
#nullable enable

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text;
using Godot.NativeInterop;

namespace Godot.Bridge
    // TODO: Make class internal once we replace LookupScriptsInAssembly (the only public member) with source generators
    public static partial class ScriptManagerBridge
        private static ConcurrentDictionary<AssemblyLoadContext, ConcurrentDictionary<Type, byte>>
            _alcData = new();

        private static void OnAlcUnloading(AssemblyLoadContext alc)
            if (_alcData.TryRemove(alc, out var typesInAlc))
                foreach (var type in typesInAlc.Keys)
                    if (_scriptTypeBiMap.RemoveByScriptType(type, out IntPtr scriptPtr) &&
                        (!_pathTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptPath(type, out string? scriptPath) ||
                         scriptPath.StartsWith("csharp://", StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                        // For scripts without a path, we need to keep the class qualified name for reloading
                            (type.Assembly.GetName().Name, type.FullName ?? type.ToString()));


        private static void AddTypeForAlcReloading(Type type)
            var alc = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(type.Assembly);
            if (alc == null)

            var typesInAlc = _alcData.GetOrAdd(alc,
                static alc =>
                    alc.Unloading += OnAlcUnloading;
                    return new();
            typesInAlc.TryAdd(type, 0);

        public static void TrackAlcForUnloading(AssemblyLoadContext alc)
            _ = _alcData.GetOrAdd(alc,
                static alc =>
                    alc.Unloading += OnAlcUnloading;
                    return new();

        private static ScriptTypeBiMap _scriptTypeBiMap = new();
        private static PathScriptTypeBiMap _pathTypeBiMap = new();

        private static ConcurrentDictionary<IntPtr, (string? assemblyName, string classFullName)>
            _scriptDataForReload = new();

        internal static void FrameCallback()
            catch (Exception e)

        internal static unsafe IntPtr CreateManagedForGodotObjectBinding(godot_string_name* nativeTypeName,
            IntPtr godotObject)
            // TODO: Optimize with source generators and delegate pointers.

                using var stringName = StringName.CreateTakingOwnershipOfDisposableValue(
                string nativeTypeNameStr = stringName.ToString();

                Type nativeType = TypeGetProxyClass(nativeTypeNameStr) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "Wrapper class not found for type: " + nativeTypeNameStr);
                var obj = (GodotObject)FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(nativeType);

                var ctor = nativeType.GetConstructor(
                    BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
                    null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);

                obj.NativePtr = godotObject;

                _ = ctor!.Invoke(obj, null);

                return GCHandle.ToIntPtr(CustomGCHandle.AllocStrong(obj));
            catch (Exception e)
                return IntPtr.Zero;

        internal static unsafe godot_bool CreateManagedForGodotObjectScriptInstance(IntPtr scriptPtr,
            IntPtr godotObject,
            godot_variant** args, int argCount)
            // TODO: Optimize with source generators and delegate pointers.

                // Performance is not critical here as this will be replaced with source generators.
                Type scriptType = _scriptTypeBiMap.GetScriptType(scriptPtr);

                Debug.Assert(!scriptType.IsAbstract, $"Cannot create script instance. The class '{scriptType.FullName}' is abstract.");

                var ctor = scriptType
                    .GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                    .Where(c => c.GetParameters().Length == argCount)

                if (ctor == null)
                    if (argCount == 0)
                        throw new MissingMemberException(
                            $"Cannot create script instance. The class '{scriptType.FullName}' does not define a parameterless constructor.");
                        throw new MissingMemberException(
                            $"The class '{scriptType.FullName}' does not define a constructor that takes {argCount} parameters.");

                var obj = (GodotObject)FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(scriptType);

                var parameters = ctor.GetParameters();
                int paramCount = parameters.Length;

                var invokeParams = new object?[paramCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
                    invokeParams[i] = DelegateUtils.RuntimeTypeConversionHelper.ConvertToObjectOfType(
                        *args[i], parameters[i].ParameterType);

                obj.NativePtr = godotObject;

