
 *  X.509 certificate parsing and verification
 *  Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
 *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
 *  The ITU-T X.509 standard defines a certificate format for PKI.
 *  http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5280.txt (Certificates and CRLs)
 *  http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3279.txt (Alg IDs for CRLs)
 *  http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2986.txt (CSRs, aka PKCS#10)
 *  http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.680-0207.pdf
 *  http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf
 *  [SIRO] https://cabforum.org/wp-content/uploads/Chunghwatelecom201503cabforumV4.pdf

#include "common.h"

#if defined(MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C)

#include "mbedtls/x509_crt.h"
#include "x509_internal.h"
#include "mbedtls/error.h"
#include "mbedtls/oid.h"
#include "mbedtls/platform_util.h"

#include <string.h>

#if defined(MBEDTLS_PEM_PARSE_C)
#include "mbedtls/pem.h"

#include "psa/crypto.h"
#include "psa_util_internal.h"
#include "mbedtls/psa_util.h"
#include "pk_internal.h"

#include "mbedtls/platform.h"

#include "mbedtls/threading.h"

#if defined(MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME)
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(EFIX64) && !defined(EFI32)
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>

#if defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO)
#include <stdio.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(EFIX64) || defined(EFI32)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(__MBED__)
#include <platform/mbed_retarget.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#endif /* __MBED__ */
#include <errno.h>
#endif /* !_WIN32 || EFIX64 || EFI32 */

 * Item in a verification chain: cert and flags for it

 * Max size of verification chain: end-entity + intermediates + trusted root

/* Default profile. Do not remove items unless there are serious security
 * concerns. */
const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile mbedtls_x509_crt_profile_default =;

/* Next-generation profile. Currently identical to the default, but may
 * be tightened at any time. */
const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile mbedtls_x509_crt_profile_next =;

 * NSA Suite B Profile
const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile mbedtls_x509_crt_profile_suiteb =;

 * Empty / all-forbidden profile
const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile mbedtls_x509_crt_profile_none =;

 * Check md_alg against profile
 * Return 0 if md_alg is acceptable for this profile, -1 otherwise
static int x509_profile_check_md_alg(const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                                     mbedtls_md_type_t md_alg)

 * Check pk_alg against profile
 * Return 0 if pk_alg is acceptable for this profile, -1 otherwise
static int x509_profile_check_pk_alg(const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                                     mbedtls_pk_type_t pk_alg)

 * Check key against profile
 * Return 0 if pk is acceptable for this profile, -1 otherwise
static int x509_profile_check_key(const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                                  const mbedtls_pk_context *pk)

 * Like memcmp, but case-insensitive and always returns -1 if different
static int x509_memcasecmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t len)

 * Return 0 if name matches wildcard, -1 otherwise
static int x509_check_wildcard(const char *cn, const mbedtls_x509_buf *name)

 * Compare two X.509 strings, case-insensitive, and allowing for some encoding
 * variations (but not all).
 * Return 0 if equal, -1 otherwise.
static int x509_string_cmp(const mbedtls_x509_buf *a, const mbedtls_x509_buf *b)

 * Compare two X.509 Names (aka rdnSequence).
 * See RFC 5280 section 7.1, though we don't implement the whole algorithm:
 * we sometimes return unequal when the full algorithm would return equal,
 * but never the other way. (In particular, we don't do Unicode normalisation
 * or space folding.)
 * Return 0 if equal, -1 otherwise.
static int x509_name_cmp(const mbedtls_x509_name *a, const mbedtls_x509_name *b)

 * Reset (init or clear) a verify_chain
static void x509_crt_verify_chain_reset(
    mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_chain *ver_chain)

 *  Version  ::=  INTEGER  {  v1(0), v2(1), v3(2)  }
static int x509_get_version(unsigned char **p,
                            const unsigned char *end,
                            int *ver)

 *  Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
 *       notBefore      Time,
 *       notAfter       Time }
static int x509_get_dates(unsigned char **p,
                          const unsigned char *end,
                          mbedtls_x509_time *from,
                          mbedtls_x509_time *to)

 * X.509 v2/v3 unique identifier (not parsed)
static int x509_get_uid(unsigned char **p,
                        const unsigned char *end,
                        mbedtls_x509_buf *uid, int n)

static int x509_get_basic_constraints(unsigned char **p,
                                      const unsigned char *end,
                                      int *ca_istrue,
                                      int *max_pathlen)

 * ExtKeyUsageSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF KeyPurposeId
static int x509_get_ext_key_usage(unsigned char **p,
                                  const unsigned char *end,
                                  mbedtls_x509_sequence *ext_key_usage)

 * SubjectKeyIdentifier ::= KeyIdentifier
 * KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
static int x509_get_subject_key_id(unsigned char **p,
                                   const unsigned char *end,
                                   mbedtls_x509_buf *subject_key_id)

 * AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
 *        keyIdentifier [0] KeyIdentifier OPTIONAL,
 *        authorityCertIssuer [1] GeneralNames OPTIONAL,
 *        authorityCertSerialNumber [2] CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL }
 *    KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
static int x509_get_authority_key_id(unsigned char **p,
                                     unsigned char *end,
                                     mbedtls_x509_authority *authority_key_id)

 * id-ce-certificatePolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 32 }
 * anyPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce-certificatePolicies 0 }
 * certificatePolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation
 * PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
 *     policyIdentifier   CertPolicyId,
 *     policyQualifiers   SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
 *                             PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
 * PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
 *      policyQualifierId  PolicyQualifierId,
 *      qualifier          ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId }
 * -- policyQualifierIds for Internet policy qualifiers
 * id-qt          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-pkix 2 }
 * id-qt-cps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-qt 1 }
 * id-qt-unotice  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-qt 2 }
 * PolicyQualifierId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-qt-cps | id-qt-unotice )
 * Qualifier ::= CHOICE {
 *      cPSuri           CPSuri,
 *      userNotice       UserNotice }
 * CPSuri ::= IA5String
 * UserNotice ::= SEQUENCE {
 *      noticeRef        NoticeReference OPTIONAL,
 *      explicitText     DisplayText OPTIONAL }
 * NoticeReference ::= SEQUENCE {
 *      organization     DisplayText,
 *      noticeNumbers    SEQUENCE OF INTEGER }
 * DisplayText ::= CHOICE {
 *      ia5String        IA5String      (SIZE (1..200)),
 *      visibleString    VisibleString  (SIZE (1..200)),
 *      bmpString        BMPString      (SIZE (1..200)),
 *      utf8String       UTF8String     (SIZE (1..200)) }
 * NOTE: we only parse and use anyPolicy without qualifiers at this point
 * as defined in RFC 5280.
static int x509_get_certificate_policies(unsigned char **p,
                                         const unsigned char *end,
                                         mbedtls_x509_sequence *certificate_policies)

 * X.509 v3 extensions
static int x509_get_crt_ext(unsigned char **p,
                            const unsigned char *end,
                            mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                            mbedtls_x509_crt_ext_cb_t cb,
                            void *p_ctx)

 * Parse and fill a single X.509 certificate in DER format
static int x509_crt_parse_der_core(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                   const unsigned char *buf,
                                   size_t buflen,
                                   int make_copy,
                                   mbedtls_x509_crt_ext_cb_t cb,
                                   void *p_ctx)

 * Parse one X.509 certificate in DER format from a buffer and add them to a
 * chained list
static int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_der_internal(mbedtls_x509_crt *chain,
                                               const unsigned char *buf,
                                               size_t buflen,
                                               int make_copy,
                                               mbedtls_x509_crt_ext_cb_t cb,
                                               void *p_ctx)

int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_der_nocopy(mbedtls_x509_crt *chain,
                                      const unsigned char *buf,
                                      size_t buflen)

int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_der_with_ext_cb(mbedtls_x509_crt *chain,
                                           const unsigned char *buf,
                                           size_t buflen,
                                           int make_copy,
                                           mbedtls_x509_crt_ext_cb_t cb,
                                           void *p_ctx)

int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_der(mbedtls_x509_crt *chain,
                               const unsigned char *buf,
                               size_t buflen)

 * Parse one or more PEM certificates from a buffer and add them to the chained
 * list
int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(mbedtls_x509_crt *chain,
                           const unsigned char *buf,
                           size_t buflen)

