
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.

#include "inc/Segment.h"
#include "inc/Slot.h"
#include "inc/Silf.h"
#include "inc/CharInfo.h"
#include "inc/Rule.h"
#include "inc/Collider.h"


Slot::Slot(int16 *user_attrs) :{}

// take care, this does not copy any of the GrSlot pointer fields
void Slot::set(const Slot & orig, int charOffset, size_t sizeAttr, size_t justLevels, size_t numChars)

void Slot::update(int /*numGrSlots*/, int numCharInfo, Position &relpos)

Position Slot::finalise(const Segment *seg, const Font *font, Position & base, Rect & bbox, uint8 attrLevel, float & clusterMin, bool rtl, bool isFinal, int depth)

int32 Slot::clusterMetric(const Segment *seg, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel, bool rtl)


int Slot::getAttr(const Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex) const


void Slot::setAttr(Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex, int16 value, const SlotMap & map)

int Slot::getJustify(const Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex) const

void Slot::setJustify(Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex, int16 value)

bool Slot::child(Slot *ap)

bool Slot::sibling(Slot *ap)

bool Slot::removeChild(Slot *ap)

void Slot::setGlyph(Segment *seg, uint16 glyphid, const GlyphFace * theGlyph)

void Slot::floodShift(Position adj, int depth)

void SlotJustify::LoadSlot(const Slot *s, const Segment *seg)

Slot * Slot::nextInCluster(const Slot *s) const

bool Slot::isChildOf(const Slot *base) const