                _ = ctor.Invoke(obj, invokeParams);

                return godot_bool.True;
            catch (Exception e)
                return godot_bool.False;

        internal static unsafe void GetScriptNativeName(IntPtr scriptPtr, godot_string_name* outRes)
                // Performance is not critical here as this will be replaced with source generators.
                if (!_scriptTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptType(scriptPtr, out Type? scriptType))
                    *outRes = default;

                var native = GodotObject.InternalGetClassNativeBase(scriptType);

                var field = native.GetField("NativeName", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static |
                                                           BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

                if (field == null)
                    *outRes = default;

                var nativeName = (StringName?)field.GetValue(null);

                if (nativeName == null)
                    *outRes = default;

                *outRes = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_string_name_new_copy((godot_string_name)nativeName.NativeValue);
            catch (Exception e)
                *outRes = default;

        internal static unsafe void GetGlobalClassName(godot_string* scriptPath, godot_string* outBaseType, godot_string* outIconPath, godot_string* outClassName)
            // This method must always return the outBaseType for every script, even if the script is
            // not a global class. But if the script is not a global class it must return an empty
            // outClassName string since it should not have a name.
            string scriptPathStr = Marshaling.ConvertStringToManaged(*scriptPath);
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptPathStr), "Script path can't be empty.");

            if (!_pathTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptType(scriptPathStr, out Type? scriptType))
                // Script at the given path does not exist, or it's not a C# type.
                // This is fine, it may be a path to a generic script and those can't be global classes.
                *outClassName = default;

            if (outIconPath != null)
                IconAttribute? iconAttr = scriptType.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false)

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconAttr?.Path))
                    string iconPath = iconAttr.Path.IsAbsolutePath()
                        ? iconAttr.Path.SimplifyPath()
                        : scriptPathStr.GetBaseDir().PathJoin(iconAttr.Path).SimplifyPath();
                    *outIconPath = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(iconPath);

            if (outBaseType != null)
                bool foundGlobalBaseScript = false;

                Type native = GodotObject.InternalGetClassNativeBase(scriptType);
                Type? top = scriptType.BaseType;

                while (top != null && top != native)
                    if (IsGlobalClass(top))
                        *outBaseType = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(top.Name);
                        foundGlobalBaseScript = true;

                    top = top.BaseType;
                if (!foundGlobalBaseScript)
                    *outBaseType = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(native.Name);

            if (!IsGlobalClass(scriptType))
                // Scripts that are not global classes should not have a name.
                // Return an empty string to prevent the class from being registered
                // as a global class in the editor.
                *outClassName = default;

            *outClassName = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(scriptType.Name);

            static bool IsGlobalClass(Type scriptType) =>
                scriptType.IsDefined(typeof(GlobalClassAttribute), inherit: false);

        internal static void SetGodotObjectPtr(IntPtr gcHandlePtr, IntPtr newPtr)
                var target = (GodotObject?)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gcHandlePtr).Target;
                if (target != null)
                    target.NativePtr = newPtr;
            catch (Exception e)

        private static Type? TypeGetProxyClass(string nativeTypeNameStr)
            // Performance is not critical here as this will be replaced with a generated dictionary.

            if (nativeTypeNameStr[0] == '_')
                nativeTypeNameStr = nativeTypeNameStr.Substring(1);

            Type? wrapperType = typeof(GodotObject).Assembly.GetType("Godot." + nativeTypeNameStr);

            if (wrapperType == null)
                wrapperType = GetTypeByGodotClassAttr(typeof(GodotObject).Assembly, nativeTypeNameStr);

            if (wrapperType == null)
                var editorAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetName().Name == "GodotSharpEditor");

                if (editorAssembly != null)
                    wrapperType = editorAssembly.GetType("Godot." + nativeTypeNameStr);

                    if (wrapperType == null)
                        wrapperType = GetTypeByGodotClassAttr(editorAssembly, nativeTypeNameStr);

            static Type? GetTypeByGodotClassAttr(Assembly assembly, string nativeTypeNameStr)
                var types = assembly.GetTypes();
                foreach (var type in types)
                    var attr = type.GetCustomAttribute<GodotClassNameAttribute>();
                    if (attr?.Name == nativeTypeNameStr)
                        return type;
                return null;

            static bool IsStatic(Type type) => type.IsAbstract && type.IsSealed;

            if (wrapperType != null && IsStatic(wrapperType))
                // A static class means this is a Godot singleton class. Try to get the Instance proxy type.
                wrapperType = TypeGetProxyClass($"{wrapperType.Name}Instance");
                if (wrapperType == null)
                    // Otherwise, fallback to GodotObject.
                    return typeof(GodotObject);

            return wrapperType;

