
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include "inc/Collider.h"
#include "inc/Segment.h"
#include "inc/Slot.h"
#include "inc/GlyphCache.h"
#include "inc/Sparse.h"

#define ISQRT2

// Possible rounding error for subbox boundaries: 0.016 = 1/64 = 1/256 * 4
// (values in font range from 0..256)
// #define SUBBOX_RND_ERR 0.016


////    SHIFT-COLLIDER    ////

// Initialize the Collider to hold the basic movement limits for the
// target slot, the one we are focusing on fixing.
bool ShiftCollider::initSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *aSlot, const Rect &limit, float margin, float marginWeight,
    const Position &currShift, const Position &currOffset, int dir, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)

template <class O>
float sdm(float vi, float va, float mx, float my, O op)

// Mark an area with a cost that can vary along the x or y axis. The region is expressed in terms of the centre of the target glyph in each axis
void ShiftCollider::addBox_slope(bool isx, const Rect &box, const BBox &bb, const SlantBox &sb, const Position &org, float weight, float m, bool minright, int axis)

// Mark an area with an absolute cost, making it completely inaccessible.
inline void ShiftCollider::removeBox(const Rect &box, const BBox &bb, const SlantBox &sb, const Position &org, int axis)

// Adjust the movement limits for the target to avoid having it collide
// with the given neighbor slot. Also determine if there is in fact a collision
// between the target and the given slot.
bool ShiftCollider::mergeSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, const SlotCollision *cslot, const Position &currShift,
		bool isAfter,  // slot is logically after _target
		bool sameCluster, bool &hasCol, bool isExclusion,
        GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout )
{}   // end of ShiftCollider::mergeSlot

// Figure out where to move the target glyph to, and return the amount to shift by.
Position ShiftCollider::resolve(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Segment *seg, bool &isCol, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
{}   // end of ShiftCollider::resolve


void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbg(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg, int axis)
    int axisMax = axis;
    if (axis < 0) // output all axes
        *dbgout << "gid" << _target->gid()
            << "limit" << _limit
            << "target" << json::object
                << "origin" << _target->origin()
                << "margin" << _margin
                << "bbox" << seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(_target->gid())
                << "slantbox" << seg->getFace()->glyphs().slant(_target->gid())
                << json::close; // target object
        *dbgout << "ranges" << json::array;
        axis = 0;
        axisMax = 3;
    for (int iAxis = axis; iAxis <= axisMax; ++iAxis)
        *dbgout << json::flat << json::array << _ranges[iAxis].position();
        for (Zones::const_iterator s = _ranges[iAxis].begin(), e = _ranges[iAxis].end(); s != e; ++s)
            *dbgout << json::flat << json::array
                        << Position(s->x, s->xm) << s->sm << s->smx << s->c
                    << json::close;
        *dbgout << json::close;
    if (axis < axisMax) // looped through the _ranges array for all axes
        *dbgout << json::close; // ranges array

void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgStartSlot(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg)
        *dbgout << json::object // slot - not closed till the end of the caller method
                << "slot" << objectid(dslot(seg, _target))
				<< "gid" << _target->gid()
                << "limit" << _limit
                << "target" << json::object
                    << "origin" << _origin
                    << "currShift" << _currShift
                    << "currOffset" << seg->collisionInfo(_target)->offset()
                    << "bbox" << seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(_target->gid())
                    << "slantBox" << seg->getFace()->glyphs().slant(_target->gid())
                    << "fix" << "shift";
        *dbgout     << json::close; // target object

void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgEndSlot(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout,
	 Position resultPos, int bestAxis, bool isCol)
    *dbgout << json::close // vectors array
    << "result" << resultPos
	//<< "scraping" << _scraping[bestAxis]
	<< "bestAxis" << bestAxis
    << "stillBad" << isCol
    << json::close; // slot object

void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgOneVector(json * const dbgout, Segment *seg, int axis,
	float tleft, float bestCost, float bestVal)
	const char * label;
	switch (axis)
		case 0:	label = "x";			break;
		case 1:	label = "y";			break;
		case 2:	label = "sum (NE-SW)";	break;
		case 3:	label = "diff (NW-SE)";	break;
		default: label = "???";			break;

	*dbgout << json::object // vector
		<< "direction" << label
		<< "targetMin" << tleft;

	outputJsonDbgRemovals(dbgout, axis, seg);

    *dbgout << "ranges";
    outputJsonDbg(dbgout, seg, axis);

    *dbgout << "bestCost" << bestCost
        << "bestVal" << bestVal + tleft
        << json::close; // vectors object

void ShiftCollider::outputJsonDbgRemovals(json * const dbgout, int axis, Segment *seg)
    *dbgout << "removals" << json::array;
    *dbgout << json::close; // removals array

#endif // !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING

////    KERN-COLLIDER    ////

static float localmax (float al, float au, float bl, float bu, float x)

static float localmin(float al, float au, float bl, float bu, float x)

// Return the given edge of the glyph at height y, taking any slant box into account.
static float get_edge(Segment *seg, const Slot *s, const Position &shift, float y, float width, float margin, bool isRight)

bool KernCollider::initSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *aSlot, const Rect &limit, float margin,
    const Position &currShift, const Position &offsetPrev, int dir,
    float ymin, float ymax, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
{}   // end of KernCollider::initSlot

// Determine how much the target slot needs to kern away from the given slot.
// In other words, merge information from given slot's position with what the target slot knows
// about how it can kern.
// Return false if we know there is no collision, true if we think there might be one.
bool KernCollider::mergeSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot, const Position &currShift, float currSpace, int dir, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
{}   // end of KernCollider::mergeSlot

// Return the amount to kern by.
Position KernCollider::resolve(GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Segment *seg, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Slot *slot,
        int dir, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout)
{}   // end of KernCollider::resolve

void KernCollider::shift(const Position &mv, int dir)

////    SLOT-COLLISION    ////

// Initialize the collision attributes for the given slot.
SlotCollision::SlotCollision(Segment *seg, Slot *slot)

void SlotCollision::initFromSlot(Segment *seg, Slot *slot)

float SlotCollision::getKern(int dir) const

bool SlotCollision::ignore() const