
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
*   Copyright (c) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
//  rbbitblb.cpp

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "rbbitblb.h"
#include "rbbirb.h"
#include "rbbiscan.h"
#include "rbbisetb.h"
#include "rbbidata.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "uassert.h"
#include "uvectr32.h"
#include "cmemory.h"


const int32_t kMaxStateFor8BitsTable =;

RBBITableBuilder::RBBITableBuilder(RBBIRuleBuilder *rb, RBBINode **rootNode, UErrorCode &status) :{}

RBBITableBuilder::~RBBITableBuilder() {}

//   RBBITableBuilder::buildForwardTable  -  This is the main function for building
//                               the DFA state transition table from the RBBI rules parse tree.
void  RBBITableBuilder::buildForwardTable() {}

//   calcNullable.    Impossible to explain succinctly.  See Aho, section 3.9
void RBBITableBuilder::calcNullable(RBBINode *n) {}

//   calcFirstPos.    Impossible to explain succinctly.  See Aho, section 3.9
void RBBITableBuilder::calcFirstPos(RBBINode *n) {}

//   calcLastPos.    Impossible to explain succinctly.  See Aho, section 3.9
void RBBITableBuilder::calcLastPos(RBBINode *n) {}

//   calcFollowPos.    Impossible to explain succinctly.  See Aho, section 3.9
void RBBITableBuilder::calcFollowPos(RBBINode *n) {}

//    addRuleRootNodes    Recursively walk a parse tree, adding all nodes flagged
//                        as roots of a rule to a destination vector.
void RBBITableBuilder::addRuleRootNodes(UVector *dest, RBBINode *node) {}

//   calcChainedFollowPos.    Modify the previously calculated followPos sets
//                            to implement rule chaining.  NOT described by Aho
void RBBITableBuilder::calcChainedFollowPos(RBBINode *tree, RBBINode *endMarkNode) {}

//   bofFixup.    Fixup for state tables that include {bof} beginning of input testing.
//                Do an swizzle similar to chaining, modifying the followPos set of
//                the bofNode to include the followPos nodes from other {bot} nodes
//                scattered through the tree.
//                This function has much in common with calcChainedFollowPos().
void RBBITableBuilder::bofFixup() {}

//   buildStateTable()    Determine the set of runtime DFA states and the
//                        transition tables for these states, by the algorithm
//                        of fig. 3.44 in Aho.
//                        Most of the comments are quotes of Aho's psuedo-code.
void RBBITableBuilder::buildStateTable() {}

 * mapLookAheadRules
void RBBITableBuilder::mapLookAheadRules() {}

//   flagAcceptingStates    Identify accepting states.
//                          First get a list of all of the end marker nodes.
//                          Then, for each state s,
//                              if s contains one of the end marker nodes in its list of tree positions then
//                                  s is an accepting state.
void     RBBITableBuilder::flagAcceptingStates() {}

//    flagLookAheadStates   Very similar to flagAcceptingStates, above.
void     RBBITableBuilder::flagLookAheadStates() {}

//    flagTaggedStates
void     RBBITableBuilder::flagTaggedStates() {}

//  mergeRuleStatusVals
//      Update the global table of rule status {tag} values
//      The rule builder has a global vector of status values that are common
//      for all tables.  Merge the ones from this table into the global set.
void  RBBITableBuilder::mergeRuleStatusVals() {}

//  sortedAdd  Add a value to a vector of sorted values (ints).
//             Do not replicate entries; if the value is already there, do not
//                add a second one.
//             Lazily create the vector if it does not already exist.
void RBBITableBuilder::sortedAdd(UVector **vector, int32_t val) {}

//  setAdd     Set operation on UVector
//             dest = dest union source
//             Elements may only appear once and must be sorted.
void RBBITableBuilder::setAdd(UVector *dest, UVector *source) {}

//  setEqual    Set operation on UVector.
//              Compare for equality.
//              Elements must be sorted.
UBool RBBITableBuilder::setEquals(UVector *a, UVector *b) {}

//  printPosSets   Debug function.  Dump Nullable, firstpos, lastpos and followpos
//                 for each node in the tree.
void RBBITableBuilder::printPosSets(RBBINode *n) {
    if (n==nullptr) {
    RBBIDebugPrintf("         Nullable:  %s\n", n->fNullable?"true":"false");

    RBBIDebugPrintf("         firstpos:  ");

    RBBIDebugPrintf("         lastpos:   ");

    RBBIDebugPrintf("         followpos: ");


//    findDuplCharClassFrom()
bool RBBITableBuilder::findDuplCharClassFrom(IntPair *categories) {}