        // Called from GodotPlugins
        // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local
        public static void LookupScriptsInAssembly(Assembly assembly)
            static void LookupScriptForClass(Type type)
                var scriptPathAttr = type.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false)

                if (scriptPathAttr == null)

                _pathTypeBiMap.Add(scriptPathAttr.Path, type);

                if (AlcReloadCfg.IsAlcReloadingEnabled)

            var assemblyHasScriptsAttr = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false)

            if (assemblyHasScriptsAttr == null)

            if (assemblyHasScriptsAttr.RequiresLookup)
                // This is supported for scenarios where specifying all types would be cumbersome,
                // such as when disabling C# source generators (for whatever reason) or when using a
                // language other than C# that has nothing similar to source generators to automate it.

                var typeOfGodotObject = typeof(GodotObject);

                foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes())
                    if (type.IsNested)

                    if (!typeOfGodotObject.IsAssignableFrom(type))

                // This is the most likely scenario as we use C# source generators

                var scriptTypes = assemblyHasScriptsAttr.ScriptTypes;

                if (scriptTypes != null)
                    foreach (var type in scriptTypes)

            // This method may be called before initialization.
            if (NativeFuncs.godotsharp_dotnet_module_is_initialized().ToBool() && Engine.IsEditorHint())
                if (_pathTypeBiMap.Paths.Count > 0)
                    string[] scriptPaths = _pathTypeBiMap.Paths.ToArray();
                    using godot_packed_string_array scriptPathsNative = Marshaling.ConvertSystemArrayToNativePackedStringArray(scriptPaths);

        internal static unsafe void RaiseEventSignal(IntPtr ownerGCHandlePtr,
            godot_string_name* eventSignalName, godot_variant** args, int argCount, godot_bool* outOwnerIsNull)
                var owner = (GodotObject?)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ownerGCHandlePtr).Target;

                if (owner == null)
                    *outOwnerIsNull = godot_bool.True;

                *outOwnerIsNull = godot_bool.False;

                    new NativeVariantPtrArgs(args, argCount));
            catch (Exception e)
                *outOwnerIsNull = godot_bool.False;

        internal static godot_bool ScriptIsOrInherits(IntPtr scriptPtr, IntPtr scriptPtrMaybeBase)
                if (!_scriptTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptType(scriptPtr, out Type? scriptType))
                    return godot_bool.False;

                if (!_scriptTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptType(scriptPtrMaybeBase, out Type? maybeBaseType))
                    return godot_bool.False;

                return (scriptType == maybeBaseType || maybeBaseType.IsAssignableFrom(scriptType)).ToGodotBool();
            catch (Exception e)
                return godot_bool.False;

        internal static unsafe godot_bool AddScriptBridge(IntPtr scriptPtr, godot_string* scriptPath)
                string scriptPathStr = Marshaling.ConvertStringToManaged(*scriptPath);
                return AddScriptBridgeCore(scriptPtr, scriptPathStr).ToGodotBool();
            catch (Exception e)
                return godot_bool.False;

        private static unsafe bool AddScriptBridgeCore(IntPtr scriptPtr, string scriptPath)
            lock (_scriptTypeBiMap.ReadWriteLock)
                if (!_scriptTypeBiMap.IsScriptRegistered(scriptPtr))
                    if (!_pathTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptType(scriptPath, out Type? scriptType))
                        return false;

                    _scriptTypeBiMap.Add(scriptPtr, scriptType);

            return true;

        internal static unsafe void GetOrCreateScriptBridgeForPath(godot_string* scriptPath, godot_ref* outScript)
            string scriptPathStr = Marshaling.ConvertStringToManaged(*scriptPath);

            if (!_pathTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptType(scriptPathStr, out Type? scriptType))

            Debug.Assert(!scriptType.IsGenericTypeDefinition, $"Cannot get or create script for a generic type definition '{scriptType.FullName}'. Path: '{scriptPathStr}'.");