#if defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO)
 * Load one or more certificates and add them to the chained list
int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_file(mbedtls_x509_crt *chain, const char *path)

int mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_path(mbedtls_x509_crt *chain, const char *path)
#endif /* MBEDTLS_FS_IO */

#if !defined(MBEDTLS_X509_REMOVE_INFO)
#define PRINT_ITEM(i)

#define CERT_TYPE(type, name)

#define KEY_USAGE(code, name)

static int x509_info_ext_key_usage(char **buf, size_t *size,
                                   const mbedtls_x509_sequence *extended_key_usage)

static int x509_info_cert_policies(char **buf, size_t *size,
                                   const mbedtls_x509_sequence *certificate_policies)

 * Return an informational string about the certificate.
#define BC
int mbedtls_x509_crt_info(char *buf, size_t size, const char *prefix,
                          const mbedtls_x509_crt *crt)

struct x509_crt_verify_string {};

#define X509_CRT_ERROR_INFO
static const struct x509_crt_verify_string x509_crt_verify_strings[] =;
#undef X509_CRT_ERROR_INFO

int mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(char *buf, size_t size, const char *prefix,
                                 uint32_t flags)
#endif /* MBEDTLS_X509_REMOVE_INFO */

int mbedtls_x509_crt_check_key_usage(const mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                     unsigned int usage)

int mbedtls_x509_crt_check_extended_key_usage(const mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                              const char *usage_oid,
                                              size_t usage_len)

#if defined(MBEDTLS_X509_CRL_PARSE_C)
 * Return 1 if the certificate is revoked, or 0 otherwise.
int mbedtls_x509_crt_is_revoked(const mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, const mbedtls_x509_crl *crl)

 * Check that the given certificate is not revoked according to the CRL.
 * Skip validation if no CRL for the given CA is present.
static int x509_crt_verifycrl(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, mbedtls_x509_crt *ca,
                              mbedtls_x509_crl *crl_list,
                              const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                              const mbedtls_x509_time *now)
#endif /* MBEDTLS_X509_CRL_PARSE_C */

 * Check the signature of a certificate by its parent
static int x509_crt_check_signature(const mbedtls_x509_crt *child,
                                    mbedtls_x509_crt *parent,
                                    mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *rs_ctx)

 * Check if 'parent' is a suitable parent (signing CA) for 'child'.
 * Return 0 if yes, -1 if not.
 * top means parent is a locally-trusted certificate
static int x509_crt_check_parent(const mbedtls_x509_crt *child,
                                 const mbedtls_x509_crt *parent,
                                 int top)

 * Find a suitable parent for child in candidates, or return NULL.
 * Here suitable is defined as:
 *  1. subject name matches child's issuer
 *  2. if necessary, the CA bit is set and key usage allows signing certs
 *  3. for trusted roots, the signature is correct
 *     (for intermediates, the signature is checked and the result reported)
 *  4. pathlen constraints are satisfied
 * If there's a suitable candidate which is also time-valid, return the first
 * such. Otherwise, return the first suitable candidate (or NULL if there is
 * none).
 * The rationale for this rule is that someone could have a list of trusted
 * roots with two versions on the same root with different validity periods.
 * (At least one user reported having such a list and wanted it to just work.)
 * The reason we don't just require time-validity is that generally there is
 * only one version, and if it's expired we want the flags to state that
 * rather than NOT_TRUSTED, as would be the case if we required it here.
 * The rationale for rule 3 (signature for trusted roots) is that users might
 * have two versions of the same CA with different keys in their list, and the
 * way we select the correct one is by checking the signature (as we don't
 * rely on key identifier extensions). (This is one way users might choose to
 * handle key rollover, another relies on self-issued certs, see [SIRO].)
 * Arguments:
 *  - [in] child: certificate for which we're looking for a parent
 *  - [in] candidates: chained list of potential parents
 *  - [out] r_parent: parent found (or NULL)
 *  - [out] r_signature_is_good: 1 if child signature by parent is valid, or 0
 *  - [in] top: 1 if candidates consists of trusted roots, ie we're at the top
 *         of the chain, 0 otherwise
 *  - [in] path_cnt: number of intermediates seen so far
 *  - [in] self_cnt: number of self-signed intermediates seen so far
 *         (will never be greater than path_cnt)
 *  - [in-out] rs_ctx: context for restarting operations
 * Return value:
 *  - 0 on success
static int x509_crt_find_parent_in(
    mbedtls_x509_crt *child,
    mbedtls_x509_crt *candidates,
    mbedtls_x509_crt **r_parent,
    int *r_signature_is_good,
    int top,
    unsigned path_cnt,
    unsigned self_cnt,
    mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *rs_ctx,
    const mbedtls_x509_time *now)

