
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.

#include "inc/Main.h"
#include "inc/debug.h"
#include "inc/Endian.h"
#include "inc/Pass.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include "inc/Segment.h"
#include "inc/Code.h"
#include "inc/Rule.h"
#include "inc/Error.h"
#include "inc/Collider.h"


enum KernCollison



bool Pass::readPass(const byte * const pass_start, size_t pass_length, size_t subtable_base,
        GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face, passtype pt, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED uint32 version, Error &e)

bool Pass::readRules(const byte * rule_map, const size_t num_entries,
                     const byte *precontext, const uint16 * sort_key,
                     const uint16 * o_constraint, const byte *rc_data,
                     const uint16 * o_action,     const byte * ac_data,
                     Face & face, passtype pt, Error &e)

static int cmpRuleEntry(const void *a, const void *b) {}

bool Pass::readStates(const byte * starts, const byte *states, const byte * o_rule_map, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face, Error &e)

bool Pass::readRanges(const byte * ranges, size_t num_ranges, Error &e)

bool Pass::runGraphite(vm::Machine & m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm, bool reverse) const

bool Pass::runFSM(FiniteStateMachine& fsm, Slot * slot) const


Slot * input_slot(const SlotMap &  slots, const int n)
    Slot * s = slots[slots.context() + n];
    if (!s->isCopied())     return s;

    return s->prev() ? s->prev()->next() : (s->next() ? s->next()->prev() : slots.segment.last());

Slot * output_slot(const SlotMap &  slots, const int n)
    Slot * s = slots[slots.context() + n - 1];
    return s ? s->next() : slots.segment.first();

#endif //!defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING

void Pass::findNDoRule(Slot * & slot, Machine &m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm) const


void Pass::dumpRuleEventConsidered(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const RuleEntry & re) const
    *fsm.dbgout << "considered" << json::array;
    for (const RuleEntry *r = fsm.rules.begin(); r != &re; ++r)
        if (r->rule->preContext > fsm.slots.context())
        *fsm.dbgout << json::flat << json::object
                    << "id" << r->rule - m_rules
                    << "failed" << true
                    << "input" << json::flat << json::object
                        << "start" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, -r->rule->preContext)))
                        << "length" << r->rule->sort
                        << json::close  // close "input"
                    << json::close; // close Rule object

void Pass::dumpRuleEventOutput(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const Rule & r, Slot * const last_slot) const
    *fsm.dbgout     << json::item << json::flat << json::object
                        << "id"     << &r - m_rules
                        << "failed" << false
                        << "input" << json::flat << json::object
                            << "start" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, 0)))
                            << "length" << r.sort - r.preContext
                            << json::close // close "input"
                        << json::close  // close Rule object
                << json::close // close considered array
                << "output" << json::object
                    << "range" << json::flat << json::object
                        << "start"  << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, 0)))
                        << "end"    << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, last_slot))
                    << json::close // close "input"
                    << "slots"  << json::array;
    const Position rsb_prepos = last_slot ? last_slot->origin() : fsm.slots.segment.advance();
    fsm.slots.segment.positionSlots(0, 0, 0, fsm.slots.segment.currdir());

    for(Slot * slot = output_slot(fsm.slots, 0); slot != last_slot; slot = slot->next())
        *fsm.dbgout     << dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, slot);
    *fsm.dbgout         << json::close  // close "slots"
                    << "postshift"  << (last_slot ? last_slot->origin() : fsm.slots.segment.advance()) - rsb_prepos
                << json::close;         // close "output" object



bool Pass::testPassConstraint(Machine & m) const

bool Pass::testConstraint(const Rule & r, Machine & m) const

void SlotMap::collectGarbage(Slot * &aSlot)

int Pass::doAction(const Code *codeptr, Slot * & slot_out, vm::Machine & m) const

void Pass::adjustSlot(int delta, Slot * & slot_out, SlotMap & smap) const

bool Pass::collisionShift(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const

bool Pass::collisionKern(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const

bool Pass::collisionFinish(Segment *seg, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout) const

// Can slot s be kerned, or is it attached to something that can be kerned?
static bool inKernCluster(Segment *seg, Slot *s)

// Fix collisions for the given slot.
// Return true if everything was fixed, false if there are still collisions remaining.
// isRev means be we are processing backwards.
bool Pass::resolveCollisions(Segment *seg, Slot *slotFix, Slot *start,
        ShiftCollider &coll, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED bool isRev, int dir, bool &moved, bool &hasCol,
        json * const dbgout) const

float Pass::resolveKern(Segment *seg, Slot *slotFix, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Slot *start, int dir,
    float &ymin, float &ymax, json *const dbgout) const