            GetOrCreateScriptBridgeForType(scriptType, outScript);

        private static unsafe void GetOrCreateScriptBridgeForType(Type scriptType, godot_ref* outScript)
            lock (_scriptTypeBiMap.ReadWriteLock)
                if (_scriptTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptPtr(scriptType, out IntPtr scriptPtr))
                    // Use existing
                    NativeFuncs.godotsharp_ref_new_from_ref_counted_ptr(out *outScript, scriptPtr);

                // This path is slower, but it's only executed for the first instantiation of the type
                CreateScriptBridgeForType(scriptType, outScript);

        internal static unsafe void GetOrLoadOrCreateScriptForType(Type scriptType, godot_ref* outScript)
            static bool GetPathOtherwiseGetOrCreateScript(Type scriptType, godot_ref* outScript,
                [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string scriptPath)
                lock (_scriptTypeBiMap.ReadWriteLock)
                    if (_scriptTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptPtr(scriptType, out IntPtr scriptPtr))
                        // Use existing
                        NativeFuncs.godotsharp_ref_new_from_ref_counted_ptr(out *outScript, scriptPtr);
                        scriptPath = null;
                        return false;

                    // This path is slower, but it's only executed for the first instantiation of the type

                    if (_pathTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptPath(scriptType, out scriptPath))
                        return true;

                    if (scriptType.IsConstructedGenericType)
                        // If the script type is generic, also try looking for the path of the generic type definition
                        // since we can use it to create the script.
                        Type genericTypeDefinition = scriptType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                        if (_pathTypeBiMap.TryGetGenericTypeDefinitionPath(genericTypeDefinition, out scriptPath))
                            return true;

                    CreateScriptBridgeForType(scriptType, outScript);
                    scriptPath = null;
                    return false;

            static string GetVirtualConstructedGenericTypeScriptPath(Type scriptType, string scriptPath)
                // Constructed generic types all have the same path which is not allowed by Godot
                // (every Resource must have a unique path). So we create a unique "virtual" path
                // for each type.

                if (!scriptPath.StartsWith("res://", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Script path must start with 'res://'.", nameof(scriptPath));

                scriptPath = scriptPath.Substring("res://".Length);
                return $"csharp://{scriptPath}:{scriptType}.cs";

            if (GetPathOtherwiseGetOrCreateScript(scriptType, outScript, out string? scriptPath))
                // This path is slower, but it's only executed for the first instantiation of the type

                if (scriptType.IsConstructedGenericType && !scriptPath.StartsWith("csharp://", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // If the script type is generic it can't be loaded using the real script path.
                    // Construct a virtual path unique to this constructed generic type and add it
                    // to the path bimap so they can be found later by their virtual path.
                    // IMPORTANT: The virtual path must be added to _pathTypeBiMap before the first
                    // load of the script, otherwise the loaded script won't be added to _scriptTypeBiMap.
                    scriptPath = GetVirtualConstructedGenericTypeScriptPath(scriptType, scriptPath);
                    _pathTypeBiMap.Add(scriptPath, scriptType);

                // This must be done outside the read-write lock, as the script resource loading can lock it
                using godot_string scriptPathIn = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(scriptPath);
                if (!NativeFuncs.godotsharp_internal_script_load(scriptPathIn, outScript).ToBool())
                    GD.PushError($"Cannot load script for type '{scriptType.FullName}'. Path: '{scriptPath}'.");

                    // If loading of the script fails, best we can do create a new script
                    // with no path, as we do for types without an associated script file.
                    GetOrCreateScriptBridgeForType(scriptType, outScript);

                if (scriptType.IsConstructedGenericType)
                    // When reloading generic scripts they won't be added to the script bimap because their
                    // virtual path won't be in the path bimap yet. The current method executes when a derived type
                    // is trying to get or create the script for their base type. The code above has now added
                    // the virtual path to the path bimap and loading the script with that path should retrieve
                    // any existing script, so now we have a chance to make sure it's added to the script bimap.
                    AddScriptBridgeCore(outScript->Reference, scriptPath);

        private static unsafe void CreateScriptBridgeForType(Type scriptType, godot_ref* outScript)
            Debug.Assert(!scriptType.IsGenericTypeDefinition, $"Script type must be a constructed generic type or not generic at all. Type: {scriptType}.");