 * Find a parent in trusted CAs or the provided chain, or return NULL.
 * Searches in trusted CAs first, and return the first suitable parent found
 * (see find_parent_in() for definition of suitable).
 * Arguments:
 *  - [in] child: certificate for which we're looking for a parent, followed
 *         by a chain of possible intermediates
 *  - [in] trust_ca: list of locally trusted certificates
 *  - [out] parent: parent found (or NULL)
 *  - [out] parent_is_trusted: 1 if returned `parent` is trusted, or 0
 *  - [out] signature_is_good: 1 if child signature by parent is valid, or 0
 *  - [in] path_cnt: number of links in the chain so far (EE -> ... -> child)
 *  - [in] self_cnt: number of self-signed certs in the chain so far
 *         (will always be no greater than path_cnt)
 *  - [in-out] rs_ctx: context for restarting operations
 * Return value:
 *  - 0 on success
static int x509_crt_find_parent(
    mbedtls_x509_crt *child,
    mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca,
    mbedtls_x509_crt **parent,
    int *parent_is_trusted,
    int *signature_is_good,
    unsigned path_cnt,
    unsigned self_cnt,
    mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *rs_ctx,
    const mbedtls_x509_time *now)

 * Check if an end-entity certificate is locally trusted
 * Currently we require such certificates to be self-signed (actually only
 * check for self-issued as self-signatures are not checked)
static int x509_crt_check_ee_locally_trusted(
    mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
    mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca)

 * Build and verify a certificate chain
 * Given a peer-provided list of certificates EE, C1, ..., Cn and
 * a list of trusted certs R1, ... Rp, try to build and verify a chain
 *      EE, Ci1, ... Ciq [, Rj]
 * such that every cert in the chain is a child of the next one,
 * jumping to a trusted root as early as possible.
 * Verify that chain and return it with flags for all issues found.
 * Special cases:
 * - EE == Rj -> return a one-element list containing it
 * - EE, Ci1, ..., Ciq cannot be continued with a trusted root
 *   -> return that chain with NOT_TRUSTED set on Ciq
 * Tests for (aspects of) this function should include at least:
 * - trusted EE
 * - EE -> trusted root
 * - EE -> intermediate CA -> trusted root
 * - if relevant: EE untrusted
 * - if relevant: EE -> intermediate, untrusted
 * with the aspect under test checked at each relevant level (EE, int, root).
 * For some aspects longer chains are required, but usually length 2 is
 * enough (but length 1 is not in general).
 * Arguments:
 *  - [in] crt: the cert list EE, C1, ..., Cn
 *  - [in] trust_ca: the trusted list R1, ..., Rp
 *  - [in] ca_crl, profile: as in verify_with_profile()
 *  - [out] ver_chain: the built and verified chain
 *      Only valid when return value is 0, may contain garbage otherwise!
 *      Restart note: need not be the same when calling again to resume.
 *  - [in-out] rs_ctx: context for restarting operations
 * Return value:
 *  - non-zero if the chain could not be fully built and examined
 *  - 0 is the chain was successfully built and examined,
 *      even if it was found to be invalid
static int x509_crt_verify_chain(
    mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
    mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca,
    mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl,
    mbedtls_x509_crt_ca_cb_t f_ca_cb,
    void *p_ca_cb,
    const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
    mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_chain *ver_chain,
    mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *rs_ctx)

#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#elif (defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)) && _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
/* inet_pton() is not supported, fallback to software version */
#elif defined(__sun)
/* Solaris requires -lsocket -lnsl for inet_pton() */
#elif defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<sys/socket.h>)
#include <sys/socket.h>
#if __has_include(<arpa/inet.h>)
#include <arpa/inet.h>

