
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005  3Dlabs Inc. Ltd.
// Copyright (C) 2012-2015 LunarG, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Google, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 2017 ARM Limited.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
//    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
//    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
//    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
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// Build the intermediate representation.

#include "localintermediate.h"
#include "RemoveTree.h"
#include "SymbolTable.h"
#include "propagateNoContraction.h"

#include <cfloat>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>

namespace glslang {

// First set of functions are to help build the intermediate representation.
// These functions are not member functions of the nodes.
// They are called from parser productions.

// Add a terminal node for an identifier in an expression.
// Returns the added node.

TIntermSymbol* TIntermediate::addSymbol(long long id, const TString& name, const TType& type, const TConstUnionArray& constArray,
                                        TIntermTyped* constSubtree, const TSourceLoc& loc)

TIntermSymbol* TIntermediate::addSymbol(const TIntermSymbol& intermSymbol)

TIntermSymbol* TIntermediate::addSymbol(const TVariable& variable)

TIntermSymbol* TIntermediate::addSymbol(const TVariable& variable, const TSourceLoc& loc)

TIntermSymbol* TIntermediate::addSymbol(const TType& type, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Connect two nodes with a new parent that does a binary operation on the nodes.
// Returns the added node.
// Returns nullptr if the working conversions and promotions could not be found.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addBinaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Low level: add binary node (no promotions or other argument modifications)
TIntermBinary* TIntermediate::addBinaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right,
    const TSourceLoc& loc) const

// like non-type form, but sets node's type.
TIntermBinary* TIntermediate::addBinaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right,
    const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& type) const

// Low level: add unary node (no promotions or other argument modifications)
TIntermUnary* TIntermediate::addUnaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* child, const TSourceLoc& loc) const

// like non-type form, but sets node's type.
TIntermUnary* TIntermediate::addUnaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* child, const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& type)

// Connect two nodes through an assignment.
// Returns the added node.
// Returns nullptr if the 'right' type could not be converted to match the 'left' type,
// or the resulting operation cannot be properly promoted.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addAssign(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right,
    const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Connect two nodes through an index operator, where the left node is the base
// of an array or struct, and the right node is a direct or indirect offset.
// Returns the added node.
// The caller should set the type of the returned node.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addIndex(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* base, TIntermTyped* index,
    const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Add one node as the parent of another that it operates on.
// Returns the added node.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addUnaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* child,
    const TSourceLoc& loc)

TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addBuiltInFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc& loc, TOperator op, bool unary,
    TIntermNode* childNode, const TType& returnType)

// This is the safe way to change the operator on an aggregate, as it
// does lots of error checking and fixing.  Especially for establishing
// a function call's operation on its set of parameters.  Sequences
// of instructions are also aggregates, but they just directly set
// their operator to EOpSequence.
// Returns an aggregate node, which could be the one passed in if
// it was already an aggregate.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::setAggregateOperator(TIntermNode* node, TOperator op, const TType& type,
    const TSourceLoc& loc)

bool TIntermediate::isConversionAllowed(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* node) const

bool TIntermediate::buildConvertOp(TBasicType dst, TBasicType src, TOperator& newOp) const

// This is 'mechanism' here, it does any conversion told.
// It is about basic type, not about shape.
// The policy comes from the shader or the calling code.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::createConversion(TBasicType convertTo, TIntermTyped* node) const

TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addConversion(TBasicType convertTo, TIntermTyped* node) const

// For converting a pair of operands to a binary operation to compatible
// types with each other, relative to the operation in 'op'.
// This does not cover assignment operations, which is asymmetric in that the
// left type is not changeable.
// See addConversion(op, type, node) for assignments and unary operation
// conversions.
// Generally, this is focused on basic type conversion, not shape conversion.
// See addShapeConversion() for shape conversions.
// Returns the converted pair of nodes.
// Returns <nullptr, nullptr> when there is no conversion.
std::tuple<TIntermTyped*, TIntermTyped*>
TIntermediate::addPairConversion(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* node0, TIntermTyped* node1)

// Convert the node's type to the given type, as allowed by the operation involved: 'op'.
// For implicit conversions, 'op' is not the requested conversion, it is the explicit
// operation requiring the implicit conversion.
// Binary operation conversions should be handled by addConversion(op, node, node), not here.
// Returns a node representing the conversion, which could be the same
// node passed in if no conversion was needed.
// Generally, this is focused on basic type conversion, not shape conversion.
// See addShapeConversion() for shape conversions.
// Return nullptr if a conversion can't be done.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addConversion(TOperator op, const TType& type, TIntermTyped* node)