            IntPtr scriptPtr = outScript->Reference;

            // Caller takes care of locking
            _scriptTypeBiMap.Add(scriptPtr, scriptType);


        internal static void RemoveScriptBridge(IntPtr scriptPtr)
                lock (_scriptTypeBiMap.ReadWriteLock)
            catch (Exception e)

        internal static godot_bool TryReloadRegisteredScriptWithClass(IntPtr scriptPtr)
                lock (_scriptTypeBiMap.ReadWriteLock)
                    if (_scriptTypeBiMap.TryGetScriptType(scriptPtr, out _))
                        // NOTE:
                        // Currently, we reload all scripts, not only the ones from the unloaded ALC.
                        // As such, we need to handle this case instead of treating it as an error.
                        return godot_bool.True;

                    if (!_scriptDataForReload.TryGetValue(scriptPtr, out var dataForReload))
                        GD.PushError("Missing class qualified name for reloading script");
                        return godot_bool.False;

                    _ = _scriptDataForReload.TryRemove(scriptPtr, out _);

                    if (dataForReload.assemblyName == null)
                            $"Missing assembly name of class '{dataForReload.classFullName}' for reloading script");
                        return godot_bool.False;

                    var scriptType = ReflectionUtils.FindTypeInLoadedAssemblies(dataForReload.assemblyName,

                    if (scriptType == null)
                        // The class was removed, can't reload
                        return godot_bool.False;

                    if (!typeof(GodotObject).IsAssignableFrom(scriptType))
                        // The class no longer inherits GodotObject, can't reload
                        return godot_bool.False;

                    _scriptTypeBiMap.Add(scriptPtr, scriptType);


                    return godot_bool.True;
            catch (Exception e)
                return godot_bool.False;

        private static unsafe void GetScriptTypeInfo(Type scriptType, godot_csharp_type_info* outTypeInfo)
            Type native = GodotObject.InternalGetClassNativeBase(scriptType);

            string typeName = scriptType.Name;
            if (scriptType.IsGenericType)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                AppendTypeName(sb, scriptType);
                typeName = sb.ToString();

            godot_string className = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(typeName);

            bool isTool = scriptType.IsDefined(typeof(ToolAttribute), inherit: false);

            // If the type is nested and the parent type is a tool script,
            // consider the nested type a tool script as well.
            if (!isTool && scriptType.IsNested)
                isTool = scriptType.DeclaringType?.IsDefined(typeof(ToolAttribute), inherit: false) ?? false;

            // Every script in the GodotTools assembly is a tool script.
            if (!isTool && scriptType.Assembly.GetName().Name == "GodotTools")
                isTool = true;

            bool isGlobalClass = scriptType.IsDefined(typeof(GlobalClassAttribute), inherit: false);

            var iconAttr = scriptType.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false)

            godot_string iconPath = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(iconAttr?.Path);

            outTypeInfo->ClassName = className;
            outTypeInfo->IconPath = iconPath;
            outTypeInfo->IsTool = isTool.ToGodotBool();
            outTypeInfo->IsGlobalClass = isGlobalClass.ToGodotBool();
            outTypeInfo->IsAbstract = scriptType.IsAbstract.ToGodotBool();
            outTypeInfo->IsGenericTypeDefinition = scriptType.IsGenericTypeDefinition.ToGodotBool();
            outTypeInfo->IsConstructedGenericType = scriptType.IsConstructedGenericType.ToGodotBool();

            static void AppendTypeName(StringBuilder sb, Type type)
                if (type.IsGenericType)
                    for (int i = 0; i < type.GenericTypeArguments.Length; i++)
                        Type typeArg = type.GenericTypeArguments[i];
                        AppendTypeName(sb, typeArg);
                        if (i != type.GenericTypeArguments.Length - 1)
                            sb.Append(", ");

        internal static unsafe void UpdateScriptClassInfo(IntPtr scriptPtr, godot_csharp_type_info* outTypeInfo,
            godot_array* outMethodsDest, godot_dictionary* outRpcFunctionsDest, godot_dictionary* outEventSignalsDest, godot_ref* outBaseScript)
                // Performance is not critical here as this will be replaced with source generators.
                var scriptType = _scriptTypeBiMap.GetScriptType(scriptPtr);
                Debug.Assert(!scriptType.IsGenericTypeDefinition, $"Script type must be a constructed generic type or not generic at all. Type: {scriptType}.");