//    removeColumn()
void RBBITableBuilder::removeColumn(int32_t column) {}

 * findDuplicateState
bool RBBITableBuilder::findDuplicateState(IntPair *states) {}

bool RBBITableBuilder::findDuplicateSafeState(IntPair *states) {}

void RBBITableBuilder::removeState(IntPair duplStates) {}

void RBBITableBuilder::removeSafeState(IntPair duplStates) {}

 * RemoveDuplicateStates
int32_t RBBITableBuilder::removeDuplicateStates() {}

//   getTableSize()    Calculate the size of the runtime form of this
//                     state transition table.
int32_t  RBBITableBuilder::getTableSize() const {}

bool RBBITableBuilder::use8BitsForTable() const {}

//   exportTable()    export the state transition table in the format required
//                    by the runtime engine.  getTableSize() bytes of memory
//                    must be available at the output address "where".
void RBBITableBuilder::exportTable(void *where) {}

 *   Synthesize a safe state table from the main state table.
void RBBITableBuilder::buildSafeReverseTable(UErrorCode &status) {}

//   getSafeTableSize()    Calculate the size of the runtime form of this
//                         safe state table.
int32_t  RBBITableBuilder::getSafeTableSize() const {}

bool RBBITableBuilder::use8BitsForSafeTable() const {}

//   exportSafeTable()   export the state transition table in the format required
//                       by the runtime engine.  getTableSize() bytes of memory
//                       must be available at the output address "where".
void RBBITableBuilder::exportSafeTable(void *where) {}

//   printSet    Debug function.   Print the contents of a UVector
void RBBITableBuilder::printSet(UVector *s) {
    int32_t  i;
    for (i=0; i<s->size(); i++) {
        const RBBINode *v = static_cast<const RBBINode *>(s->elementAt(i));
        RBBIDebugPrintf("%5d", v==nullptr? -1 : v->fSerialNum);

//   printStates    Debug Function.  Dump the fully constructed state transition table.
void RBBITableBuilder::printStates() {
    int     c;    // input "character"
    int     n;    // state number

    RBBIDebugPrintf("state |           i n p u t     s y m b o l s \n");
    RBBIDebugPrintf("      | Acc  LA    Tag");
    for (c=0; c<fRB->fSetBuilder->getNumCharCategories(); c++) {
        RBBIDebugPrintf(" %3d", c);
    RBBIDebugPrintf("      |---------------");
    for (c=0; c<fRB->fSetBuilder->getNumCharCategories(); c++) {

    for (n=0; n<fDStates->size(); n++) {
        RBBIStateDescriptor *sd = (RBBIStateDescriptor *)fDStates->elementAt(n);
        RBBIDebugPrintf("  %3d | " , n);
        RBBIDebugPrintf("%3d %3d %5d ", sd->fAccepting, sd->fLookAhead, sd->fTagsIdx);
        for (c=0; c<fRB->fSetBuilder->getNumCharCategories(); c++) {
            RBBIDebugPrintf(" %3d", sd->fDtran->elementAti(c));

//   printSafeTable    Debug Function.  Dump the fully constructed safe table.
void RBBITableBuilder::printReverseTable() {
    int     c;    // input "character"
    int     n;    // state number

    RBBIDebugPrintf("    Safe Reverse Table \n");
    if (fSafeTable == nullptr) {
        RBBIDebugPrintf("   --- nullptr ---\n");
    RBBIDebugPrintf("state |           i n p u t     s y m b o l s \n");
    RBBIDebugPrintf("      | Acc  LA    Tag");
    for (c=0; c<fRB->fSetBuilder->getNumCharCategories(); c++) {
        RBBIDebugPrintf(" %2d", c);
    RBBIDebugPrintf("      |---------------");
    for (c=0; c<fRB->fSetBuilder->getNumCharCategories(); c++) {

    for (n=0; n<fSafeTable->size(); n++) {
        UnicodeString *rowString = (UnicodeString *)fSafeTable->elementAt(n);
        RBBIDebugPrintf("  %3d | " , n);
        RBBIDebugPrintf("%3d %3d %5d ", 0, 0, 0);  // Accepting, LookAhead, Tags
        for (c=0; c<fRB->fSetBuilder->getNumCharCategories(); c++) {
            RBBIDebugPrintf(" %2d", rowString->charAt(c));

//   printRuleStatusTable    Debug Function.  Dump the common rule status table
void RBBITableBuilder::printRuleStatusTable() {
    int32_t  thisRecord = 0;
    int32_t  nextRecord = 0;
    int      i;
    UVector  *tbl = fRB->fRuleStatusVals;

    RBBIDebugPrintf("index |  tags \n");

    while (nextRecord < tbl->size()) {
        thisRecord = nextRecord;
        nextRecord = thisRecord + tbl->elementAti(thisRecord) + 1;
        RBBIDebugPrintf("%4d   ", thisRecord);
        for (i=thisRecord+1; i<nextRecord; i++) {
            RBBIDebugPrintf("  %5d", tbl->elementAti(i));

//   RBBIStateDescriptor     Methods.  This is a very struct-like class
//                           Most access is directly to the fields.

RBBIStateDescriptor::RBBIStateDescriptor(int lastInputSymbol, UErrorCode *fStatus) {}

RBBIStateDescriptor::~RBBIStateDescriptor() {}