block_z   The block z dimensions.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_block_size(
	unsigned int block_x,
	unsigned int block_y,
	unsigned int block_z
) {}

 * @brief Validate flags.
 * @param profile   The profile to check.
 * @param flags     The flags to check.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_flags(
	astcenc_profile profile,
	unsigned int flags
) {}


 * @brief Validate single channel compression swizzle.
 * @param swizzle   The swizzle to check.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_compression_swz(
	astcenc_swz swizzle
) {}

 * @brief Validate overall compression swizzle.
 * @param swizzle   The swizzle to check.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_compression_swizzle(
	const astcenc_swizzle& swizzle
) {}

 * @brief Validate single channel decompression swizzle.
 * @param swizzle   The swizzle to check.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_decompression_swz(
	astcenc_swz swizzle
) {}

 * @brief Validate overall decompression swizzle.
 * @param swizzle   The swizzle to check.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_decompression_swizzle(
	const astcenc_swizzle& swizzle
) {}

 * Validate that an incoming configuration is in-spec.
 * This function can respond in two ways:
 *   * Numerical inputs that have valid ranges are clamped to those valid ranges. No error is thrown
 *     for out-of-range inputs in this case.
 *   * Numerical inputs and logic inputs are are logically invalid and which make no sense
 *     algorithmically will return an error.
 * @param[in,out] config   The input compressor configuration.
 * @return Return @c ASTCENC_SUCCESS if validated, otherwise an error on failure.
static astcenc_error validate_config(
	astcenc_config &config
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_error astcenc_config_init(
	astcenc_profile profile,
	unsigned int block_x,
	unsigned int block_y,
	unsigned int block_z,
	float quality,
	unsigned int flags,
	astcenc_config* configp
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_error astcenc_context_alloc(
	const astcenc_config* configp,
	unsigned int thread_count,
	astcenc_context** context
) {}

/* See header dor documentation. */
void astcenc_context_free(
	astcenc_context* ctxo
) {}


 * @brief Compress an image, after any preflight has completed.
 * @param[out] ctxo           The compressor context.
 * @param      thread_index   The thread index.
 * @param      image          The intput image.
 * @param      swizzle        The input swizzle.
 * @param[out] buffer         The output array for the compressed data.
static void compress_image(
	astcenc_context& ctxo,
	unsigned int thread_index,
	const astcenc_image& image,
	const astcenc_swizzle& swizzle,
	uint8_t* buffer
) {}

 * @brief Compute regional averages in an image.
 * This function can be called by multiple threads, but only after a single
 * thread calls the setup function @c init_compute_averages().
 * Results are written back into @c img->input_alpha_averages.
 * @param[out] ctx   The context.
 * @param      ag    The average and variance arguments created during setup.
static void compute_averages(
	astcenc_context& ctx,
	const avg_args &ag
) {}


/* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_error astcenc_compress_image(
	astcenc_context* ctxo,
	astcenc_image* imagep,
	const astcenc_swizzle* swizzle,
	uint8_t* data_out,
	size_t data_len,
	unsigned int thread_index
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_error astcenc_compress_reset(
	astcenc_context* ctxo
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_error astcenc_decompress_image(
	astcenc_context* ctxo,
	const uint8_t* data,
	size_t data_len,
	astcenc_image* image_outp,
	const astcenc_swizzle* swizzle,
	unsigned int thread_index
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_error astcenc_decompress_reset(
	astcenc_context* ctxo
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
astcenc_error astcenc_get_block_info(
	astcenc_context* ctxo,
	const uint8_t data[16],
	astcenc_block_info* info
) {}

/* See header for documentation. */
const char* astcenc_get_error_string(
	astcenc_error status
) {}