                GetScriptTypeInfo(scriptType, outTypeInfo);

                Type native = GodotObject.InternalGetClassNativeBase(scriptType);

                // Methods

                // Performance is not critical here as this will be replaced with source generators.
                using var methods = new Collections.Array();

                Type? top = scriptType;
                if (scriptType != native)
                    var methodList = GetMethodListForType(scriptType);

                    if (methodList != null)
                        foreach (var method in methodList)
                            var methodInfo = new Collections.Dictionary();

                            methodInfo.Add("name", method.Name);

                            var returnVal = new Collections.Dictionary()
                                { "name", method.ReturnVal.Name },
                                { "type", (int)method.ReturnVal.Type },
                                { "usage", (int)method.ReturnVal.Usage }
                            if (method.ReturnVal.ClassName != null)
                                returnVal["class_name"] = method.ReturnVal.ClassName;

                            methodInfo.Add("return_val", returnVal);

                            var methodParams = new Collections.Array();

                            if (method.Arguments != null)
                                foreach (var param in method.Arguments)
                                    var pinfo = new Collections.Dictionary()
                                        { "name", param.Name },
                                        { "type", (int)param.Type },
                                        { "usage", (int)param.Usage }
                                    if (param.ClassName != null)
                                        pinfo["class_name"] = param.ClassName;


                            methodInfo.Add("params", methodParams);

                            methodInfo.Add("flags", (int)method.Flags);


                *outMethodsDest = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_array_new_copy(

                // RPC functions

                Collections.Dictionary rpcFunctions = new();

                top = scriptType;

                while (top != null && top != native)
                    foreach (var method in top.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance |
                                                          BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
                        if (method.IsStatic)

                        string methodName = method.Name;

                        if (rpcFunctions.ContainsKey(methodName))

                        var rpcAttr = method.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false)

                        if (rpcAttr == null)

                        var rpcConfig = new Collections.Dictionary();

                        rpcConfig["rpc_mode"] = (long)rpcAttr.Mode;
                        rpcConfig["call_local"] = rpcAttr.CallLocal;
                        rpcConfig["transfer_mode"] = (long)rpcAttr.TransferMode;
                        rpcConfig["channel"] = rpcAttr.TransferChannel;

                        rpcFunctions.Add(methodName, rpcConfig);

                    top = top.BaseType;

                *outRpcFunctionsDest = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_dictionary_new_copy(

                // Event signals

                // Performance is not critical here as this will be replaced with source generators.
                using var signals = new Collections.Dictionary();

                if (scriptType != native)
                    var signalList = GetSignalListForType(scriptType);

                    if (signalList != null)
                        foreach (var signal in signalList)
                            string signalName = signal.Name;

                            if (signals.ContainsKey(signalName))

                            var signalParams = new Collections.Array();

                            if (signal.Arguments != null)
                                foreach (var param in signal.Arguments)
                                    var pinfo = new Collections.Dictionary()
                                        { "name", param.Name },
                                        { "type", (int)param.Type },
                                        { "usage", (int)param.Usage }
                                    if (param.ClassName != null)
                                        pinfo["class_name"] = param.ClassName;


                            signals.Add(signalName, signalParams);

                *outEventSignalsDest = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_dictionary_new_copy(

                // Base script

                var baseType = scriptType.BaseType;
                if (baseType != null && baseType != native)
                    GetOrLoadOrCreateScriptForType(baseType, outBaseScript);
                    *outBaseScript = default;
            catch (Exception e)
                *outTypeInfo = default;
                *outMethodsDest = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_array_new();
                *outRpcFunctionsDest = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_dictionary_new();
                *outEventSignalsDest = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_dictionary_new();
                *outBaseScript = default;

        private static List<MethodInfo>? GetSignalListForType(Type type)
            var getGodotSignalListMethod = type.GetMethod(
                BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static |
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);

            if (getGodotSignalListMethod == null)
                return null;

            return (List<MethodInfo>?)getGodotSignalListMethod.Invoke(null, null);

        private static List<MethodInfo>? GetMethodListForType(Type type)
            var getGodotMethodListMethod = type.GetMethod(
                BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static |
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);

            if (getGodotMethodListMethod == null)
                return null;

            return (List<MethodInfo>?)getGodotMethodListMethod.Invoke(null, null);