// Convert the node's shape of type for the given type, as allowed by the
// operation involved: 'op'.  This is for situations where there is only one
// direction to consider doing the shape conversion.
// This implements policy, it call addShapeConversion() for the mechanism.
// Generally, the AST represents allowed GLSL shapes, so this isn't needed
// for GLSL.  Bad shapes are caught in conversion or promotion.
// Return 'node' if no conversion was done. Promotion handles final shape
// checking.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addUniShapeConversion(TOperator op, const TType& type, TIntermTyped* node)

// Convert the nodes' shapes to be compatible for the operation 'op'.
// This implements policy, it call addShapeConversion() for the mechanism.
// Generally, the AST represents allowed GLSL shapes, so this isn't needed
// for GLSL.  Bad shapes are caught in conversion or promotion.
void TIntermediate::addBiShapeConversion(TOperator op, TIntermTyped*& lhsNode, TIntermTyped*& rhsNode)

// Convert the node's shape of type for the given type, as allowed by the
// operation involved: 'op'.
// Generally, the AST represents allowed GLSL shapes, so this isn't needed
// for GLSL.  Bad shapes are caught in conversion or promotion.
// Return 'node' if no conversion was done. Promotion handles final shape
// checking.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addShapeConversion(const TType& type, TIntermTyped* node)

bool TIntermediate::isIntegralPromotion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const

bool TIntermediate::isFPPromotion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const

bool TIntermediate::isIntegralConversion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const

bool TIntermediate::isFPConversion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const

bool TIntermediate::isFPIntegralConversion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const

// See if the 'from' type is allowed to be implicitly converted to the
// 'to' type.  This is not about vector/array/struct, only about basic type.
bool TIntermediate::canImplicitlyPromote(TBasicType from, TBasicType to, TOperator op) const

static bool canSignedIntTypeRepresentAllUnsignedValues(TBasicType sintType, TBasicType uintType)

static TBasicType getCorrespondingUnsignedType(TBasicType type)

// Implements the following rules
//    - If either operand has type float64_t or derived from float64_t,
//      the other shall be converted to float64_t or derived type.
//    - Otherwise, if either operand has type float32_t or derived from
//      float32_t, the other shall be converted to float32_t or derived type.
//    - Otherwise, if either operand has type float16_t or derived from
//      float16_t, the other shall be converted to float16_t or derived type.
//    - Otherwise, if both operands have integer types the following rules
//      shall be applied to the operands:
//      - If both operands have the same type, no further conversion
//        is needed.
//      - Otherwise, if both operands have signed integer types or both
//        have unsigned integer types, the operand with the type of lesser
//        integer conversion rank shall be converted to the type of the
//        operand with greater rank.
//      - Otherwise, if the operand that has unsigned integer type has rank
//        greater than or equal to the rank of the type of the other
//        operand, the operand with signed integer type shall be converted
//        to the type of the operand with unsigned integer type.
//      - Otherwise, if the type of the operand with signed integer type can
//        represent all of the values of the type of the operand with
//        unsigned integer type, the operand with unsigned integer type
//        shall be converted to the type of the operand with signed
//        integer type.
//      - Otherwise, both operands shall be converted to the unsigned
//        integer type corresponding to the type of the operand with signed
//        integer type.

std::tuple<TBasicType, TBasicType> TIntermediate::getConversionDestinationType(TBasicType type0, TBasicType type1, TOperator op) const

// Given a type, find what operation would fully construct it.
TOperator TIntermediate::mapTypeToConstructorOp(const TType& type) const

// Safe way to combine two nodes into an aggregate.  Works with null pointers,
// a node that's not a aggregate yet, etc.
// Returns the resulting aggregate, unless nullptr was passed in for
// both existing nodes.
TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::growAggregate(TIntermNode* left, TIntermNode* right)

TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::growAggregate(TIntermNode* left, TIntermNode* right, const TSourceLoc& loc)

TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::mergeAggregate(TIntermNode* left, TIntermNode* right)

TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::mergeAggregate(TIntermNode* left, TIntermNode* right, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Turn an existing node into an aggregate.
// Returns an aggregate, unless nullptr was passed in for the existing node.
TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::makeAggregate(TIntermNode* node)

TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::makeAggregate(TIntermNode* node, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Make an aggregate with an empty sequence.
TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::makeAggregate(const TSourceLoc& loc)

// For "if" test nodes.  There are three children; a condition,
// a true path, and a false path.  The two paths are in the
// nodePair.
// Returns the selection node created.
TIntermSelection* TIntermediate::addSelection(TIntermTyped* cond, TIntermNodePair nodePair, const TSourceLoc& loc)

TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addComma(TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right, const TSourceLoc& loc)

TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addMethod(TIntermTyped* object, const TType& type, const TString* name, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// For "?:" test nodes.  There are three children; a condition,
// a true path, and a false path.  The two paths are specified
// as separate parameters. For vector 'cond', the true and false
// are not paths, but vectors to mix.
// Specialization constant operations include
//     - The ternary operator ( ? : )
// Returns the selection node created, or nullptr if one could not be.
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addSelection(TIntermTyped* cond, TIntermTyped* trueBlock, TIntermTyped* falseBlock,
                                          const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Constant terminal nodes.  Has a union that contains bool, float or int constants
// Returns the constant union node created.

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(const TConstUnionArray& unionArray, const TType& t, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const
TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(signed char i8, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(unsigned char u8, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(signed short i16, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(unsigned short u16, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(int i, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(unsigned int u, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(long long i64, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(unsigned long long u64, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(bool b, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(double d, TBasicType baseType, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

TIntermConstantUnion* TIntermediate::addConstantUnion(const TString* s, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool literal) const

// Put vector swizzle selectors onto the given sequence
void TIntermediate::pushSelector(TIntermSequence& sequence, const TVectorSelector& selector, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Put matrix swizzle selectors onto the given sequence
void TIntermediate::pushSelector(TIntermSequence& sequence, const TMatrixSelector& selector, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Make an aggregate node that has a sequence of all selectors.
template TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addSwizzle<TVectorSelector>(TSwizzleSelectors<TVectorSelector>& selector, const TSourceLoc& loc);
template TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addSwizzle<TMatrixSelector>(TSwizzleSelectors<TMatrixSelector>& selector, const TSourceLoc& loc);
template<typename selectorType>
TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addSwizzle(TSwizzleSelectors<selectorType>& selector, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Follow the left branches down to the root of an l-value
// expression (just "." and []).
// Return the base of the l-value (where following indexing quits working).
// Return nullptr if a chain following dereferences cannot be followed.
// 'swizzleOkay' says whether or not it is okay to consider a swizzle
// a valid part of the dereference chain.
// 'bufferReferenceOk' says if type is buffer_reference, the routine will stop to find the most left node.
// 'proc' is an optional function to run on each node that is processed during the traversal. 'proc' must
// return true to continue the traversal, or false to end the traversal early.

const TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::traverseLValueBase(const TIntermTyped* node, bool swizzleOkay,
                                                      bool bufferReferenceOk,
                                                      std::function<bool(const TIntermNode&)> proc)

// Create while and do-while loop nodes.
TIntermLoop* TIntermediate::addLoop(TIntermNode* body, TIntermTyped* test, TIntermTyped* terminal, bool testFirst,
    const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Create a for-loop sequence.
TIntermAggregate* TIntermediate::addForLoop(TIntermNode* body, TIntermNode* initializer, TIntermTyped* test,
    TIntermTyped* terminal, bool testFirst, const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermLoop*& node)

// Add branches.
TIntermBranch* TIntermediate::addBranch(TOperator branchOp, const TSourceLoc& loc)

TIntermBranch* TIntermediate::addBranch(TOperator branchOp, TIntermTyped* expression, const TSourceLoc& loc)

// Propagate precision from formal function return type to actual return type,
// and on to its subtree.
void TIntermBranch::updatePrecision(TPrecisionQualifier parentPrecision)

// This is to be executed after the final root is put on top by the parsing
// process.
bool TIntermediate::postProcess(TIntermNode* root, EShLanguage /*language*/)

void TIntermediate::addSymbolLinkageNodes(TIntermAggregate*& linkage, EShLanguage language, TSymbolTable& symbolTable)