/* Use whether or not AF_INET6 is defined to indicate whether or not to use
 * the platform inet_pton() or a local implementation (below).  The local
 * implementation may be used even in cases where the platform provides
 * inet_pton(), e.g. when there are different includes required and/or the
 * platform implementation requires dependencies on additional libraries.
 * Specifically, Windows requires custom includes and additional link
 * dependencies, and Solaris requires additional link dependencies.
 * Also, as a coarse heuristic, use the local implementation if the compiler
 * does not support __has_include(), or if the definition of AF_INET6 is not
 * provided by headers included (or not) via __has_include() above.
 * MBEDTLS_TEST_SW_INET_PTON is a bypass define to force testing of this code //no-check-names
 * despite having a platform that has inet_pton. */
#if !defined(AF_INET6) || defined(MBEDTLS_TEST_SW_INET_PTON) //no-check-names
/* Definition located further below to possibly reduce compiler inlining */
static int x509_inet_pton_ipv4(const char *src, void *dst);

#define li_cton

static int x509_inet_pton_ipv6(const char *src, void *dst)
    const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *) src;
    int nonzero_groups = 0, num_digits, zero_group_start = -1;
    uint16_t addr[8];
    do {
        /* note: allows excess leading 0's, e.g. 1:0002:3:... */
        uint16_t group = num_digits = 0;
        for (uint8_t digit; num_digits < 4; num_digits++) {
            if (li_cton(*p, digit) == 0) {
            group = (group << 4) | digit;
        if (num_digits != 0) {
            MBEDTLS_PUT_UINT16_BE(group, addr, nonzero_groups);
            if (*p == '\0') {
            } else if (*p == '.') {
                /* Don't accept IPv4 too early or late */
                if ((nonzero_groups == 0 && zero_group_start == -1) ||
                    nonzero_groups >= 7) {

                /* Walk back to prior ':', then parse as IPv4-mapped */
                int steps = 4;
                do {
                } while (*p != ':' && steps > 0);

                if (*p != ':') {
                if (x509_inet_pton_ipv4((const char *) p,
                                        addr + nonzero_groups) != 0) {

                nonzero_groups += 2;
                p = (const unsigned char *) "";
            } else if (*p != ':') {
                return -1;
        } else {
            /* Don't accept a second zero group or an invalid delimiter */
            if (zero_group_start != -1 || *p != ':') {
                return -1;
            zero_group_start = nonzero_groups;

            /* Accept a zero group at start, but it has to be a double colon */
            if (zero_group_start == 0 && *++p != ':') {
                return -1;

            if (p[1] == '\0') {
    } while (nonzero_groups < 8);

    if (*p != '\0') {
        return -1;

    if (zero_group_start != -1) {
        if (nonzero_groups > 6) {
            return -1;
        int zero_groups = 8 - nonzero_groups;
        int groups_after_zero = nonzero_groups - zero_group_start;

        /* Move the non-zero part to after the zeroes */
        if (groups_after_zero) {
            memmove(addr + zero_group_start + zero_groups,
                    addr + zero_group_start,
                    groups_after_zero * sizeof(*addr));
        memset(addr + zero_group_start, 0, zero_groups * sizeof(*addr));
    } else {
        if (nonzero_groups != 8) {
            return -1;
    memcpy(dst, addr, sizeof(addr));
    return 0;

static int x509_inet_pton_ipv4(const char *src, void *dst)
    const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *) src;
    uint8_t *res = (uint8_t *) dst;
    uint8_t digit, num_digits = 0;
    uint8_t num_octets = 0;
    uint16_t octet;

    do {
        octet = num_digits = 0;
        do {
            digit = *p - '0';
            if (digit > 9) {

            /* Don't allow leading zeroes. These might mean octal format,
             * which this implementation does not support. */
            if (octet == 0 && num_digits > 0) {
                return -1;

            octet = octet * 10 + digit;
        } while (num_digits < 3);

        if (octet >= 256 || num_digits > 3 || num_digits == 0) {
            return -1;
        *res++ = (uint8_t) octet;
    } while (num_octets < 4 && *p++ == '.');
    return num_octets == 4 && *p == '\0' ? 0 : -1;


static int x509_inet_pton_ipv6(const char *src, void *dst)

static int x509_inet_pton_ipv4(const char *src, void *dst)

#endif /* !AF_INET6 || MBEDTLS_TEST_SW_INET_PTON */ //no-check-names

size_t mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_cn_inet_pton(const char *cn, void *dst)