#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming rule violation
        // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
        // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedField.Local
        private ref struct godotsharp_property_info
            // Careful with padding...
            public godot_string_name Name; // Not owned
            public godot_string HintString;
            public int Type;
            public int Hint;
            public int Usage;
            public godot_bool Exported;

            public void Dispose()
#pragma warning restore IDE1006

        internal static unsafe void GetPropertyInfoList(IntPtr scriptPtr,
            delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string*, void*, int, void> addPropInfoFunc)
                Type scriptType = _scriptTypeBiMap.GetScriptType(scriptPtr);
                GetPropertyInfoListForType(scriptType, scriptPtr, addPropInfoFunc);
            catch (Exception e)

        private static unsafe void GetPropertyInfoListForType(Type type, IntPtr scriptPtr,
            delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, godot_string*, void*, int, void> addPropInfoFunc)
                var getGodotPropertyListMethod = type.GetMethod(
                    BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static |
                    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);

                if (getGodotPropertyListMethod == null)

                var properties = (List<PropertyInfo>?)
                    getGodotPropertyListMethod.Invoke(null, null);

                if (properties == null || properties.Count <= 0)

                int length = properties.Count;

                // There's no recursion here, so it's ok to go with a big enough number for most cases
                // StackMaxSize = StackMaxLength * sizeof(godotsharp_property_info)
                const int StackMaxLength = 32;
                bool useStack = length < StackMaxLength;

                godotsharp_property_info* interopProperties;

                if (useStack)
                    // Weird limitation, hence the need for aux:
                    // "In the case of pointer types, you can use a stackalloc expression only in a local variable declaration to initialize the variable."
                    var aux = stackalloc godotsharp_property_info[StackMaxLength];
                    interopProperties = aux;
                    interopProperties = ((godotsharp_property_info*)NativeMemory.Alloc(
                        (nuint)length, (nuint)sizeof(godotsharp_property_info)))!;

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        var property = properties[i];

                        godotsharp_property_info interopProperty = new()
                            Type = (int)property.Type,
                            Name = (godot_string_name)property.Name.NativeValue, // Not owned
                            Hint = (int)property.Hint,
                            HintString = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(property.HintString),
                            Usage = (int)property.Usage,
                            Exported = property.Exported.ToGodotBool()

                        interopProperties[i] = interopProperty;

                    using godot_string currentClassName = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(type.Name);

                    addPropInfoFunc(scriptPtr, &currentClassName, interopProperties, length);

                    // We're borrowing the native value of the StringName entries.
                    // The dictionary needs to be kept alive until `addPropInfoFunc` returns.
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                    if (!useStack)
            catch (Exception e)

#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming rule violation
        // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
        // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedField.Local
        private ref struct godotsharp_property_def_val_pair
            // Careful with padding...
            public godot_string_name Name; // Not owned
            public godot_variant Value; // Not owned
#pragma warning restore IDE1006

        private delegate bool InvokeGodotClassStaticMethodDelegate(in godot_string_name method, NativeVariantPtrArgs args, out godot_variant ret);

        internal static unsafe godot_bool CallStatic(IntPtr scriptPtr, godot_string_name* method,
            godot_variant** args, int argCount, godot_variant_call_error* refCallError, godot_variant* ret)
            // TODO: Optimize with source generators and delegate pointers.

