
// jpge.cpp - C++ class for JPEG compression. Richard Geldreich <[email protected]>
// Supports grayscale, H1V1, H2V1, and H2V2 chroma subsampling factors, one or two pass Huffman table optimization, libjpeg-style quality 1-100 quality factors.
// Also supports using luma quantization tables for chroma.
// Released under two licenses. You are free to choose which license you want:
// License 1: 
// Public Domain
// License 2:
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// v1.01, Dec. 18, 2010 - Initial release
// v1.02, Apr. 6, 2011 - Removed 2x2 ordered dither in H2V1 chroma subsampling method load_block_16_8_8(). (The rounding factor was 2, when it should have been 1. Either way, it wasn't helping.)
// v1.03, Apr. 16, 2011 - Added support for optimized Huffman code tables, optimized dynamic memory allocation down to only 1 alloc.
//                        Also from Alex Evans: Added RGBA support, linear memory allocator (no longer needed in v1.03).
// v1.04, May. 19, 2012: Forgot to set m_pFile ptr to NULL in cfile_stream::close(). Thanks to Owen Kaluza for reporting this bug.
//                       Code tweaks to fix VS2008 static code analysis warnings (all looked harmless).
//                       Code review revealed method load_block_16_8_8() (used for the non-default H2V1 sampling mode to downsample chroma) somehow didn't get the rounding factor fix from v1.02.
// v1.05, March 25, 2020: Added Apache 2.0 alternate license

#include "jpge.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define JPGE_MAX(a,b)
#define JPGE_MIN(a,b)

namespace jpge {

	static inline void* jpge_malloc(size_t nSize) {}
	static inline void jpge_free(void* p) {}

	// Various JPEG enums and tables.
	enum {};
	enum {};

	static uint8 s_zag[64] =;
	static int16 s_std_lum_quant[64] =;
	static int16 s_std_croma_quant[64] =;

	// Table from http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=20333&p=98008#p98008
	// This is mozjpeg's default table, in zag order.
	static int16 s_alt_quant[64] =;

	static uint8 s_dc_lum_bits[17] =;
	static uint8 s_dc_lum_val[DC_LUM_CODES] =;
	static uint8 s_ac_lum_bits[17] =;
	static uint8 s_ac_lum_val[AC_LUM_CODES] =;
	static uint8 s_dc_chroma_bits[17] =;
	static uint8 s_dc_chroma_val[DC_CHROMA_CODES] =;
	static uint8 s_ac_chroma_bits[17] =;
	static uint8 s_ac_chroma_val[AC_CHROMA_CODES] =;

	// Low-level helper functions.
	template <class T> inline void clear_obj(T& obj) {}

	const int YR =, YG =, YB =, CB_R =, CB_G =, CB_B =, CR_R =, CR_G =, CR_B =;
	static inline uint8 clamp(int i) {}

	static inline int left_shifti(int val, uint32 bits)

	static void RGB_to_YCC(uint8* pDst, const uint8* pSrc, int num_pixels)

	static void RGB_to_Y(uint8* pDst, const uint8* pSrc, int num_pixels)

	static void RGBA_to_YCC(uint8* pDst, const uint8* pSrc, int num_pixels)

	static void RGBA_to_Y(uint8* pDst, const uint8* pSrc, int num_pixels)

	static void Y_to_YCC(uint8* pDst, const uint8* pSrc, int num_pixels)

	// Forward DCT - DCT derived from jfdctint.
	enum {};
#define DCT_DESCALE(x, n)
#define DCT_MUL(var, c)
#define DCT1D(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7)

	static void DCT2D(int32* p)

	struct sym_freq {};

	// Radix sorts sym_freq[] array by 32-bit key m_key. Returns ptr to sorted values.
	static inline sym_freq* radix_sort_syms(uint num_syms, sym_freq* pSyms0, sym_freq* pSyms1)

	// calculate_minimum_redundancy() originally written by: Alistair Moffat, [email protected], Jyrki Katajainen, [email protected], November 1996.
	static void calculate_minimum_redundancy(sym_freq* A, int n)

	// Limits canonical Huffman code table's max code size to max_code_size.
	static void huffman_enforce_max_code_size(int* pNum_codes, int code_list_len, int max_code_size)

	// Generates an optimized offman table.
	void jpeg_encoder::optimize_huffman_table(int table_num, int table_len)

	// JPEG marker generation.
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_byte(uint8 i)

	void jpeg_encoder::emit_word(uint i)

	void jpeg_encoder::emit_marker(int marker)

	// Emit JFIF marker
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_jfif_app0()

	// Emit quantization tables
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_dqt()

	// Emit start of frame marker
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_sof()

	// Emit Huffman table.
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_dht(uint8* bits, uint8* val, int index, bool ac_flag)

	// Emit all Huffman tables.
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_dhts()

	// emit start of scan
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_sos()

	// Emit all markers at beginning of image file.
	void jpeg_encoder::emit_markers()

	// Compute the actual canonical Huffman codes/code sizes given the JPEG huff bits and val arrays.
	void jpeg_encoder::compute_huffman_table(uint* codes, uint8* code_sizes, uint8* bits, uint8* val)

	// Quantization table generation.
	void jpeg_encoder::compute_quant_table(int32* pDst, int16* pSrc)

	// Higher-level methods.
	void jpeg_encoder::first_pass_init()

	bool jpeg_encoder::second_pass_init()

	bool jpeg_encoder::jpg_open(int p_x_res, int p_y_res, int src_channels)

	void jpeg_encoder::load_block_8_8_grey(int x)

	void jpeg_encoder::load_block_8_8(int x, int y, int c)

	void jpeg_encoder::load_block_16_8(int x, int c)

	void jpeg_encoder::load_block_16_8_8(int x, int c)

	void jpeg_encoder::load_quantized_coefficients(int component_num)

	void jpeg_encoder::flush_output_buffer()

	void jpeg_encoder::put_bits(uint bits, uint len)

	void jpeg_encoder::code_coefficients_pass_one(int component_num)

	void jpeg_encoder::code_coefficients_pass_two(int component_num)

	void jpeg_encoder::code_block(int component_num)

	void jpeg_encoder::process_mcu_row()

	bool jpeg_encoder::terminate_pass_one()

	bool jpeg_encoder::terminate_pass_two()

	bool jpeg_encoder::process_end_of_image()

	void jpeg_encoder::load_mcu(const void* pSrc)

	void jpeg_encoder::clear()



	bool jpeg_encoder::init(output_stream* pStream, int width, int height, int src_channels, const params& comp_params)

	void jpeg_encoder::deinit()

	bool jpeg_encoder::process_scanline(const void* pScanline)

	// Higher level wrappers/examples (optional).
#include <stdio.h>

	class cfile_stream : public output_stream

	// Writes JPEG image to file.
	bool compress_image_to_jpeg_file(const char* pFilename, int width, int height, int num_channels, const uint8* pImage_data, const params& comp_params)

	class memory_stream : public output_stream

	bool compress_image_to_jpeg_file_in_memory(void* pDstBuf, int& buf_size, int width, int height, int num_channels, const uint8* pImage_data, const params& comp_params)

} // namespace jpge