// Add the given name or symbol to the list of nodes at the end of the tree used
// for link-time checking and external linkage.

void TIntermediate::addSymbolLinkageNode(TIntermAggregate*& linkage, TSymbolTable& symbolTable, const TString& name)

void TIntermediate::addSymbolLinkageNode(TIntermAggregate*& linkage, const TSymbol& symbol)

// Add a caller->callee relationship to the call graph.
// Assumes the strings are unique per signature.
void TIntermediate::addToCallGraph(TInfoSink& /*infoSink*/, const TString& caller, const TString& callee)

// This deletes the tree.
void TIntermediate::removeTree()

// Implement the part of KHR_vulkan_glsl that lists the set of operations
// that can result in a specialization constant operation.
// "5.x Specialization Constant Operations"
//    Only some operations discussed in this section may be applied to a
//    specialization constant and still yield a result that is as
//    specialization constant.  The operations allowed are listed below.
//    When a specialization constant is operated on with one of these
//    operators and with another constant or specialization constant, the
//    result is implicitly a specialization constant.
//     - int(), uint(), and bool() constructors for type conversions
//       from any of the following types to any of the following types:
//         * int
//         * uint
//         * bool
//     - vector versions of the above conversion constructors
//     - allowed implicit conversions of the above
//     - swizzles (e.g., foo.yx)
//     - The following when applied to integer or unsigned integer types:
//         * unary negative ( - )
//         * binary operations ( + , - , * , / , % )
//         * shift ( <<, >> )
//         * bitwise operations ( & , | , ^ )
//     - The following when applied to integer or unsigned integer scalar types:
//         * comparison ( == , != , > , >= , < , <= )
//     - The following when applied to the Boolean scalar type:
//         * not ( ! )
//         * logical operations ( && , || , ^^ )
//         * comparison ( == , != )"
// This function just handles binary and unary nodes.  Construction
// rules are handled in construction paths that are not covered by the unary
// and binary paths, while required conversions will still show up here
// as unary converters in the from a construction operator.
bool TIntermediate::isSpecializationOperation(const TIntermOperator& node) const

// Is the operation one that must propagate nonuniform?
bool TIntermediate::isNonuniformPropagating(TOperator op) const

// Member functions of the nodes used for building the tree.

// Say whether or not an operation node changes the value of a variable.
// Returns true if state is modified.
bool TIntermOperator::modifiesState() const

// returns true if the operator is for one of the constructors
bool TIntermOperator::isConstructor() const

// Make sure the type of an operator is appropriate for its
// combination of operation and operand type.  This will invoke
// promoteUnary, promoteBinary, etc as needed.
// Returns false if nothing makes sense.
bool TIntermediate::promote(TIntermOperator* node)

// See TIntermediate::promote
bool TIntermediate::promoteUnary(TIntermUnary& node)

// Propagate precision qualifiers *up* from children to parent.
void TIntermUnary::updatePrecision()

// See TIntermediate::promote
bool TIntermediate::promoteBinary(TIntermBinary& node)

// See TIntermediate::promote
bool TIntermediate::promoteAggregate(TIntermAggregate& node)

// Propagate precision qualifiers *up* from children to parent, and then
// back *down* again to the children's subtrees.
void TIntermAggregate::updatePrecision()

// Propagate precision qualifiers *up* from children to parent, and then
// back *down* again to the children's subtrees.
void TIntermBinary::updatePrecision()

// Recursively propagate precision qualifiers *down* the subtree of the current node,
// until reaching a node that already has a precision qualifier or otherwise does
// not participate in precision propagation.
void TIntermTyped::propagatePrecision(TPrecisionQualifier newPrecision)

TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::promoteConstantUnion(TBasicType promoteTo, TIntermConstantUnion* node) const

void TIntermAggregate::setPragmaTable(const TPragmaTable& pTable)

// If either node is a specialization constant, while the other is
// a constant (or specialization constant), the result is still
// a specialization constant.
bool TIntermediate::specConstantPropagates(const TIntermTyped& node1, const TIntermTyped& node2)

struct TextureUpgradeAndSamplerRemovalTransform : public TIntermTraverser {};

void TIntermediate::performTextureUpgradeAndSamplerRemovalTransformation(TIntermNode* root)

const char* TIntermediate::getResourceName(TResourceType res)

} // end namespace glslang