                Type scriptType = _scriptTypeBiMap.GetScriptType(scriptPtr);

                Type? top = scriptType;
                Type native = GodotObject.InternalGetClassNativeBase(top);

                while (top != null && top != native)
                    var invokeGodotClassStaticMethod = top.GetMethod(
                        BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static |
                        BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);

                    if (invokeGodotClassStaticMethod != null)
                        var invoked = invokeGodotClassStaticMethod.CreateDelegate<InvokeGodotClassStaticMethodDelegate>()(
                            CustomUnsafe.AsRef(method), new NativeVariantPtrArgs(args, argCount), out godot_variant retValue);
                        if (invoked)
                            *ret = retValue;
                            return godot_bool.True;

                    top = top.BaseType;
            catch (Exception e)
                *ret = default;
                return godot_bool.False;

            *ret = default;
            (*refCallError).Error = godot_variant_call_error_error.GODOT_CALL_ERROR_CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD;
            return godot_bool.False;

        internal static unsafe void GetPropertyDefaultValues(IntPtr scriptPtr,
            delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, void*, int, void> addDefValFunc)
                Type? top = _scriptTypeBiMap.GetScriptType(scriptPtr);
                Type native = GodotObject.InternalGetClassNativeBase(top);

                while (top != null && top != native)
                    GetPropertyDefaultValuesForType(top, scriptPtr, addDefValFunc);

                    top = top.BaseType;
            catch (Exception e)

        private static unsafe void GetPropertyDefaultValuesForType(Type type, IntPtr scriptPtr,
            delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, void*, int, void> addDefValFunc)
                var getGodotPropertyDefaultValuesMethod = type.GetMethod(
                    BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Static |
                    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);

                if (getGodotPropertyDefaultValuesMethod == null)

                var defaultValuesObj = getGodotPropertyDefaultValuesMethod.Invoke(null, null);

                if (defaultValuesObj == null)

                Dictionary<StringName, Variant> defaultValues;

                if (defaultValuesObj is Dictionary<StringName, object> defaultValuesLegacy)
                    // We have to support this for some time, otherwise this could cause data loss for projects
                    // built with previous releases. Ideally, we should remove this before Godot 4.0 stable.

                    if (defaultValuesLegacy.Count <= 0)

                    defaultValues = new();

                    foreach (var pair in defaultValuesLegacy)
                        defaultValues[pair.Key] = Variant.CreateTakingOwnershipOfDisposableValue(
                    defaultValues = (Dictionary<StringName, Variant>)defaultValuesObj;

                if (defaultValues.Count <= 0)

                int length = defaultValues.Count;

                // There's no recursion here, so it's ok to go with a big enough number for most cases
                // StackMaxSize = StackMaxLength * sizeof(godotsharp_property_def_val_pair)
                const int StackMaxLength = 32;
                bool useStack = length < StackMaxLength;

                godotsharp_property_def_val_pair* interopDefaultValues;

                if (useStack)
                    // Weird limitation, hence the need for aux:
                    // "In the case of pointer types, you can use a stackalloc expression only in a local variable declaration to initialize the variable."
                    var aux = stackalloc godotsharp_property_def_val_pair[StackMaxLength];
                    interopDefaultValues = aux;
                    interopDefaultValues = ((godotsharp_property_def_val_pair*)NativeMemory.Alloc(
                        (nuint)length, (nuint)sizeof(godotsharp_property_def_val_pair)))!;

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var defaultValuePair in defaultValues)
                        godotsharp_property_def_val_pair interopProperty = new()
                            Name = (godot_string_name)defaultValuePair.Key.NativeValue, // Not owned
                            Value = (godot_variant)defaultValuePair.Value.NativeVar // Not owned

                        interopDefaultValues[i] = interopProperty;


                    addDefValFunc(scriptPtr, interopDefaultValues, length);

                    // We're borrowing the native value of the StringName and Variant entries.
                    // The dictionary needs to be kept alive until `addDefValFunc` returns.
                    if (!useStack)
            catch (Exception e)

        internal static unsafe godot_bool SwapGCHandleForType(IntPtr oldGCHandlePtr, IntPtr* outNewGCHandlePtr,
            godot_bool createWeak)
                var oldGCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(oldGCHandlePtr);

                object? target = oldGCHandle.Target;

                if (target == null)
                    *outNewGCHandlePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                    return godot_bool.False; // Called after the managed side was collected, so nothing to do here

                // Release the current weak handle and replace it with a strong handle.
                var newGCHandle = createWeak.ToBool() ?
                    CustomGCHandle.AllocWeak(target) :

                *outNewGCHandlePtr = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(newGCHandle);
                return godot_bool.True;
            catch (Exception e)
                *outNewGCHandlePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                return godot_bool.False;