
#include "MSDFErrorCorrection.h"

#include <cstring>
#include "arithmetics.hpp"
#include "equation-solver.h"
#include "EdgeColor.h"
#include "bitmap-interpolation.hpp"
#include "edge-selectors.h"
#include "contour-combiners.h"
#include "ShapeDistanceFinder.h"
#include "generator-config.h"

namespace msdfgen {



MSDFGEN_PUBLIC const double ErrorCorrectionConfig::defaultMinDeviationRatio =;
MSDFGEN_PUBLIC const double ErrorCorrectionConfig::defaultMinImproveRatio =;

/// The base artifact classifier recognizes artifacts based on the contents of the SDF alone.
class BaseArtifactClassifier {};

/// The shape distance checker evaluates the exact shape distance to find additional artifacts at a significant performance cost.
template <template <typename> class ContourCombiner, int N>
class ShapeDistanceChecker {};

MSDFErrorCorrection::MSDFErrorCorrection() {}

MSDFErrorCorrection::MSDFErrorCorrection(const BitmapRef<byte, 1> &stencil, const Projection &projection, double range) :{}

void MSDFErrorCorrection::setMinDeviationRatio(double minDeviationRatio) {}

void MSDFErrorCorrection::setMinImproveRatio(double minImproveRatio) {}

void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectCorners(const Shape &shape) {}

/// Determines if the channel contributes to an edge between the two texels a, b.
static bool edgeBetweenTexelsChannel(const float *a, const float *b, int channel) {}

/// Returns a bit mask of which channels contribute to an edge between the two texels a, b.
static int edgeBetweenTexels(const float *a, const float *b) {}

/// Marks texel as protected if one of its non-median channels is present in the channel mask.
static void protectExtremeChannels(byte *stencil, const float *msd, float m, int mask) {}

template <int N>
void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectEdges(const BitmapConstRef<float, N> &sdf) {}

void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectAll() {}

/// Returns the median of the linear interpolation of texels a, b at t.
static float interpolatedMedian(const float *a, const float *b, double t) {}
/// Returns the median of the bilinear interpolation with the given constant, linear, and quadratic terms at t.
static float interpolatedMedian(const float *a, const float *l, const float *q, double t) {}

/// Determines if the interpolated median xm is an artifact.
static bool isArtifact(bool isProtected, double axSpan, double bxSpan, float am, float bm, float xm) {}

/// Checks if a linear interpolation artifact will occur at a point where two specific color channels are equal - such points have extreme median values.
template <class ArtifactClassifier>
static bool hasLinearArtifactInner(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, float bm, const float *a, const float *b, float dA, float dB) {}

/// Checks if a bilinear interpolation artifact will occur at a point where two specific color channels are equal - such points have extreme median values.
template <class ArtifactClassifier>
static bool hasDiagonalArtifactInner(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, float dm, const float *a, const float *l, const float *q, float dA, float dBC, float dD, double tEx0, double tEx1) {}

/// Checks if a linear interpolation artifact will occur inbetween two horizontally or vertically adjacent texels a, b.
template <class ArtifactClassifier>
static bool hasLinearArtifact(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, const float *a, const float *b) {}

/// Checks if a bilinear interpolation artifact will occur inbetween two diagonally adjacent texels a, d (with b, c forming the other diagonal).
template <class ArtifactClassifier>
static bool hasDiagonalArtifact(const ArtifactClassifier &artifactClassifier, float am, const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, const float *d) {}

template <int N>
void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, N> &sdf) {}

template <template <typename> class ContourCombiner, int N>
void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, N> &sdf, const Shape &shape) {}

template <int N>
void MSDFErrorCorrection::apply(const BitmapRef<float, N> &sdf) const {}

BitmapConstRef<byte, 1> MSDFErrorCorrection::getStencil() const {}

template void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectEdges(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::protectEdges(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<SimpleContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<SimpleContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<OverlappingContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 3> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::findErrors<OverlappingContourCombiner>(const BitmapConstRef<float, 4> &sdf, const Shape &shape);
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::apply(const BitmapRef<float, 3> &sdf) const;
template void MSDFErrorCorrection::apply(const BitmapRef<float, 4> &sdf) const;