 * Check for CN match
static int x509_crt_check_cn(const mbedtls_x509_buf *name,
                             const char *cn, size_t cn_len)

static int x509_crt_check_san_ip(const mbedtls_x509_sequence *san,
                                 const char *cn, size_t cn_len)

static int x509_crt_check_san_uri(const mbedtls_x509_sequence *san,
                                  const char *cn, size_t cn_len)

 * Check for SAN match, see RFC 5280 Section
static int x509_crt_check_san(const mbedtls_x509_sequence *san,
                              const char *cn, size_t cn_len)

 * Verify the requested CN - only call this if cn is not NULL!
static void x509_crt_verify_name(const mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                 const char *cn,
                                 uint32_t *flags)

 * Merge the flags for all certs in the chain, after calling callback
static int x509_crt_merge_flags_with_cb(
    uint32_t *flags,
    const mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_chain *ver_chain,
    int (*f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *),
    void *p_vrfy)

 * Verify the certificate validity, with profile, restartable version
 * This function:
 *  - checks the requested CN (if any)
 *  - checks the type and size of the EE cert's key,
 *    as that isn't done as part of chain building/verification currently
 *  - builds and verifies the chain
 *  - then calls the callback and merges the flags
 * The parameters pairs `trust_ca`, `ca_crl` and `f_ca_cb`, `p_ca_cb`
 * are mutually exclusive: If `f_ca_cb != NULL`, it will be used by the
 * verification routine to search for trusted signers, and CRLs will
 * be disabled. Otherwise, `trust_ca` will be used as the static list
 * of trusted signers, and `ca_crl` will be use as the static list
 * of CRLs.
static int x509_crt_verify_restartable_ca_cb(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                             mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca,
                                             mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl,
                                             mbedtls_x509_crt_ca_cb_t f_ca_cb,
                                             void *p_ca_cb,
                                             const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                                             const char *cn, uint32_t *flags,
                                             int (*f_vrfy)(void *,
                                                           mbedtls_x509_crt *,
                                                           uint32_t *),
                                             void *p_vrfy,
                                             mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *rs_ctx)

 * Verify the certificate validity (default profile, not restartable)
int mbedtls_x509_crt_verify(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                            mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca,
                            mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl,
                            const char *cn, uint32_t *flags,
                            int (*f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *),
                            void *p_vrfy)

 * Verify the certificate validity (user-chosen profile, not restartable)
int mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_with_profile(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                         mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca,
                                         mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl,
                                         const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                                         const char *cn, uint32_t *flags,
                                         int (*f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *),
                                         void *p_vrfy)

 * Verify the certificate validity (user-chosen profile, CA callback,
 *                                  not restartable).
int mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_with_ca_cb(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                       mbedtls_x509_crt_ca_cb_t f_ca_cb,
                                       void *p_ca_cb,
                                       const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                                       const char *cn, uint32_t *flags,
                                       int (*f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *),
                                       void *p_vrfy)
    return x509_crt_verify_restartable_ca_cb(crt, NULL, NULL,
                                             f_ca_cb, p_ca_cb,
                                             profile, cn, flags,
                                             f_vrfy, p_vrfy, NULL);

int mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_restartable(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt,
                                        mbedtls_x509_crt *trust_ca,
                                        mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl,
                                        const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile,
                                        const char *cn, uint32_t *flags,
                                        int (*f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *),
                                        void *p_vrfy,
                                        mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *rs_ctx)

 * Initialize a certificate chain
void mbedtls_x509_crt_init(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt)

 * Unallocate all certificate data
void mbedtls_x509_crt_free(mbedtls_x509_crt *crt)

 * Initialize a restart context
void mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_init(mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *ctx)

    ctx->parent = NULL;
    ctx->fallback_parent = NULL;
    ctx->fallback_signature_is_good = 0;

    ctx->parent_is_trusted = -1;

    ctx->in_progress = x509_crt_rs_none;
    ctx->self_cnt = 0;

 * Free the components of a restart context
void mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_free(mbedtls_x509_crt_restart_ctx *ctx)
    if (ctx == NULL) {


int mbedtls_x509_crt_get_ca_istrue(const mbedtls_x509_crt *crt)

#endif /* MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C */