using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using GodotTools.Build;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using Directory = GodotTools.Utils.Directory;
using File = GodotTools.Utils.File;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
using System.Globalization;
namespace GodotTools.Export
public partial class ExportPlugin : EditorExportPlugin
public override string _GetName() => "C#";
private List<string> _tempFolders = new List<string>();
private static bool ProjectContainsDotNet()
return File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath);
public override string[] _GetExportFeatures(EditorExportPlatform platform, bool debug)
if (!ProjectContainsDotNet())
return Array.Empty<string>();
return new string[] { "dotnet" };
public override Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Dictionary> _GetExportOptions(EditorExportPlatform platform)
return new Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Dictionary>()
new Godot.Collections.Dictionary()
"option", new Godot.Collections.Dictionary()
{ "name", "dotnet/include_scripts_content" },
{ "type", (int)Variant.Type.Bool }
{ "default_value", false }
new Godot.Collections.Dictionary()
"option", new Godot.Collections.Dictionary()
{ "name", "dotnet/include_debug_symbols" },
{ "type", (int)Variant.Type.Bool }
{ "default_value", true }
new Godot.Collections.Dictionary()
"option", new Godot.Collections.Dictionary()
{ "name", "dotnet/embed_build_outputs" },
{ "type", (int)Variant.Type.Bool }
{ "default_value", false }
private void AddExceptionMessage(EditorExportPlatform platform, Exception exception)
string? exceptionMessage = exception.Message;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exceptionMessage))
exceptionMessage = $"Exception thrown: {exception.GetType().Name}";
platform.AddMessage(EditorExportPlatform.ExportMessageType.Error, "Export .NET Project", exceptionMessage);
// We also print exceptions as we receive them to stderr.
// With this method we can override how a file is exported in the PCK
public override void _ExportFile(string path, string type, string[] features)
base._ExportFile(path, type, features);
if (type != Internal.CSharpLanguageType)
if (Path.GetExtension(path) != Internal.CSharpLanguageExtension)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Resource of type {Internal.CSharpLanguageType} has an invalid file extension: {path}",
if (!ProjectContainsDotNet())
GetExportPlatform().AddMessage(EditorExportPlatform.ExportMessageType.Error, "Export .NET Project", $"This project contains C# files but no solution file was found at the following path: {GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath}\n" +
"A solution file is required for projects with C# files. Please ensure that the solution file exists in the specified location and try again.");
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{path} is a C# file but no solution file exists.");
// TODO: What if the source file is not part of the game's C# project?
bool includeScriptsContent = (bool)GetOption("dotnet/include_scripts_content");
if (!includeScriptsContent)
// We don't want to include the source code on exported games.
// Sadly, Godot prints errors when adding an empty file (nothing goes wrong, it's just noise).
// Because of this, we add a file which contains a line break.
AddFile(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\n"), remap: false);
// Tell the Godot exporter that we already took care of the file.
public override void _ExportBegin(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, uint flags)
base._ExportBegin(features, isDebug, path, flags);
_ExportBeginImpl(features, isDebug, path, flags);
catch (Exception e)
AddExceptionMessage(GetExportPlatform(), e);
private void _ExportBeginImpl(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, long flags)
_ = flags; // Unused.
if (!ProjectContainsDotNet())
string osName = GetExportPlatform().GetOsName();
if (!TryDeterminePlatformFromOSName(osName, out string? platform))
throw new NotSupportedException("Target platform not supported.");
if (!new[] { OS.Platforms.Windows, OS.Platforms.LinuxBSD, OS.Platforms.MacOS, OS.Platforms.Android, OS.Platforms.iOS }
throw new NotImplementedException("Target platform not yet implemented.");
PublishConfig publishConfig = new()
BuildConfig = isDebug ? "ExportDebug" : "ExportRelease",
IncludeDebugSymbols = (bool)GetOption("dotnet/include_debug_symbols"),
RidOS = DetermineRuntimeIdentifierOS(platform),
Archs = new List<string>(),
UseTempDir = platform != OS.Platforms.iOS, // xcode project links directly to files in the publish dir, so use one that sticks around.
BundleOutputs = true,
if (features.Contains("x86_64"))
if (features.Contains("x86_32"))
if (features.Contains("arm64"))
if (features.Contains("arm32"))
if (features.Contains("universal"))
if (platform == OS.Platforms.MacOS)
var targets = new List<PublishConfig> { publishConfig };
if (platform == OS.Platforms.iOS)
targets.Add(new PublishConfig
BuildConfig = publishConfig.BuildConfig,
Archs = new List<string> { "arm64", "x86_64" },
BundleOutputs = false,
IncludeDebugSymbols = publishConfig.IncludeDebugSymbols,
RidOS = OS.DotNetOS.iOSSimulator,
UseTempDir = false,
List<string> outputPaths = new();
bool embedBuildResults = ((bool)GetOption("dotnet/embed_build_outputs") || platform == OS.Platforms.Android) && platform != OS.Platforms.MacOS;
foreach (PublishConfig config in targets)
string ridOS = config.RidOS;
string buildConfig = config.BuildConfig;
bool includeDebugSymbols = config.IncludeDebugSymbols;
foreach (string arch in config.Archs)
string ridArch = DetermineRuntimeIdentifierArch(arch);
string runtimeIdentifier = $"{ridOS}-{ridArch}";
string projectDataDirName = $"data_{GodotSharpDirs.CSharpProjectName}_{platform}_{arch}";
if (platform == OS.Platforms.MacOS)
projectDataDirName = Path.Combine("Contents", "Resources", projectDataDirName);
// Create temporary publish output directory.
string publishOutputDir;
if (config.UseTempDir)
publishOutputDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "godot-publish-dotnet",
publishOutputDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectBaseOutputPath, "godot-publish-dotnet",
if (!Directory.Exists(publishOutputDir))
// Execute dotnet publish.
if (!BuildManager.PublishProjectBlocking(buildConfig, platform,
runtimeIdentifier, publishOutputDir, includeDebugSymbols))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to build project.");
string soExt = ridOS switch
OS.DotNetOS.Win or OS.DotNetOS.Win10 => "dll",
OS.DotNetOS.OSX or OS.DotNetOS.iOS or OS.DotNetOS.iOSSimulator => "dylib",
_ => "so"
string assemblyPath = Path.Combine(publishOutputDir, $"{GodotSharpDirs.ProjectAssemblyName}.dll");
string nativeAotPath = Path.Combine(publishOutputDir,
if (!File.Exists(assemblyPath) && !File.Exists(nativeAotPath))
throw new NotSupportedException(
$"Publish succeeded but project assembly not found at '{assemblyPath}' or '{nativeAotPath}'.");
// For ios simulator builds, skip packaging the build outputs.
if (!config.BundleOutputs)
var manifest = new StringBuilder();
// Add to the exported project shared object list or packed resources.
filterDir: dir =>
if (platform == OS.Platforms.iOS)
// Exclude dsym folders.
return !dir.EndsWith(".dsym", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return true;
filterFile: file =>
if (platform == OS.Platforms.iOS)
// Exclude the dylib artifact, since it's included separately as an xcframework.
return Path.GetFileName(file) != $"{GodotSharpDirs.ProjectAssemblyName}.dylib";
return true;
recurseDir: dir =>
if (platform == OS.Platforms.iOS)
// Don't recurse into dsym folders.
return !dir.EndsWith(".dsym", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return true;
addEntry: (path, isFile) =>
// We get called back for both directories and files, but we only package files for now.
if (isFile)
if (embedBuildResults)
string filePath = SanitizeSlashes(Path.GetRelativePath(publishOutputDir, path));
byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(SHA512.HashData(fileData));
manifest.Append(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{filePath}\t{hash}\n");
AddFile($"res://.godot/mono/publish/{arch}/{filePath}", fileData, false);
if (platform == OS.Platforms.iOS && path.EndsWith(".dat", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AddSharedObject(path, tags: null,
if (embedBuildResults)
byte[] fileData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(manifest.ToString());
AddFile($"res://.godot/mono/publish/{arch}/.dotnet-publish-manifest", fileData, false);
if (platform == OS.Platforms.iOS)
if (outputPaths.Count > 2)
// lipo the simulator binaries together
string outputPath = Path.Combine(outputPaths[1], $"{GodotSharpDirs.ProjectAssemblyName}.dylib");
string[] files = outputPaths
.Select(path => Path.Combine(path, $"{GodotSharpDirs.ProjectAssemblyName}.dylib"))
if (!Internal.LipOCreateFile(outputPath, files))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to 'lipo' simulator binaries.");
outputPaths.RemoveRange(2, outputPaths.Count - 2);
string xcFrameworkPath = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectBaseOutputPath, publishConfig.BuildConfig, $"{GodotSharpDirs.ProjectAssemblyName}_aot.xcframework");
if (!BuildManager.GenerateXCFrameworkBlocking(outputPaths, xcFrameworkPath))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to generate xcframework.");
private static void RecursePublishContents(string path, Func<string, bool> filterDir,
Func<string, bool> filterFile, Func<string, bool> recurseDir,
Action<string, bool> addEntry)
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
if (filterFile(file))
addEntry(file, true);
foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
if (filterDir(dir))
addEntry(dir, false);
if (recurseDir(dir))
RecursePublishContents(dir, filterDir, filterFile, recurseDir, addEntry);
private string SanitizeSlashes(string path)
if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\')
return path.Replace('\\', '/');
return path;
private string DetermineRuntimeIdentifierOS(string platform)
=> OS.DotNetOSPlatformMap[platform];
private string DetermineRuntimeIdentifierArch(string arch)
return arch switch
"x86" => "x86",
"x86_32" => "x86",
"x64" => "x64",
"x86_64" => "x64",
"armeabi-v7a" => "arm",
"arm64-v8a" => "arm64",
"arm32" => "arm",
"arm64" => "arm64",
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(arch), arch, "Unexpected architecture")
public override void _ExportEnd()
string aotTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"godot-aot-{System.Environment.ProcessId}");
if (Directory.Exists(aotTempDir))
Directory.Delete(aotTempDir, recursive: true);
foreach (string folder in _tempFolders)
Directory.Delete(folder, recursive: true);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to determine the platform from the export preset's platform OS name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="osName">Name of the export operating system.</param>
/// <param name="platform">Platform name for the recognized supported platform.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <see langword="true"/> when the platform OS name is recognized as a supported platform,
/// <see langword="false"/> otherwise.
/// </returns>
private static bool TryDeterminePlatformFromOSName(string osName, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? platform)
if (OS.PlatformFeatureMap.TryGetValue(osName, out platform))
return true;
platform = null;
return false;
private struct PublishConfig
public bool UseTempDir;
public bool BundleOutputs;
public string RidOS;
public List<string> Archs;
public string BuildConfig;
public bool IncludeDebugSymbols;